Kyle speaks to Dennis Wise about his film The Greatest Story Never Told and asks him about the many arguments that are put forth to make it seem like Hitler was actually working for the jews. They then bring the discussion up to the present days and discuss the issues plaguing our world and what we could do to counter this formidable foe.
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This was a thorough, multi-angled, and very necessary show.
Thanks Kyle and Dennis.
not that odd at all if you support the alternate view of him as a leader
German people are very serious. If Hitler was a Jew shill he would have been outed because the German people have too much integrity not to take notice of these things and speak up about them.
So either he was the real deal, or he was a shill and the NS kept him as a figurehead.
The theory that a Rothschild agent would have been able to fool an entire nation or an organization like the NS and the entire nationalist movement that exploded under Hitler is far fetched.
As if Europeans were not being fooled by today’s agents of the JWO (if they are not simply crypto or even true-blood Jews: Blair, Cameron, May, Johnson, Hollande, Macron[Makaron?), Merkel, Schulz, Steinmeier) into WWIII (clash of civilisations)?
The same holds true for Americans (Bush, Obama, Trump … and you can go back 70-80 years earlier – Douglas Reed’s _Controvery of Z_ [available at the Internet Archive; written mainly in the 1950s) will enlighten anybody who does not know this.
There’s lots of people who are not allowing themselves to be taken in by Trump and his fake Nazis.
The only way the “Hitler was a Jew” theory works is if Jews still had control of the German media. That despite all the antisemitic propaganda and laws prohibiting Jews from having any kind of political influence whatsoever they were actually allowed to remain in positions of power and protect their kosher Fuhrer from criticism once his leadership was questioned. And there’s no evidence to support anything like that. None
Yes, I concede that this is probably the best argument against the Hitler was an agent theory I have come across so far in this discussion.
Unless it was in their interest to wipe out as many ‘Caucasians’ (or ‘Whites’*) as possible, turn Europe into a guilt- and debt-ridden colony and move on to the second part of their grand master plan, the creation of ‘state’ of Israel (WWI having been in my view for laying down the ground work – dismantling of the Ottoman empire, Balfour Declaration, etc) and the establishing of the JWO from Jerusalem.
* Both terms are quasi meaningless.
cannot understand most of dennis wise’ audio.
True 80 years ago (Haplogroup E1b1b1), true today. Explore Geert Wilders (Netherlands), Jean-Marie/Marine Le Pen, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen (France), Tommy Robinson, Paul Golding (UK)…
JTA – They speak different languages and live in different countries. Some of them are strictly observant. Others don’t even keep kosher. Some are Sephardi, others are Ashkenazi.
As diverse as the Jewish communities to which they belong, the Jews who promote Europe’s rising nationalistic parties are nonetheless united in their fear of radical Islam, support for Israel and willingness to endorse politicians who are reviled and considered racist by the mainstream.
[…] http://www.jta.org/2017/03/28/news-opinion/world/why-these-5-european-jews-are-promoting-far-right-parties
The end game is WWIII (clash of civilisations), as foretold in a letter written by Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini. They are able to plan for the really long term. As a reminder, Wilhelm Marr was able to ‘foretell’ the clash between Russia and Germany almost 70 years before it happened…
[…] dieses « letzte Stündlein » des verurtheilten Europa wird in
spätestens 100-150 Jahren schlagen, denn die Entwickelung
geht heute rascher vorwärts als in frühem Jahrhunderten. […]
The ‘last hour’ of doomed Europa will strike at the latest in 100 to 150 years, since events develop more rapidly now, than they did in past centuries. Wilhelm Marr, Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum, 1879
[…] Denn täuschen nicht alle Anzeichen, so steht
dem Judenthum, bevor es zur autokraten Herrschaft gelangt,
noch ein letzter, verzweifelter Anprall der — namentlich
germanischen — Welt bevor. […]
Because, provided not all indications fail us, Jewry will have to face a final, desperate assault particularly by Germanism,
before it will achieve authoritarian dominance.
