Kyle speaks to Bill, John from Canada, Thomas, John Smith, and a few others about a variety of topics, such as: Christ insanity, jewish ritual genital mutilation and other insane practices accepted as normal, the lies of equality, reasons to be hopeful, and much more.
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Great pic. I cannot help but associate it with the many visual depictions of ritual murder which have been produced here in Europe throughout the centuries. Surely, it must also have something to do with the evil worship of Moloch Baal. Does anybody know why (male) circumcision became widespread in the USA whereas it is not the case here in Europe? What about Canada (i.e. is it done routinely on babies as – I have read that – it is the case in the USA – if not, why)?
Kellogg pushed it, but it didn’t catch on en masse. In fact most American males over the age of 65 are not circumcised.
The mutilation went mainstream after WWII. The jews started circumcising in military hospitals during the war then implemented it into the med schools through the AMA. The 50’s propaganda told mothers it will prevent cancer, after that it was cervical cancer, UTI’s, phimosis, locker room bullying. Today it prevents AIDS.
Most of the medical patents for devices such as the gomco clamp, plastibell, circumstraint, and others solely are owned by jews. They charge you or your insurer for the unneeded procedure then sell the foreskin for profit.
‘… then sell the foreskin for profit’ what are these foreskins used for then? I heard that placenta remains were used by the pharmaceutical industry, but I did not know about foreskins being used. You are not turning the ‘lampshades from human skin’ hoax back onto them, I hope.
Kyle mentions it 40min18sec into RenegadeRoundtable-2017-05-27, which prompted me to look it up with the keywords foreskin cream on startpage (why give XXX-owned Google your data) and, indeed, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/10/baby-foreskin-facial_n_7040808.html
DR. BRUCE FREEDMAN Rejuvenation Stairway http://hydrafacialco.com/hydrafacial-md-technology/
2min onwards: the segment about Nick. Kyle and Nick, yes, it must weigh on* you as well as it must be terribly frustrating to realise that people are slow to ‘get it’ (i.e. what ‘they’ are doing to us). * no, it must do more than this, it must wear you down.
its called gentile fatigue. constantly thinking as our enemy to combat their disgusting ways can wear one down
Kyle, you are 100% right: audio is (much) better than videocasts. For one thing, there is no (visual) distraction; second, because of this, the impact of what is being said is likely to sink deeper into one’s memory. Keep it this way, please.
well, I do like the short videos he used to post; been trying to convince him to use Periscope some; there is a whole audience on there that we can expose to the site and its content
32min atheism; I was one too. I suspect that atheism is a jewish construct too. I would have to research this topic before reaching a conclusion.
Saviour complex: spot on. It is an excuse for not taking action, for not fighting back.
Hadn’t checked in in a while. Glad to hear Kyle still going full force. I’ve not been to Europe myself and hear there isn’t much church attendance at all, but the questions I have are, if the fog of how Christianity is being used lifts from our race ultimately, what’s the vision for these institutions and their assets/properties? Would they be re-purposed or treated like museums? What of its financial holdings? I check in on E. Michael Jones too, to see where he’s heading with all of this. I do think he has a point that philosophy could get things moving in a better direction (though rarely mentions pagans in Europe. Is referring instead to the conversation with Muslim clerics) but practically speaking, if black… Read more »
38min: there is no apple in the original text. It is an addition from the Middle Ages (4th century) as the Tree of Knowledge was described as ‘lignum scientiae boni et mali’ and ‘mali’ means both evil and apple in medieval Latin, apparently. Never forget that the Bible was tinkered with on several occasions.
