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10 years ago

Interesting to see trolls in the chat who don’t seem to like any rational discussion of Psychological Warfare techniques in a media setting. Now, what kind of cretin would have a problem with spreading the word on how these techniques are used to mind f*ck the general public?

It’s very obvious that Kyle understands how this works. It’s also very obvious that John Friend knows how this works.

Great discussion. Especially on the topic of attracting more women and bringing them into the fold.

10 years ago

I agree, the notion that discussing these things is a waste of time is moronic. We need to discuss things that interest large numbers of people. I personally am tired of hearing elitist and arrogant assholes talking about how the masses are useless. People are like computers, they behave according to the info put into them. The struggle is winning over the masses, FUCKING DUH RETARDS. If you are not interested in an eventual, successful populist movement, you should fuck off and pick a different hobby/subculture to hang around. I legitimately want victory for our folk. When we have control over our people, the best will organically rise to the top and all these self-righteous idiots won’t be heard from again. How we behave as… Read more »

Reply to  BlutundBoden
10 years ago

“The struggle is winning over the masses, FUCKING DUH RETARDS. If you are not interested in an eventual, successful populist movement, you should fuck off and pick a different hobby/subculture to hang around.” ============= There is room for various approaches. Different propaganda attracts different people. The naive will not drive away the realists. Some folks are specifically targeting the less herd like elements. As WWS says “qualify, qualify & qualify some more”. Overall we have an actual here, and now reality to deal with that is NOT suited for concentrating solely on the successful or failed approaches of the past. This is NOT Germany of the 1930’s nor America as it existed then. Some people are working to reach a general audience so as to… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

“The struggle is winning over the masses, FUCKING DUH RETARDS. If you are not interested in an eventual, successful populist movement, you should fuck off and pick a different hobby/subculture to hang around.” ============= There is room for various approaches. Different propaganda attracts different people. The naive will not drive away the realists. Some folks are specifically targeting the less herd like elements. As WWS says “qualify, qualify & qualify some more”. Overall we have an actual here, and now reality to deal with that is NOT suited for concentrating solely on the successful or failed approaches of the past. This is NOT Germany of the 1930’s nor America as it existed then. Some people are working to reach a general audience so as to… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

Sorry I mistakenly posted the above comment multiple times.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

Bill, sometimes strong language is necessary for balance. “There is room for various approaches. Different propaganda attracts different people. The naive will not drive away the realists.” I agree. “Some folks are specifically targeting the less herd like elements. As WWS says “qualify, qualify & qualify some more”.” That is a fairly general statement for me to respond to considering I never said otherwise. “Overall we have an actual here, and now reality to deal with that is NOT suited for concentrating solely on the successful or failed approaches of the past. This is NOT Germany of the 1930′s nor America as it existed then.” Correct. “It is people like you that are projecting assinine unfounded arrogance. You advocate for ONLY the narrow approach that… Read more »

Reply to  BlutundBoden
10 years ago

Just to clarify, by a successful populist movement I in no way meant successful electorally, I meant literally a large enough racial awakening to achieve our aims.

Kevin Sommers
Reply to  BlutundBoden
10 years ago

The masses couldn’t care less about politics, there are really only three ways to reach them:

1. Offer a better bread & circus
2. Provide a larger sense of security(which would require a unified and physical movement)
3. Wait for the Jews to remove the bread & circus and take charge during the resulting chaos.

I agree that the people calling the masses foolish aren’t helping, we aren’t going anywhere without their support, but let’s be honest that all these radio shows are only going to appeal to the elites and elitists.

10 years ago

People who dismiss this powerful truth do so at our people’s expense. Note the two links in the video description to the youtube video I linked to above. No one is saying it is the only thing to focus on, and whoever is saying it is the only thing and those who say it is irrelevant are both misguided. Where is our pragmatism?

Reply to  BlutundBoden
10 years ago

This comment was meant as a reply to my very first comment up top.

