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10 years ago

Thank you Sinead. You have the most beautiful voice in the Universe.

Irish Sean
10 years ago

They say that the Irish have the gift of the gab, well I would say that a lot of that would be knowing when to shut up and give other people a chance to speak and not keep hogging the conversation,Kyle has the patience of a saint, lol.

10 years ago

Sick of hearing our “weaknesses” and hearing how the chinese are this might race as well as every other race, Jim if I wanted to hear that, I would turn on the T.V. maybe if you took time out of your Hindu nonsense, maybe as Kyle stated; you would know that we have been attacked and only us! I’ve been seeing a change in the winds and it’s been really good, especially with the Ukrainians and other things happening here domestically and it’s not shiva etc. It’s our brothers and sisters awakening, from US sending out the message. How about you start giving us credit where credit is due. Also it doesn’t matter if the males mixed, does it? As long as the females weren’t… Read more »

10 years ago

Saxon. For one thing, Hinduism is NOT nonsense, it is an ARYAN religion It teaches the Wisdom of the Ages. You may be sick of hearing about our weaknesses, but burying our heads in the sand is not going to make our problems go away. As far as the Chinese, you know how I feel about that issue.

Reply to  Jim Hardpeka
10 years ago

Lmao! Who said anything about burying our heads in the sand, I’m well aware of race mixing, but if you look at the statistics and compare them with how much we are BOMBARED BY THE JUDEN MEDIA, you might retract that statement… In which I take offence to, as should those who have held of the disgusting races, which you give to much credit for. After listening to Kyle’s show on that article by rob, it hit me and was a good wake up call, in to not getting dragged into negativity. However I will NEVER love the other races, don’t have time to and don’t want to, that is reserved for my own people. I NOTHING them, they are parasites ALL of them… All… Read more »

10 years ago

Another show ruined by Jim. It’s funny how Kyle is gonna have to bite his tounge and put up with Jim’s senile rants from now on though. You built a network with alcoholic chain smokers from the start, Kyle, so you’ll have to continue to deal with it. Which as you said, you like it that way. So, enjoy! 🙂 As for me, with Jim and the drunks all back on the lines, I will not listen to anymore Renegade shows since they will all be ruined for sure from now on. Enjoy the “light”. Kyle, you should charge all these drunks for giving you headaches and having listen to and read their garbage, then baby sitting their stupid asses. Put up another money drive!… Read more »

Reply to  Damon
10 years ago

Haha, I mean honestly, how many times can ONE person say they are no longer going to listen to a radio network and then continue to comment as to how shitty a network it is and how they are no longer going to listen.

Reply to  BlutundBoden
10 years ago

Who knows?

I guess as many times people can talk about Hitler, WW2, Holohoax etc and speak as if it’s their first time arguing and discussing it while putting me to sleep! Or Jim’s orange jump suit Third Reich from space in Antartica fantasies and reincarnation, karma, ad nauseam! 🙂

Reply to  Damon
10 years ago

A final observation… Another hypocritical thing by hosts Kyle & Mike and some callers perhaps with their trying to blame all the Renegade hate talk on Bill, Rob, Sid and maybe me is that Siegfried for about a year when angry and hinting at future violence would play a long machine gun battle tank war clip often multiple times during several shows. That was the best parts of his show except the comedy. Yet they point out the short machine gun sound clip, besides the sniper silencer. It’s okay if they want to change course and put these things in the past, but they don’t have to blame their same doings and what they said on others. There can be a more mass herd friendly… Read more »

10 years ago

Which you clearly haven’t done yet, nor have you any common sense.

Maria Van Diemen
10 years ago

“As for me… I will not listen to anymore Renegade shows”

Good riddance! Hopefully that means you won’t comment anymore either although we’ve all heard you say this same thing before yet here you are like a REALLY bad smell just continuing to hang around :rolleyes: You WHINE more than your average jew Damon and THAT’S A FACT!

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