“lignum scientiae boni et mali” means in Latin literally, with cases: wood {nom.} of knowledge {gen.} of good {gen.} and of evil {gen.} mali could mean of an/the apple, but in the context would make no sense; why would an apple be ‘bad’ in contrast to an innominate ‘good’? There must be some more coherent explanation for the appearance of the apple in the story. fwiw (imo maybe not much); read instead The British Edda from intro to which by Waddell appears for example: ‘…. his {Thor’s} Rowan-apple “Tree of Life,” Ygg-Drasill, as a symbol of the Sun….’ David Icke is probably responsible for (re)popularising, to some extent, Waddell (obit. 1940), as a source in some of Icke’s earlier more plausible books. I occasionally wonder… Read more »
Thanks for your input. I suspect that the answer lies, as always, with those who messed up the text for x,y and z purposes. I do not know Hebrew, ancient Greek (to be able to compare, say, the Hebrew texts with the Septuagint (translated by Jews) or that version with the Vulgate), nor have I researched the life of the translator of the Vulgate, Jerome, to be able to make any informed comments. PS Nomen is neutral, so nomen nescio . [remember that we say ‘nomen dare’ http://www.lexilogos.com/latin/gaffiot.php?q=nomen%5D. David Icke, mainly a plagiarist and a self-publicist, methinks. However, he also helped me awaken to what is going on and therefore I shall have to purchase one of his books one day as a token of… Read more »
1h10min: iatrogenic (death by medicine/doctors) a very serious matter indeed as there are far more deaths in that way than by all the ‘false flag operations’ that are carried out in your country as well as in Europe on a regularly basis.
Show with Urban Jungle Girl mentioned at 1h10min49sec
http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/solar-storm-urban-jungle-girl-lords-lost-10-2-16/ Kyle speaks to Urban Jungle Girl about the system that is controlling and harming us from conception to grave, all while making a huge profit from our sickness and suffering. Topics include: eugenics vs dysgenics, ultrasounds, vaccines, circumcision, drugging, indoctrination, school, work enslavement, the cost of dying, how we can take our power back as well as fight back, and more.
1h26min correct: we are NOT free in Europe at ALL – btw, the gesture Kyle refers to is called the ‘quenelle’ in French. The tragedy is that most Europeans have been too ‘zombified’ to even be able to realise that they are NOT free at all. In the country where I live, should you question the holocaust in public, and do so repeatedly, you will end up in jail. Freedom, the European way. Europeans take to the streets in support of psy/false flag ops like Charlie Hebdo (and clamour like the parrots they are for the freedom of pouring ridicule on the latter two of the Abrahamic religions) but never do so when bold resistance fighters say anything contrary to the first Abrahamic religion and… Read more »
ZOG. You don’t have to deny / question / ‘contest’ / ‘minimize’ / ‘justify’ / ‘approve’ / ‘trivialize’ / the holocaust. because all those are illegal depending on the country. Agree ‘Yes it happened and it was bad and the Nazis were bad and I don’t deny anything’ and they can’t do anything. All you have to do is act like a Rabbi and point out that it follows Judaism and Zionism. Rabbis have pointed out that the 6 million comes from the Torah. The word holocaust comes from the Torah, etc. It all comes from judaism. I know many will not like this answer but this is a good strategy if you live in a country where ‘Holocaust denial’ is illegal. It’s what convinced… Read more »
Even if illegal to question/deny Holohoax, it is shameful and cowardly to say “it happened, Nazi was bad”. Ridicule these fuckers in defiance. But you must be a real cuck or a JWO agent to so readily slander against National Socialist Germany. Such sentiments are extremely harmful and must be exposed as jewish filth.
That is very poor strategy at best and insidiously plays into the divide and conquer of jewish tactic to fragment all those who oppose jewish criminal world domination.
Great show Kyle. At least the psychos never had Christian infants put under the knife to “circumcise ” their hearts like the early church fathers recommended for the Gentiles. Although one could argue that only a damaged heart could follow along with the sacrificial Jude system. In addition to being brain damaged.