10 years ago

We got cut off at the very end of the program before I could make a final remark. I wanted to say that I think Renegade Broadcasting generally and Kyle Hunt specifically are doing a fantastic job, and I am really looking forward to the White Man March. I think it’s a great idea – it’s about time we finally got out in the streets. There are a lot of very talented, knowledgeable, and dedicated individuals in the pro-White movement. We all have different backgrounds and perspectives, unique points of view, areas of interest, and “specializations” so to speak. We’re not all going to agree on everything – that should be a given. I think we all have something valuable to contribute, and it’s time… Read more »

10 years ago

Every “christian” in these zionist states of jewmerica needs to be made aware of the so-called “prophecy” of the six million number and how jews came up with this notion and where it can be found because they will go to the source and be able to see clearly the game jews and zionist freemasons (whether atheist liberal or judeo-christian, what’s the difference at this point) are playing on everyone through media repetition and high finance. Does everyone just give up on the large christian population in this country, you’re nuts if you give up on attempting to win our christian racial brothers over to the causes of identity, heritage, culture, tradition, history, mythology, legacy, posterity, preservation, and dignity. De-christianize our folk and debunk the… Read more »

10 years ago

You really get going when you get cranked up, too bad you had those internet mice chewing the line.
The discussion on predictive programming (one of my favorite topics) was interesting but short.
Good discussions, good insights to a large part of the looking glass.

Tom in CT
Reply to  Joe Northpal
10 years ago

Hi Northpal, Regarding Predictive Programming: Out enemy uses an array of Psychological techniques to “steer” behavior. Basically, they can be categorized under three (3) main categories. Choice Architecture, Peer Pressure and Priming. CHOICE ARCHITECTURE This is often seen where the enemy will portray an issue as being either “this” or “that”. Often, they will create a false dichotomy. Providing limited choice and/or limiting the scope of debate allows for more effective “steering” of the sheeple. PEER PRESSURE Their method is a technique commonly used in Communist Party cells and among Progressives to impose conformity, obedience and collectivist groupthink. The drive for “consensus” is a technique for “steering” the sheeple. PRIMING Priming involves subtly programming the mind with trigger words, concepts, images and cues that can… Read more »

10 years ago

This was a very good podcast.

10 years ago

Hey John thanks for coming on brother – you’re a great guy all around – we can disagree (even heatedly) as we have in the past and still remain truly loyal friends, and that’s exactly what the racialist struggle is all about! please come back again sometime – you, sieg, and myself all have the bond of coming from Truth Militia also…

10 years ago

I hope Renegade does not start chasing crisis actors and get them selfs involved in those silly idiotic theories started by Ed Sharoni aka Dallas Goldburg!!

Reply to  Serb
10 years ago

I agree, it kills all credibility.

10 years ago

Great show! Listen all the time. Thanks for all you do!

10 years ago

Dear Sirs, Basically I just wanted to comment on the jerk who called in to say that Hitler was not for all Aryan White people and that it is really a war on White men. This is the same exact guy who called in to Sledge’s show to say the NSA did 9/11 and the “joke is on the Jews”. BS TOTAL BS! Hitler stated to the great Wallonian/Belgian French Hero of WWII and the Waffen SS when asked if he viewed himself as a German primarily or as part of a European identity and Hitler stated so eloquently and well that he was a “Hellene”! Now this guy who called in only had needed to read Mein Kampf, to read Hitlers speeches and for… Read more »

Ricky Moore
9 years ago

People are not like computers, computers are mindless. Intelligence is a quality of organization, digital information is based on information theory and is indifferent to material substrate. Pseudo-scientific twat.
However, most people are indifferent, stupid, apes. These useless lowest-common-denominator breeding types have never existed in these numbers or concentration in human history, and as useful as they are as factory proles they’re fucking worthless and destroying civilization.
Anyone who isn’t an elitist is just a liberal elitist cockbag in denial. You’re the faggots who want to run around ‘uplifting’ these untermenschen and spreading your Dumbocracy across the planet. I’d just as soon leave these fucking mud-people alone.
Gnosticism beats egalitarianism any day; and ‘equality’ is no less magical or nonsensical than ‘God’.

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