I wish to qualify my previous statement*. What Wilhem Marr was able to foretell was the disintegration of the Russian Empire (which he saw as the last bulwark against the JWO) and therefore the subsequent, total victory of Judaism over Germany and over the rest of the world. My memory played me a bad trick; I have checked the passage and it does not say was I thought it did say: Von woher dieser Gegenstoss kommen wird ? Sicher nicht vom Germanenthum, denn das liegt in der Agonie. Vielleicht — aber nur sehr vielleicht ! — treten die slavischen Völker dann in den Vordergrund der Bühne der grossen « Tragikomödie » Weltgeschichte. — *‘Wilhelm Marr was able to ‘foretell’ the clash between Russia and Germany… Read more »
[Found it!] Vielleicht ist der Geist, den Ihr in die
abendländische Welt gebracht und dem sich Hoch und
Niedrig sozialpolitisch schon heute beugt, der einzig wahre,
welcher Deutschland die Hegemonie dauernd sichert.
Possibly the spirit which you brought with you to the Occident and to which high and low genuflects socially and politically, is the only true one which will assure Germany hegemony forever.
Fantastic interview. Really informative. Thanks Kyle and dennis.
I watched th history channel the other dayy. It showed films of Hitler during his final days. Apparently he was ill and it showed his arm constantly shaking behind his back. Do you think that soemone was trying to poison him?.
I doubt it. The enter kosher would fell upon Germany. I believe that Hitler was ill, stressed, and sleep deprived. I’m sure by that point in the war Hitler understood the fate awaiting Germany, his people, and himself. I think if someone was trying to poison him we would have heard about it from our media by now. I could be wrong but I have never herd of a conspiracy to poison Hitler, or at the very least a successful attempt.
I don’t think it was clear enough to the Polaks during WW2 that Hitler was fighting Jews and communism, they thought he was just fighting them. Poles were always quite anti-Semitic…but not enough. From what my family told me the German soldiers had a much better reputation and were seen as more honorable and classier than the Ruskies. What our family went through because of commies taking over Poland is I’m sure worse than what would have happened under the Germans. Unfortunately, in Poland right now, where many American troops are stationed, the main propaganda is against the Arabs (wrong target) and the Russians, especially because that one plane with the president and much of the government got taken down in Russia. The chess pieces… Read more »
‘the main propaganda is against the Arabs (wrong target) and the Russians’: (I agree fully) these have been their enemies for centuries; the Arabas for Sefardi, the Russians (Russ) for the Ashkenazi. As Nick Spero said in one of his shows, avoiding the military draft is of paramount importance – even though we are being killed off through ‘silent deaths’ (dangerous chemicals in our food, water and air; unending economic warfare against us, which results in unemployment or super high levels of stress at work).
Thanks much for this show, I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this debate for a few years now. If Hitler was controlled opposition, the jews sure went about things in an ass-backward way. After the first world war, Germany was already on it’s knees, people were starving and dying left and right, the communist party was strong there, and the jews were buying up the whole country. It makes no sense to me, if Hitler was an agent, why would England and the jews need to spend so much energy on propaganda in America and around the world against him, why wouldn’t his speeches have more war rhetoric than peace. Why would the National Socialists bother with things like animal rights, promoting strong… Read more »
Thanks very much. Common sense and facts.
Thank you Kyle and Dennis for finally putting to rest the lies and misinformation about Adolf Hitler, many of them told by alternative media sources. In order to believe some of these fantasies, one would have to dismiss and discount Hitler’s great work “Mein Kampf”, which he wrote as a young man, and which describes his philosophy and political views. He would have to have been a paid actor, reciting his rehearsed lines in his many speeches, all the time working for the Jews. I, for one, would never believe that, and isn’t it time for those who are spouting this nonsense to cease and desist?
