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8 years ago

Kyle, I can’t thank you enough for all the excellent work you have done with your network and crew on every front. I am on a cell phone so I will keep it brief. Off topic but has anyone like CG or yourself touched on the group that left the states and formed the colony of Americana in South America at the end of our Civil War? I had a job where I traveled a bit and I lived in Ireland and it was so refreshing to make solid friends and not see any turd-skins or worry about being jumped or harassed by the cops. I am almost 60, suffered desegregation, chimp-outs, getting falsely accused and incarcerated in Miami Dade County so I have lived… Read more »

8 years ago

Fun show, Kyle, thanks 🙂

We’re running out of time, not much I personally can do, on pain killers half the time and relegated to taking baby steps to walk. Passing info is the best I can do.
Anyway, The Storm is coming ? isn’t rising up exactly what they want us to do ? Gotta do something, don’t know what. They are better armed than we are, and by the looks, they are decking out Walmart Stores etc as detention centers in coincidence with coming food rations. Myself and Asymmetric Disorder on Twitter brought this up last week, it seems the Trump Hillary thing is not just a fraud, it is a distraction against preparation.

Reply to  Roj Blake
8 years ago

Hey you’re not the only one with crippling health issues. Just set reasonable all around goals for yourself and do what you can. We can do a lot online in terms of spreading the word to others, waking them up, guiding them to solutions, etc. And do yourself a huge favor and get on some Liposomal Vitamin C. Here’s a website with formulas to make it yourself so you can consume more for less: I use the vodka based one. Also get on these core supplements daily: Zinc, Selenium, calcium and magnesium and vitamin E (take the calcium and magnesium at different times for better absorbtion). If you’re on pain killers that are instant release, ie: not extended release, and they have acetametaphine in… Read more »

Reply to  Roj Blake
8 years ago

Roj, have you heard of a Doctor called Dr Eric Berg (has a Youtube channel) you find find some information to help you on his channel.

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

Thanks for the advice, Hermit, Daniel.

My problem is Sciatic Nerve related, but also some suspect lumps in the same general area. I take Tramadol, but only if absolutely necessary, the stuff tends to mess with your mind, lol. 🙂

Cheers !

Reply to  Roj Blake
8 years ago

Tramadol is wretched. I hated that stuff. I puked at least 4 out of 10 times taking it. I also had the extended release so it came in waves. I’m very serious about the supplements I mentioned earlier. All of them benefit the nerves. You should add in daily fish oil and look into supplement with this mushroom that has a growth factor which can help nerves. Fish oil will help with the myelination of your nerves. Mine are in a period of feeling fried from heavy metal poisoning. It comes and goes, I’ve had it last months before. It literally reduces or eliminates the effects of the pain killers I take and I just suffer through it. I know vicodin is stronger (depending… Read more »

Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

All major governments, politicians, media, industries, and celebrities are controlled by jews. They also control 90% of the alternative media imo. Renegade and their few allies are the only light left in this dark jew room; but boy, does it shine bright. The jews are now as brazen with their individual ‘hits’ ( RIP the 4 recent victims ) as they are with the false flags and hoaxes. Remember hosts, these bastards will do anything to derail you and our fight. Remind your close family and loved ones to always be on their guard and vary their movements. They might not always target the front line people to get back at us. PS Wonderful mini rant Kyle at 46mins. I expect and demand a vociferous… Read more »

8 years ago

PUTIN – just another oligarch Jew t So, Putin’s mother Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, was JEWISH, which makes him …………………………………. A JEW And we in the real Truth movement are aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings. So, can anyone explain to me why there are still some people in the Truth movement who refuse to see this glaringly obvious situation?? That these sites STILL portray this sellout to humanity as their superhero. That somehow there is a Russia/West divide. Exactly what the JMSM wants us to believe. It is quite incredible that people who claim to be politically astute cannot see what is going on. That yet again,… Read more »

Reply to  Tero
8 years ago

and these accusations are based on what facts? Again, Alex JOnes style conversation on renegade, this doesnt help.

Anne Eyelater
Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

Hahaha! So funny when KIKES like “Toni” come in here with their thinly veiled kvetching! Slightly annoying as usual but seeing them not being able to hold back is always entertaining and also the reason why they will be ultimately exposed en masse AND dealt with (again)!

Reply to  Anne Eyelater
8 years ago

If nothing else helps accuse the poster of being a Kyke? Jesus wept, c’mon. I raised the question if this claim can be sustained with any facts. If we behave like idiots and cry jew here and there, we look like idiots; and we’re hardly any better than the Alex Jones types. Simple really.

Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

relax renegade, no need for action from your side. My “alex jones style conversation on renegade” comment was aimed at Teros posting which in my opinion helps anyone who wants to discredit anyone who does real research on any topic

8 years ago

Hi Kyle -look forward to listening to this; like your work and really dig Sinead. btw you were great on the incendiary radio last week; really enjoyed it!

