Kyle relates some of what it was like to screen Hellstorm at a major film festival, the reaction it got, and why this is a great victory. He also discusses the need to stay motivated and takes calls.
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Kyle relates some of what it was like to screen Hellstorm at a major film festival, the reaction it got, and why this is a great victory. He also discusses the need to stay motivated and takes calls.
Many people have been psychologically conditioned to associate “jew” with “victim” and “victimhood”. That conditioning has been reinforced by forcing viewers of jew movies to experience emotional sympathy for “the jews” to the extent that the word “jew” has become a “trigger-word”. Perhaps a version of Hailstorm could be edited to sidestep that trigger-word and use “international bankers” – “globalists” – “communists”, etc. If segments of the audience appear to be shutting down and blocking the message because they’re reaction to a conditioned “trigger-word” – those same people can be reached through the skillful use of language. However, there is much to be said for brute-force strategies and shock in message delivery, and Hailstorm certainly does both. Tom Goodrich and Kyle Hunt both deserve our… Read more »
I have concerns about copyright issues for a project I’m working on. I hear from people like Jim Rizoli, Diane King that demands are being made by the platform that sources of excerpted work be checked with. In their case the revisionists all confirmed permission, but I see increasing flak from whites’ enemies coming through the intellectual property angle. I’m surprised Lana Lokteff hasn’t run into copyright violation complaints for her videos given that Red Ice makes money off content and artistic works (like in her video on George Lopez’ sitcom) are more protected under fair use. I also wonder if Sineads videos might engender more obstructionism along these lines. Does anyone have an opinion on this? I’m assuming that Hellstorm’s sources were historical and… Read more »
Just realized, Sinead’s videos are parodies, which are protected under fair use. It’s using parts of creative work and profiting without parodying that is a gray area I can’t imagine the jews will continue to ignore… Since IP is mostly federal court any gray area they can threaten over works to their benefit…the costs of fighting are prohhibitive…
Review “Fair Use”. The four factors courts consider are: the purpose and character of your use the nature of the copyrighted work the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and the effect of the use upon the potential market. Some interesting case examples for you: Fair use. Publisher Larry Flynt made disparaging statements about the Reverend Jerry Falwell on one page of Hustler magazine. Rev. Falwell made several hundred thousand copies of the page and distributed them as part of a fund-raising effort. Important factors: Rev. Falwell’s copying did not diminish the sales of the magazine (since it was already off the market) and would not adversely affect the marketability of back issues. (Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Moral Majority, Inc., 606 F. Supp. 1526… Read more »
Well done m8! THis is excellent news. I have been posting Hellstorm on the PEGIDA and other Austrian activist pages on FB, if it hasnt been censored or trashed by the zberg squad. But I regularly drop them in from time to time.
Hellstorm despite production was wall to wall pure mallet to the face content, right in the dropzone. Well played sir!
By production I didn’t mean it was poor, just different to what people would expect of a lengthy documentary. It was more raw.
Congratulations Kyle. So great to see hard work rewarded. Glad I contributed some shekels.
Yes, congratulations, Kyle. It takes balls to do what you did. Kudos. Oh, by the way, I think you will be interested in reading this book: Eugen Dühring on the Jews by Dr. Alexander Jacob (230 pages) http://116.imagebam.com/download/iHMpyBwAzRxS5TVDL-YxoQ/47988/479874897/eugen_d%C3%83%C2%BChring.jpg A translation of Dühring’s THE JEWISH QUESTION A racial, moral and cultural question with a world-historical answer (2nd edition, 1881) https://archive.org/download/EugenDuhringOnTheJews/Eugen%20Duhring%20on%20the%20Jews.pdf “it lies in the interest of a noble mankind, thus of a true humanity and culture, that this obscurantism of religion which has up to now covered up and protected the worst characteristics of the Jews with its darkness be fully removed so that the Jew may be revealed to us in his natural and inalienable constitution.”–Eugen Karl Dühring, German philosopher and economist, a socialist who… Read more »
Excellent work Kyle. Attack the you know whos from the left, not from the right.
Good work, KH.
“Normalizing the discourse” was the buzzterm in WN 6 or 7 years ago, but that has morphed into holo-avoidance, philosemitism and saying we’re the REAL right. This actually perverts the discourse of race and truth because we all know the holo didn’t happen, the Jews are our enemy, and as nationalists we rise way above the left/right bullshit (Toni).