This is such an important show and I find Dennis Wise so hard to understand. I need subtitles. I am quite new to this topic and was very hard for me to look at Hitler. I fact up until about 3 years ago, asking me to look at a film of him was like asking me to look at the pizzagte stuff or videos of niggers torturing little kittens; it was nearly impossible and accompanied by strong feeling of disgust. Actual feelings of disgust und repulsion, not just an intellectual unease. I think that is the normal state over here, the brainwash has been very successful, indeed. But even in this state I always thought, that he was depicted like a figure in a graphic… Read more »
Great show. Always enjoy Dennis. His videos are wonderful. Christian zionists believe that jews have to take control of the whole world before their messiah can return. This nonsense is what led to Oliver Cromwell letting the jews back into England. I don’t know if there are enough whites who don’t believe this garbage in government to get together and successfully stage a coup.
Here’s a thought that I haven’t yet heard anyone else put into words. What if the whole “Hitler was a jew shill” meme was just seeded for when his popularity really does start to pick up even more? Then jews could just flip the narrative & use the opposite attack on him the way they do with everything else? We know how absolutely devious, deceptive & disgusting they are & that they always play both sides so as not to get caught in the crossfire so it should come as no surprise that they would’ve already planned this ages ago.
I, for one, subscribe to that theory. To me, its only natural that the Jews would eventually resort to perpetuating the conspiracy that Hitler was a Zionist shill. By supporting the narrative that Hitler was a Zionist it defeats any notion of a true opposition. If you accept the idea that Hitler was a Zionist Rothschild agent you are ultimately left without hope. The Hitler-was-a-Zionist meme discredits Hitler and defeats NS.
Exactly. Same thing as Jesus was a Jew and Hitler was a Rothschild.
No. Not the same thing at all. Only a stupid christard would say something so puerile.
Hassan Nasrallah on Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia By wmw_admin on May 29, 2017 The Saker — May 29, 2017 Excerpts from Hassan Nasrallah`s speech. This man is the leader of true resistance, and has the support of most Muslims. The entire article can be found on The Truthseeker: Today, when we are peoples in our countries who are determined to live in dignity, to remain on our lands… We have not gone to the other end of the world, (we are right) here (at home), we (only) defend our blood, our women, our honor, our property, our homes, our dignity and the future of our children and grandchildren. And that is why we are stronger than the whole world. There is absolutely nothing… Read more »
Excellent guest, excellent show! A few years back when I was just begging to understand that the “New World Order” was really the “Jew World Order” I did, for a time, believe that Hitler and the “Nazis” were agents of the Rothschilds. I was fooled and mislead by the very people mentioned at the start of the show. But once it dawned on me that Hitler was’t the Zionist he was made out to be everything about WW2 became clear. The lies about Hitler being a homosexual, a Zionist, a Rothschild, a Jew, a incestual pedophile, an occult medium, a mental retard, a drug addict, it all seems so ridiculous now.
Yeah, Alex Jones had me believing the Nazis were somehow the epitome of the NWO. It baffles me now and makes no sense, but I just never really looked into these things and only casually listened to what Jones was saying. Most people just don’t have the time and attention to break through the barriers of deception.
I read a decade or so ago that the typhus outbreak in Germany was a Canadian labs contribution to the war. Not that far off considering after World War I did not kill enough goy the “Spanish flue” outbreak was foisted on the west. It started in the U.S. With an “inoculation ” operation on troops. They gave it a foreign name to protect the guilty.
Typhus was spread in hati by the un and now is being spread in Yemin by the same….. They love to kill
This is the Renegade that I love. Pure gold.
Kyle and Dennis have a different idea about Putin, yet no infighting or wierd crap. Just a disagreement, nothing more.
