Solar Storm: The Engineered Opioid Plague & Genocidal Agendas Around the World (6-30-19)

For the first hour Kyle speaks to a mother who lost her son to opioid addiction about what is happening to so many White people in America now. In the second hour Kyle reviews a number of stories he put out on the Tribune this week.

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Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

I understand as humans, we all grieve in different ways, but i don’t get the “oh well, what’s to be done” vibe from this mother. Her son was slowly murdered over a period of around ten years, but doesn’t name the jewish supremacists ultimately responsible for all these mind & body poisons, when she gets a platform. I would be shouting it from the rooftops, even if i’d only found out a few days ago.

Where was the raw anger and deep-seated sadness, from his passing just three months ago? I think this was a missed opp, for a person who seems very keen on telling her story. Sorry, but that’s just my gut-instinct observation on someone losing a precious child.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

Agree 100% Anthony . The Jews are running the Drug trade -Illegal and Legal .. They own the Pharmaceutical companies as well

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

100% a Jew ran operation … Protocols of Learn Elders (Bnai Brith)……. 9) Circulate vulgar, pornographic literature and pictures and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

I think some ways they give up. My mom has at least 3 tenants that all are on these drugs and get checks. No one helps them but her. She constantly has to call the ambulance will come then the fire dept. when they are wigging out and digging in the yard with bare hands or pulling the stuffing out of their couch or rolling around all over the steps. Its just as hard as dealing with an adult in care facility with mental illness at times. I was surprised to see that this is their “up” time. The drugs once they get them are not like you would think of with tripping or laughing or hallucinating like they used to do years ago… they… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

I am the mother and don’t appreciate the lack of sorrow you claim I am not feeling . Did you want me to sit and cry for a hour ?
Didn’t go on this show to be criticized, there’s already enough of that.
As far as your comment screaming from the roof tops, please share your suggestion

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Barbara
5 years ago

Having listened to Renegade for a few months, you now know the sole group of beings responsible for your son’s untimely death. I may be incorrect, but in an hour interview you didn’t say the word “jew” or “jewish” once. This was the “rooftop” to express your rage and sorrow, and give a voice to your lost son. It wasn’t the jewish gov’t, their self-help groups, their celebs, their police, their mafia or even their petty criminals who sold drugs to your son; it was and is the jews! They are at the top and presently control everything in this world. My point is: you didn’t name the killers of your son, when you had a platform. Many jews or agents come here and act… Read more »

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  renegade
5 years ago

“This is not her area of expertise.”

Listening to a few months of Renegade’s excellent shows would, i have thought, given Barbara all the information required to know those responsible for her son’s death.

Not expressing that realization during the interview, just seems rather strange to me, but then again i haven’t lost a loved one to jewish poisons.

Christian Place
Reply to  Barbara
5 years ago

This may sound like a cop-out but I can understand where Anthony is coming from but I can also understand how losing your family member to drug addiction can drag you down to a feeling of loss and feeling like “what the hell can I really do?” I know from hearing Anthony call in on past shows and hearing what he does on his own to get the word out that he is an individual who will just go out and tell the bitter truth that frankly “its the Jews” to everyone and can explain in detail how they do what they do as parasites in every country they inhabit and now literally living inside the brain of the global modern world. But I believe… Read more »

Reply to  Christian Place
5 years ago

How to we buy land and live in harmony with nature when we’re being genocided? You can’t just run and hide. Do you really think a few White people moving to the woods is going to stop the flooding of our countries with heroin? It won’t. The jews that are flooding us need to be stopped. This is the only way.

Christian Place
Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

How do we stop the Jews? How do we get the parasites out and free our people and give our children a real future? When I woke up 9 years ago I already had two sons and was going through the third indefinite layoff in five years due to “corporate downsizing” based on economic and business trends. Really the assholes in charge sold the company to a much larger company and then National director of our division was an over-paid rich idiot who grew up super rich and couldn’t care less about his employees and gave away half our business so he could have more free time! I am stuck and most of my friends are stuck. I have wealthy family members who got those… Read more »

Reply to  Christian Place
5 years ago

Well said !

Reply to  Christian Place
5 years ago

We keep telling the truth until it has reached a critical mass. How did the people do it the other 109 times? It’s been done many times before and it’s time for the 110th time. There are lots of other people that think like Kyle and I but just don’t want the BS that comes along with speaking publicly (I get it, I hate it too) You ask where all the White men are speaking up. Are you a White man? Are you speaking up? You asked: ‘Don’t you want your life to mean something!? Don’t you want to end this once and for all!? ” My life does mean something and I have done everything in my power to stop this. What have you… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

Dealing with an addict in the family can unfortunately be desensitizing. My father overdosed six years ago. After ten years watching his downward spiral, the entire family basically breathed a sigh of relief when he finally passed. It was awful, but there were years and years of crying before he died. When my mother called me to tell me that he had overdosed at 51, I cried for the first time over him in a long time, but really, I haven’t cried much for him specifically since. I wasn’t aware of the jewish organization behind it all then, but I knew that something, actually everything about the way the state, the rehabs, the laws, even the family behaved (myself included) was wrong, but we didn’t… Read more »

