Nick starts off by talking about how a guest canceled on him the night before and plays an audio clip, then takes calls from Lark in Texas, Tony in Virgina, Northwoods, Shaun in CA about a variety of topics, such as meeting up in the real world, community building, Communitarianism, and much more.
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I think the next 3-4 months will be very interesting. Do the jews want the ‘lizard woman’ to win? Trump has had a bad couple of weeks in their press – Khan parents, ejecting the crying baby, party leaders turning on him etc. Was Trump just an expensive, willing, controlled opp to guarantee Clinton’s succession? Has his ‘show’ just been to distract people from her criminal, insane behaviour? Will there be the mother of all FF’s at the olympics on the 14th Aug? The vandalism of the Georgia guidestones block with the ‘mm’ and numbers seem to indicate a possible scalar ( or large fire bomb ) at Rio. The hebrew new year on the 3rd Oct ushers in their year 5777. Isn’t this one… Read more »
lol…….a anti jew communist trying to turn communists against jews……classic, nick have you told him karl marx’s real name?
another thought i will throw out there, all this effort to undermine faith in competent government, law and finance coupled with the order out of chaos routine spawning into a one world everything, might (((they))) use this created incompetence to promote a quantum AI global administration of such a technocratic nightmare all the smart fone drones will demand it? probably. great stuff on the meet ups-so important, northwoods, i lol when you said you brought ya dog because i had a flash of those terminator movies were the dogs sniff out the robots 🙂 although these days ya never know, anyways dogs have awesome smell power to sense dodgy intent. another great show nick and guests, cheers
Great intellectualism at work. Food for thought. Glad person to person get together worked so well. Key is get togethers for those ALREADY in the know. There is no more time left for “schooling” . Gather in the sheaves .
Very annoying when people keep interjecting as one person tries to complete a thought. Kept happening when Lark from TX was trying to talk.
Excellent show once again ! “…is using one of their inventions ( communism ) as a way to defeat them. Very bizarre.” Just think of the “BRICS” idea. Yes, the NWO will save us from “jews”, what ? Stories from OrthodoxWiki (while searching for Putin, > “When two jews fight, a third sits and watches” “When Moses saw an Egyptian beating on a Hebrew, Moses killed the Egyptian. When Moses saw a Hebrew beating on a Hebrew, one Hebrew asked, are you going to kill me like you did the Egyptian ? Moses didn’t know what to say and turned and ran away” Of course, when Moses saw “The Burning Bush” and the ten commandments manifested into his head, he was, after all, high on… Read more »
I enjoyed the show and followed up on the information provided by Lark on communitarianism and Niki Raapana; searched and found her ebook and blog. Then they had a program on Nasa Tv for the NASA MissionSTEM Summit 2016 and they some jewess bitch with a power-point and explaining how all the institutions built by White men needed re-engineered without bias against women and non-whites using (((communitarian))) double speak. I can’t believe I kept watching but got even worse when a jap-negroid rep from the office of pres first ladyc started talking diversity. I am sick; I moved to Brevard in 2003 and couldn’t even get a job as janitor at KSC, disgusting. Harry in Florida
Mega set. That clip at 26 minutes ish was pretty thought provoking and just so well explicated. I thought PJW was pretty good until he said there was “no evidence of jew trifling”…. Please, come on… BITCH PLEASE! If anyone says there is no evidence hence they are simply ignoring it, point blank, no excuses.
Personally I completely oppose this whole scheme of “politics” as an artificial abstract form of social organisation. It is a kikestruct in principle from the ground up. It is a COMPLETELY manufactured and contrived abstractional format of herding people along a predesigned path; arguing over red or blue which leads to the same turnstyle is a waste of energy and congnition. I always see it as a Punch and Judy show: it is still a show regardless of which puppet you shout for. This is a crafty design to subvert and direct social orders along a line and funnel energy. The only legitimate form of social order in my opinion is a meritocracy derived from autonomous syntonics, which is dynamic according to the situation; there… Read more »