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Militant Hippie
10 years ago

Trees have souls! Trees even talk to us andour ancestors when we let them. The jewish (Talmudic) origin of their hatred ofnature stems from the spirtual deformation and abomination that is the jew!

The talmud is the origin of the jewish religions hatred of nature due to the jew being a spiritual abomination and dwarf that is incapable of communing and loving the beauty of nature and its soul. Our ancestors not only lived in true harmony with nature but activly cultivated it.

Aryans should understand that the jewish talmud has effecivly engaged in a spirtual imperialism and has raped the beauty and harmony we once lived with natrue through our religions.

10 years ago

A very interesting topic, Andy

I wonder why old Jim Hardpeka (ah-hmm) hung-up. It seems true paganism and positive spirituality are tough for some to take. A lack of drama and such, I would imagine.

Check out the other sacred Celtic trees, ash and hazel in particular.



Irish Sean
10 years ago

Thanks a lot for this Andy, I must check this out as I am sure there are some near me. Hmmm, food for thought especially as there are Dolmens and Ogham stones close to me too.

10 years ago

Dear Andrew and all, Just found Militant Hippie’s comment rather amusing as I remembered Elizabeth Dillings book “The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today” Chapter VII ‘Judaism and Paganism’ which has a section on Jewish tree worship. To this day one of the popular Jew charities is to spend money to have a tree planted in Israel. It is not really Talmudic necessarily, that is the jews antipathy toward nature, but finds, to my knowledge, most of its justification from the Old Testament though I have to admit various Christians who take the Old Testament as a shadow and see very complex esoteric symbolism there can always negate the literal exoteric meaning away, Origen and other Early Church Fathers being examples of this. HOWEVER my whole… Read more »

10 years ago

forgot to mention last, I see a strange resemblance in the Banyan tree and Bodhi tree which are also considered sacred such as the Buddha under the Bodhi. While in S Florida seeing the Banyans around, especially the number of trees at Edison university, one is rather taken by how unusual those trees are as well and this sensation seems to me similar to the striking difference of the Yew tree.
Just wanted to add that as perhaps food for thought?!

10 years ago
10 years ago

Deucalion, that is fucked up! Sorry, but seriously it should just be called crush enemy skulls operation. To even associate the Yew with these filth. I know it is an operation against them and it is interesting to see that it is named such but damn! I am not trying to get the network in trouble but seriously among the top five priorities upon the breakdown of order and the assumption of revolutionary struggle is justice for all innocent victims first and foremost of molestation, rape, and violent unprovoked assault with those who abused innocent children at the very top! There is no place in this universe for those who would offend and attempt to destroy that innocence, that twinkle in the eye! They are… Read more »

10 years ago

Dear Andrew, yes it is weird me commenting yet again but that section from the show about the blood flowing from an artery in a yew tree which is clearly not resin. Surely, and this is not a joke or for effect, I have a lot of weed resin built up in my system which I generally regard as a healthy thing but still that struck me like a strong hit! Blood flowing from a limb from a tree!!!! Is the Yew a being between tree and animal? Serrano turned me on to the obvious: that if you look at the human nervous system upside down it seems strikingly like a tree! But the knowledge you turned me on to is reminding me of an… Read more »

10 years ago

Great show Andy. To say that Yew lore is one of my favorite subjects would be an understatement. The house I lived in during a time of vast shifts and changes in my consciousness was flanked by two upright yews at the front door. Probably planted in the 40s or 50s they reached about three stories tall and about ten inches diameter at breast height. Unfortunately when the house was sold they were removed, a total travesty, not the mention there was probably some damn fine bow wood in those logs.

To visit some of these old trees on the ancestral isles is one of my life goals. I may have to settle for northern Idaho though.

10 years ago

Great show Andy! Around here the Yew-lore is in the same shape as the tree: almost extinct! it was once very common, mainly in the colder areas of Iberia, and the origin of a surname that most people relate to some place, for they can’t see the forest for the tree.

Centuries of farming, fires and industrial exploitation of forest destroyed the original

Good work!

10 years ago

Thanks so much for all the great feedback guys, and thanks for listening. It’s good to know so many of you find this interesting as well. It seems like this tree was very important to our ancestors. Since doing this show, I have been really feeling a strong desire to go see a yew in person.

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