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Amber
5 years ago

My heart goes out to you Amber, your family, and any White family who have lost a loved one to these jewish poisons. Barbara had a chance to name the only entities that murdered her son, and didn’t for whatever reason, take the opportunity. Remove the jews, and all the other proxies she spoke of, fall by the wayside.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

This whole mess is so well designed to conceal the jews. Most people just see the addict because being around one, knowing one, or loving one is so shocking, distressing and traumatizing, it’s hard to see past such foreign behavior. If they look to blame someone else, they might see the addict’s friends or peers, but there’s not much to be done on that level, then the doctors, therapist, surgeons – ”they know what they are doing” so the fault is back on the addict. Judges, counselors, the legal system, the rehabs, ”they are all professionals, and could never be ‘in on it’ or else they would lose their jobs” – blame the addict. ”Society is what it is” so you can’t blame the porn,… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

When your heart breaks from being so close to an addict, over and over again, you lose hope in the person, you lose confidence in yourself as someone who cares because your influence and good intentions are often ignored or ‘out the window’, or just aren’t enough, and you lose hope for humanity, because often literally, all of the world is against you and the addict. Many, if not most ”tune out” and choose one of the 6 million distractions available. ”There’s something for everyone”. For me, living with and watching the end of my father’s life sent me on a quest for the truth. I learned to loathe lies, which is not a popular position as everyone here knows. Even if Barbara were lying… Read more »

Reply to  Amber
5 years ago

My aunt and uncle lost their son to spiked LSD back in the ’70s – he became a violent schizophrenic and is a zombie to this day living in a halfway house. I barely remember the bright adventurous kid he was – I remember a hollowed-out adult that just laid down in front of the TV for hours and then vanished from our lives. Nobody talks about him (including his parents) – we’re not allowed to bring him up – it’s like he died all those decades ago. What you describe Amber, made me think of it – the soul takes flight, the unique character and emotional resonance of that person can be lost – then you grieve that loss before they actually pass away.

Reply to  Amber
5 years ago

Well said Amber

5 years ago

I watched this doc called Seattle is Dying – shocking footage of the trash, tents, sick addicts on the street – much of it due to the rise of opioid addiction. Those interviewed said it’s happened in last three years – city going to sh*t. People trying to fight ‘third-worldization’ and a rising criminal underclass that feels like they can do anything – one addict/repeat offender said he feels ‘exalted.’ It’s driving white flight, but also some stand and fight. Toward the end, they show how RI has a Meds-assisted treatment, but it begins with arrests and jail time for crimes (which Seattle isn’t doing) – with 93% post-release success rate. Of course, it’s more pharma…

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

I will have to watch, literally my screen is screwy off and on and it shifted to make me click DOWN-as they do.
Mom has had some tenants go out into the tent cities too. They are in every state now :O( She tried to get them to get help but some flat out refuse. The city officials are making them teeshirts and networking other things to use them. I believe some of them are Antifa.. thats just my conspiracy theory.

Reply to  southernseamstress
5 years ago

FYI, as usual, that abc doc I mentioned has subtle mk in it – jewish victims (one even has israeli flag behind him as he talks), then at end noting that women of RI came up with a tough-love solution. No mention of germinating root causes – who is behind opioid epidemic, deliberate destruction of america’s cities, agenda 21, the Sacklers, heroin chic, intel darling working the pacific nw (Courtney Love), etc.
Solution (thinking aloud) Confiscate all wealth and assets of those who’ve orchestrated this. Use that to fully investigate and prosecute (into the volcano). Use the billions to transition sick addicts to health, clean up streets.

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

I watched this last night… Yes if you look at the credits its 90% made by the jteam. They want to make sure they control the narrative for this too, after Sinead and Kyles documentary they have to show some sympathy. (cynical) OH it was a shame that jewess had to “move” her boutique because the people were dying in front of her store-HOW SICK!! They showcased the worse of the people instead of lifting them up. Again all about the problem but in the end no solutions and no answers just complaining and leaving the viewer hanging in despair with them :O(.

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

..also to add, it seems like they want to focus of this documentary to be on how now the system has failed and its the police not being supported by officials to further degrade the chain of command with finger pointing deserved or not. These drugs not only are destroying peoples souls but the people are being used as a “sledge hammer” as Urbanjungle girl has said before …. against the police. These crops and chemicals and manufacture facilities need to be destroyed in a massive world wide SWAT raid.

5 years ago

Only listened to first hour so far, but Kyle, just have to mention you demonstrated great compassion when speaking to this mother, not just towards her but towards all the others this epidemic has devastated.

As for Barbara, I think she felt validated by the things you said. They seemed to be things she was thinking and had not yet articulated to herself. Sometimes that happens with good conversations.

I wish Barbara the best and encourage her to let tears come when they will. The loss of a child is never a written playbook and there will always be more chapters to digest.

Reply to  elizabeth
5 years ago

Thank you Elizabeth

5 years ago

There is currently no cure for this. You can send some on a new path and they somehow find a way back. That’s like a few percent. Two things stick out as the best way. One go to rehab and meetings having fallen so low that you can go through a total breakdown and rebuild a changed personality that works. Two, I hear strong drugs that are not addictive, like lsd or others are claiming some permanent personality changes, But you can never forget that extra good feeling and I think that never leaves you.

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