Not trying to prove or disprove anything, I just found this interesting: Jew Cromwell’s siege of Drogheda, in Ireland, took place in September 1649 at the beginning of Cromwell’s conquest of Ireland in order to rape/ murder the Irish and burn the pre-cristian bardic texts and cristian churches. According to Wikipedia, the date was 11 September 1649. http://aangirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2010/10/jewish-plot-to-topple-king.html “September 11” in 1863: “SECRET WORLD GOVERNMENT by the Major General Count Cherep-Spiridovich (Aryan Nobility) where he mentions the Russian’s Tsar’s Armada arriving in the New York harbor on Sept 11, 1863 during the so-called “Civil War” to prevent the US from being split in two and annexed to Maximillian’s Mexico and British Canada, and about how the Antichrist “Turco-Mongols” (Jews) were furious at the house of… Read more »
Add a few words here and there and you have an article ready for the Tribune…
I appreciate that, Mischling, thank you ! You may have noticed, that there is a 9/11 importance displayed by both opposition parties ? which is why I posted this work in progress (and I forgot to edit in the term “Christianized Lands”). These are not all the important events or statements that have occurred on the date Sept’11 in any given year, but as far as I can tell, the 1649 one, Ireland, was the first, seems logical to assume so, and fits a pattern where there is a lot of Projection going on, (hand signals usage of names, surnames and made up names: Spiel berg = Play Mountain, Big Joke). Naturally, the further back in time we go, the harder it gets to acquire… Read more »
It must be an impersonator of Paul Davis…
The conclusion, Kyle, of your playing the devil’s advocate here, must once and for all be, that the Jewish controlled opposition was never Adolf Hitler but people like Christopher Jon Bjerknes working among us today. As I described during your interview with CJB – the 98:2 percent truth:lies method is a very nifty and dangerous way to let us hear what we want and at the same time dismantle the foundation we are standing on. This modus operandi is mastered by people like CJB (who by the way is one of the White looking infiltrating Jews we should learn to recognize and banish from our fora). Since your interview with CJB I hope that a lot more from your audience have recognized the danger combined… Read more »
One of the better comments I have come across since I started spending time here (approx. 3 months ago)… For Kyle: it would be great if people’s handles could be hyperlinked too, so that people could then look at the other comments posted by minds as astute as that of Hugo Ravn.
Downloading now and am going to listen while I workout. This is one of my favorite subjects and Kyle always brings a lot of common sense to these type of discussions.
One of the biggest pieces of evidence that Hitler was not controlled opposition is the fact that he caught Stalin flat-footed in 1941 and destroyed huge amounts of Soviet war equipment. Stalin wanted to overrun, and impose Jewish Communism on Europe after a messy, long and drawn out war had been fought between England/France and Germany. Hitler frustrated those plans. Why? Because Adolf Hitler was a certified commie ass kicker. He was the last champion of Europe. Heil Hitler!
As with Putin, there seems to be almost a (healthy) debate on this topic (here).
Next can you bring back Goodrich for a yearly redpill reminder interview =D
Time marks for the claims: 9:00 Communism in Germany 12:00 Hitler was brainwashed by the Tavistock Institute to make him into a British agent 14:10 Obscene claims of degeneracy 21:00 Hitler was a communist agent 24:30 Hitler’s dealings with zionists; Haavara, money transfers, Palestine 26:50 Hitler’s lineage -Break 28:05- 34:00 Hitler allowed the Rothschilds to operate in Germany 44:10 IG Farbin 47:10 If Hitler wanted to take out the banks, why didn’t he invade Switzerland? 47:40 Message from Wilhelm Canaris, the chief of the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, to the Foreign Minister of Romania and leader Franco of Spain to stay neutral because the Britush was to win the war 49:40 Hitler’s deals with England 52:45 About Operation Barbarossa 55:15 Adolf Hitler was… Read more »
I demand Mr Wise provide an answer for CJB’s damning evidence that Hitler was a zionist because ” rich Jews paid germans to clap with beer and sausages” lol What an absolute clown that guy is.