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Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
3 years ago

Here in Melbourne has been a joke. As you read about, they locked us down again for a week. The cases they created are never backed up with any names or evidence. Now the newly appointed Merlino Jew, actually stated that it’s all our fault for not getting vaccinated quick enough that we are in this lockdown again. No joke. It’s a fkn clown show and world. There was protests the same night here. They are so desperate to vaccinate here and telling everyone, even at work, the emails going around saying the free vaccines are ready,make an appointment. The idiots here who have been spooked by the recent lies of the media, have been going inn hordes to get tested. That’s where they can… Read more »

Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
Reply to  Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
3 years ago

Do you remember this Kyle? From years ago on the conspiracy show with Jesse Ventura 😉 the section when he talks to Alec Jones shill and this woman… More projecting their plans

Reply to  Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
3 years ago

Fuck me RT reported that Jesse Ventura just got vaccinated………. I love this Jew World. Best virtual experience of what hell is truly like evaaaa!!!

Reply to  Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
3 years ago

Sounds from your post Anthon you could just as well be describing Canada. As Kyle mentioned, 12-17 year olds are being advised to get jabbed whether parents like it or not. This country has become sick and retarded. All my kids are way older than 17 so I don’t have to face this like some parents who are actually complaining like hell about this insanity. No jab for me or my Wife, that I can tell you.

Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
Reply to  Stephen
3 years ago

I have heard that Canada is following suite with this madness Stephen. Here in Victoria, our state seems to be hit always the hardest, like it’s the example and playground for the ZOG soft kill experiment. Alot of ppl are rushing out to get their mark of the beast, and not telling anyone. Like pathetic cowards they are. I also heard yesterday from a pilot, a contact we know who had to change job and move to another smaller airline due to their being no work for him. That he has heard within that there will be no international open flying until 2025. So the push to get everyone vaccinated and poisoned is just that, with the false promise of them being able to travel… Read more »

Reply to  Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
3 years ago

I’m here in Victoria and the slimey politicians have locked us down for an extra week and most likely more! As David Icke says, don’t acquiesce. The idea of lockdowns is to destroy small business and non government jobs so that the fascist communist state takes over.

Reply to  renegade
3 years ago

LOL! This/These drone parasite(s) will keep posting this crap in here even though we all see through it instantly.

The biggest effect I’ve had on sleepwalkers out there is not telling them what “they’re doing to us” but what repeated propaganda words to listen for every time the parasites or their puppets speak. Once people start hearing those words chanted out like mantras from every mainstream AND “alternative” channel they can’t un-hear it anymore & it becomes obvious what’s going on. Simply showing someone how widespread this is & “how” minds are easily manipulated with this method & then letting them experience it for themselves has been the most successful & least confrontational way of truly & permanently opening eyes.

Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
Reply to  Andros
3 years ago

Fascism has nothing to do with this. And I wouldn’t waste your time and hopes with Agent Icky

Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
Reply to  Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
3 years ago

They already were established in the Jesuit order and the Church. They have global mafias and religious entities in their pockets. Those like Icke and Green, are well planted agents who were groomed to be online and alternative beacons of hope…truths thrown in with deception

Nick keith
3 years ago

6g364dg74f75fuf5hirfijdwnrifrvuc4ubgu3xuz&;#€;$€&£=& This is going to be Global this is a Canadian Health Department memo that was leaked:$ I want to provide you some very important information I’m a Committee Member within the Liberal Party of Canada I sit within several committee groups but the information I am providing is originating from the strategic planning committee (which is steered by PMO) I need to start off by saying that I’m not happy doing this but I have to as a Canadian and more importantly as a parent who wants a better future not only for my children but for other children as well. The other reason I am doing this is because roughly 30% of the committee members are not pleased with the direction this will… Read more »

Nick keith
Reply to  Nick keith
3 years ago

I got this 2 months before the first prediction everyone told me none of this would happen and yet everyone of them has. People within are but its like telling your parents shit….pointless

Last edited 3 years ago by Nick keith
Robert Heimdal
3 years ago

Whitney Webb at some point in the conversation: “This is like NAZI Germany!”
Thanks Whitney. You’re are still allowed on jewTube for some reason.
Whitney Webb Interview – Cyber Hacks, White Powders Scares & Vaccine Tracking, It’s All Come To Pass (May 18, 2021) by The Last American Vagabond

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Heimdal
Reply to  Robert Heimdal
3 years ago

She’s probably jewish herself. She is anti White for sure.

Anthon Ritter von Zittadell
3 years ago

Check this latest Australian announcement on one of our Zionist Marxist media programme 🤡

3 years ago

This site works but not the tribune.Odd

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