Kyle talks about the people who have come and gone over the years and explain why some people are able to stay up on social media and raise funds, while others are completely blacklisted.
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Kyle talks about the people who have come and gone over the years and explain why some people are able to stay up on social media and raise funds, while others are completely blacklisted.
I don’t care if people criticize my articles or disagree with me. I didn’t tell anyone to unpublish them. I never asked for any special privileges. I also never said that I thought White people were too stupid to understand that hoaxes and false flags take place. You can go back and read the comment I wrote which you’re rephrasing and you’re getting it just as wrong as the malice quote. Saying some White people are stupid is not even close to saying all White people are stupid. I was talking about the fact that controlled opposition always gathers a certain number of useful idiots who despite causing damage are actually well intentioned and that real people can be driven to the point where they… Read more »
“… controlled opposition always gathers a certain number of useful idiots who despite causing damage are actually well intentioned and that real people can be driven to the point where they think shooting up a Synagogue is actually a good idea.” See, you may very well be well-intentioned, but the overall effect of your article, published on a site that has continually exposed the many absurdities of hoaxes throughout history, only serves the agenda of reinforcing the jewish narrative, which is the mainstream reality. It’s like going to CODOH and saying, “well, jews really do get people angry at them, and I know how the group mentality works, so I do see how the Holocaust could have happened.” Do you not understand why leaving for… Read more »
I certainly find that suspicious, also I don’t know why this guy’s video was taken down an hour after it was uploaded.
https: //www. bitchute. com/video/Pe2kOWOBRCs2/
But who the fuck is “this guy” & what qualifies him to talk on anyone’s behalf when he says things like “WE don’t need… blah blah blah”? TBH his whiny nasally voice makes him sound WAY more jewish than anybody he’s accusing of anything! These internet nobodies that come crawling out of the rotting woodwork truly are pathetic.
He is an Asian trying to tell White people how to do things, using terms like “we.”
Ah so I was on the right track then – just another easily ignored insignificant nobody using his lips to say words with no substance because he can. Next…
How dare I criticize the wonderful Jim Howe! He’s such a great example of a fine Aryan man! Nice try at trying to frame me as “psychotic” and being sent to a “mental ward”. I was kidnapped and imprisoned for profit. I was trafficked basically. And my parents paid for it. The stench of desperation is over powering.
Yep these pathetic little internet insects attempting to claw their way onto any little grain to get their heads above the ocean of their own waste are the pure definition of Bottom Feeder! When people say the internet has allowed us to get a lot of good out there but has also unleashed a flood of shit, these guys are the shit they refer to.
I thought you were leaving, yet you continue to comment.
The way you two are acting is too ridiculous to be upsetting. You’re like children. Projecting your own irrational state of mind onto others.
You were trying to get people on the Tribune to think that it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that John T. Earnest was just a good boy who was radicalized into shooting off the finger of a Chabad rabbi (who kept preaching) and hit a couple Israelis before calling the police on himself. That’s pretty ridiculous, but I do not think it is childish now, seeing what has unfolded here.
What has unfolded here? Sinead said in her broadcast that she was sick of people betraying Renegade. I then posted a sympathetic comment saying that I hope I don’t come off as suspicious myself. She then said I was suspicious and that she didn’t like my articles. I then decided that I shouldn’t write more articles to avoid future drama. I was trying to be helpful, and then all of a sudden everyone hates me and my articles stink, despite no one complaining about them beforehand. I brought negative attention onto myself, and I can accept that. But if I was actually a subversive agent, why would I bring this attention onto myself? I’m not even mad at either you or Sinead, I’m just disappointed… Read more »
I never received any e mail from you. Also, we let you post that article so you could have the rope to hang yourself with.
This link comes to mind when Kyle mentioned many blacks not understanding that jews are not White. The black in this video calls the jew a “jewish cracker.”
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