What I got from talking to Canadians about circumcision is that they believed there was something wrong with not being circumcised. They never mentioned hygiene or masturbation or whatever reasons have been put forth because it was already ingrained in their belief system that this is something you had to do. In essence the parents are forced to submit their newborn babies to this barbaric ritual that serves no practical purpose other than establishing Jewish dominance. Just like when Jews insist they have a right to eat meat from animals that have been subjected to inhumane Kosher slaughter. They are saying that our laws don’t apply to them. But that we must abide by their law. It ties into the quote about political correctness. It… Read more »
Thanks for having taken the time to share this information. PS Urban Jungle Girl shares some interesting thoughts on circumcision with Kyle in a preview show, from 27min15sec, http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/solar-storm-urban-jungle-girl-lords-lost-10-2-16/
Circumcision is absolutely perverted, and that it has not been outlawed proves what a fuck-tard system we live in. Restoration is possible, however. It certainly is not nearly as perfect as a natural foreskin, but it is better than that pathetic stump razor-raped men are left with. I highly recommend the DTR restoration device. If you go to foreskinrestore,com, you can see the amazing results of restoration. There really is no need for the mutilated man to continue in that state. Your sex life will improve dramatically after restoration, and your partner will be thrilled with the results. I also highly recommend the book “Sex as Nature Intended It.” Charles Giuliani did a show about the book, if you care to look it up in… Read more »
That’s disappointing but not unexpected to hear. Circumcision has been forced upon us for too long. Circumcision by and large is seen as normal and or expected. Circumcision is child abuse. Where are all the Doctors? Where is the state? Who is even talking about this inhuman practice? Who is looking out for the health of our people and nation? No one; because the Jews wanted it this way.
Kyle said, “I hate living in a retarded world” or something to that affect. Oh, my, can’t we all echo that sentiment.
Your on fire and 100% correct but why is it that so many others that claim they part of this movement lack that fire that energy you truely show in working to make this a better world. I want be on the front lines in this battle not stuck livinng a worthless town filled with hopless people doing battle from a computer.
Sorry I dropped out of the conversation so quickly on Monday. I wanted to talk a bit more on the topic of Jewish slavery. It’s sick when you think about how Jewified we, the non-Jews, have become. Our children are named after Jews. We worship a dead Jew. Our legends and fables are that of Jews. And many of our children have been circumcised at birth just as the Jew God demands. Our culture is not our own. We are living in a Jewish madhouse and too many of our brothers and sisters fail to understand this.
We are living in ”Talmudic times”, talmudic culture . People need to get used to hearing it, because everyone is inwardly ”looking” for an explanation as to why society and culture is so fucked and disgusting. Hopefully hearing a strange word like talmudic, they might be inspired to investigate or ask questions as to what that means. . .
Unfortunate that Nick has to take a hiatus, Circus Maximus puts the hitting in hard hitting talk radio. But if it’s issues that he can solve he’ll hopefully be back.
Best of luck to him.
Crusaders did not kill jews en masse aka “pogroms.” That’s a bunch of horseshit. A few here and there? Okay, possibly. However, industry historians endorse baseless numbers in the tens of thousands across France and Germany which is laughable.
If anything, a few shops were raided and maybe a couple kikes had heart attacks when they weren’t immediately bailed out by their respective archdiocese.
Kyle, your spot on about Christinsanity… thanks for not letting valuable time be wasted on more of it’s nonsense. I share your frustration. All these Abrahamic jew cults and their trillions of offshoots deem themselves so virtuous for having ”one god”…. is it because they are being trained to actually have NO diversity, only one thought towards one common goal of self and total destruction, aka ”end times” – all for the psychotic hope of a ”glorious afterlife”? Please – DO NOT send your son to be edJEWcated. It appears difficult for so many, but we HAVE to take our children out of these soul destroying, pasteurizing, cultural marxist programming centers… Yesterday! The long term effects are devastating. Inability to think has to be one… Read more »
@17m, excellent concise summary by KH of why the Bible does not resonate with the White racial soul; explodes the Jewish nominalism and pilpul of the likes of C.I. too.
– in that connection check out also ‘armouring’.