8 years ago

There are some “problems” with the “Hagiography” of Victor Thorn (whose real name is Scott Makufka)! Why would a “researcher” use a pseudonym? This is a jewish specialty i.e. Peter Coyote (Rachmil Pinchus Ben Mosha Cohon) Pseudonyms: When Carl Cameron’s stories showed up on Fox, several “pseudonyms” came out of the woodwork, to deflect the attention! Eric Blair (Richard Andrew Grove), Jack Blood (J.C.Clayton), Victor Thorn. To a man. they muddied the waters and focused the alternative media’s attention elsewhere! Victor Thorn threw Christopher Bollyn under the bus at AFP, why? Christopher was arrested, beaten up, and forced to move offshore. Was Scott Makufka ever arrested or forced to move elsewhere? Scott and Lisa at Wingtv .. defended the cops, the ADL, and claimed Bollyn… Read more »

Reply to  rahandsome
8 years ago

Good point, anyone who uses a pen name must be a shill. There’s literally no other reasonable explanation.

Here are some other “shills” to add to your list:

Andrew MacDonald (William Luther Pierce)
Ulick Varange (Francis Parker Yockey)
Leslie Fry (Paquita de Shishmareff)
Richard Harwood (Richard Verral)
Frank Woodruff Johnson (Elizabeth Dilling)

On a serious note, what’s the matter with Christopher Bollyn fans? They all seem “defective”. I guess you’d have to be to follow a guy who speaks hebrew, lived on a kibbutz, and was married to an Israeli involved with military intelligence.

Reply to  Corneliu
8 years ago

Thanks for the reminder on the shady side of Bollyn. I completely forgot about the kibbutz and intel wife. But again, fine details on issues that don’t directly produce anti-jewish action.

Reply to  rahandsome
8 years ago

I see Thorn getting credit for things that independent researchers such as myself were in the thick of back in 2006-08. The facts that Jon Gold and other jews took over the popular 911blogger site was laid out by myself and others on the site. It was right around the time that I was really picking up on surnames and Gold was taking a leading role trying to deflect threads and discussion away from israeli involvement. It was so blatant that it solidified the notion that JEWS not Israeli’s were the problem for me. It’s no different than what Brandon Martinez did in compiling all the evidence that other people had put out on 911 and the jews. Martinez was attempting to gain a following… Read more »

8 years ago

The ending of My last post.. sorry – way too long! There is no proof that this article was written by Scott Makufka –
But someone with the same last name (is Victor Jewish? Is that why He changed his name?) Bollyn claims that Scott Makufka named His son Joshua David! I can’t prove that Scott is Jewish, but I can prove that He ran interference for “them” when it really mattered!

8 years ago

LoL, very good show, killer humour and delivery. Never heard “wank” from Us lips before hahah. Those clips about Trump do not surprise me in the least. If politix is a jew construct then anything that springs forth from it is a jew construct. Red vs Blue is a sham. politics is a fucking sham in it’s premise, the best thing is to stomp the head into the dirt and move on.

8 years ago

With all my respect, but Chris Dorsey s way of presenting isn’t helping the fight. A lot of unfounded accusations. I find it very unprofessional. Trump / Clintons / Clinton Foundation are Russian agents? And then next sentence Russian jewish mafia? Them two don’t go together; they are different things, that’s why Beresovsky / Chodrokovsky / Rich / Lebedev had to move and operate outside of Russia. C’mon chaps; let’s not get down to Alex Jones discussion levels and bring on solid facts and information.

8 years ago

Greetings Kyle, I do really enjoy your show and have started listening weekly! I would like to caution you however, about playing fast and loose with the “facts” about Lana L. I checked the page you mentioned that offers pet relocation services. It is NOT run by Lana and Henrik. It seems that Lana simply provided a testimonial to the company for helping her successfully relocate her cat from Oregon to Sweden — apparently a difficult undertaking. The decent thing to do would be to offer a retraction on your next show.

8 years ago

Wrong Kyle. Lana’s testimonial appears on the home page of the business — not on the the page devoted to military pet relocation. I think a retraction is in order.

Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

Yep, that page definitely says “Military Testimonials”. Hey John, what do you not understand about that? Shilling much? Or are you REALLY “John”?!

Reply to  Jane
8 years ago

Accusing me of Shilling? Well, that’s not unexpected…kind of reminds me of accusing Lana of being an agent of the military on the flimsiest evidence. Has anyone bothered to consider alternate possibilities — perhaps the web designer placed Lana’s testimonial in the WRONG folder? Has anyone bothered to do a search of Lana’s background to ascertain whether she was indeed in the military? Oh, I forgot…she was a secret agent of the military. Guilt by innuendo is just plain wrong. If you have compelling facts, then present them for all to see and judge for themselves. if you don’t, then keep your big mouths shut. BTW, Kyle, your “dumb dumb” comment cost you a $50 donation. Hope it was worth it.

Reply to  John
8 years ago

$25 per “dumb”… How much for a “silly fat git”?

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