The Might is Right Power Hour w/ Bill Rhyes 9-10-13

I will discuss the landmark 1st amendment case Rev. Peterson (Creativity) won. Peterson was demoted after his employer learned about his racial views. I will discuss Craig Cobb, who was fired recently. I will delve into Creativity VS Christ Insanity, “Might Is Right” & intelligence/logical fallacies.

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11 years ago

CI is not the answer either Bill!! Judging from your comment towards the end with the last caller. You cannnot replace insanity with another form of insanity!

Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

I have not listened to this show yet, downloading it now.

But you must have misunderstood something Carmen.

Bill and I are Creators who promote Creativity, which is anti-Christian.

Creativity is only based on facts and logic, therefore not insane.


Those are the two foremost organizations of Creativity,
though one does not have to be a member to be a Creator.

Reply to  Damon
11 years ago

You really think that I am that stupid?

Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

You proved it with your comment that suggested I thought CI was the answer.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

Fuck you Rhyes. You are not fooling everyone don’t you know. I would advise everyone to listen to this show again and see if you can figure it out. My thoughts are not only really about the comment made about CI towards the end.

Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

Thanks for listening Carmen. I have a bit of a different attitude as a host than I did as just a caller to the Roundtable. What I really meant was that with all that we are facing now perhaps CI folks should NOT be targeted as if they are a main enemy. For those that are stuck on Christ Insanity the CI type is at least racial. I knew that since I first learned about CI – that is that CI is a twisted, but better form of Christ Insanity at least in regards to racialism. Sure the CI religion is insane, destructive & perverse & those of us that are sane must ENSURE that WE take the lead. We can & must continue to… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

Great show Bill, I hope to hear more. Agree with the above comment too.

Reply to  Ben
11 years ago

Thanks Ben. Are you the Ben (WI)that emailed me?

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

No that wasn’t me. I run the anti-Jew website The End of Zion.

Reply to  Ben
11 years ago

Oh GREAT site.

11 years ago

ATTENTION Crawdadmiami! Please contact me via Alternative Social or Youtube or Blogtalk. You sounded different to me over the phone but after listening to the show I DO remember you from the Roundtables. You are a very curious truth seeker type & very well informed in many areas. I REALLY would like you to call in to my podcasts & I would also like to do a couple interviews with you. You brought up some interesting topics that I let pass without comment – lets dig into them.

11 years ago

WTF, “that is that CI is a twisted, but better form of Christ Insanity”. Are you f@#%ing kidding me? And I suppose that “Rahowa” is suppose to be better insanity as well? Now I am truely f@#$ing pissed off! As I told Andrew Anglin, you are not that clever you moron!

Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

Thank you Carmen. My thoughts exactly.

Reply to  troubles
11 years ago

Your welcomed troubles!

Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

“Dear Brothers and Sisters! Let me first thank the Aryan Nations for giving me the opportunity to respond to the aforementioned critique by the unknown author, a critique that raises a number of claims about and challenges to my religion, Creativity, that deserve and warrant a response. I do so in the spirit of Racial Loyalist brotherhood, a spirit that those who know me know I have always maintained for all Racial Loyalists of whatever religious faith. In a sense, that spirit is the best response to the critique of all, for if Creativity were really what the critic maintains that it is, namely a religion that is basically crude, totalitarian, and oppressive in nature, I as a believer in Creativity would not have the… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago


Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

And what does this tell you?

11 years ago

Just a thought here, creativity is also atheistic, which leaves you wide open to jewish sorcery. Makes you easy prey for the kikes, if not already infiltrated.

Reply to  troubles
11 years ago

Atheism is belief only in the material world with removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge. This knowledge is then kept in the hands of the jews so they have total control and they themselves as a collective whole, especially at the top become “God.” The only thing the jews really ever feared was the Third Reich of whom the top leaders were all Satanists. Atheism is kosher. This infiltration to create infighting. A simple tactic that has been used over & over with great success. This is just one example. Youth are being taken in on this scam due to their life inexperience & lack of time in the movement. They haven’t been around long enough to spot an infiltrator in their midst. I spotted this… Read more »

Reply to  David in Texas
11 years ago

More precisely, physical world. Material is physical, yes, but less precise in meaning. I am going to cover this topic soon. As usual, I have react to things around me instead of cover issues more important. But this is par for the course as of late. It is also the goal of the infiltrator.

Reply to  David in Texas
11 years ago


Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

No. I left on my own. The flushing will happen when you are totally enslaved by the hebrew sorcerers. Thanks for pushing the jewish atheistic (physical only) agenda on our people. *sarcasm*

Johnny Reb
Reply to  David in Texas
10 years ago

“The only thing the jews really ever feared was the Third Reich of whom the top leaders were all Satanists. Atheism is kosher”

That sounds “kosher” all in itself! For those whom believe Christianity to be Judaism and Satanism being branched from Christianity, hence making Satanism kosher! Gee, what rock did you crawl out from under “David from Texas”? The leaders of the Third Reich were far from being lowlife “satanists”. Odal runes,Sig runes,Schwarze Sonne, etc. Aryan/Viking runes aren’t Hebrew hokus pokus which Satanism love to use in their Pentagram goat’s head crap.

Reply to  Johnny Reb
10 years ago

Spot on Johnny Reb

Reply to  David in Texas
11 years ago

Thanks Dave!

Reply to  troubles
11 years ago

There is a very good reason why HP Maxine left the Creativity movement.

Reply to  David in Texas
11 years ago

Sarcasim. You made paranoid claims that I was seeking to get rid of you. I had NOTHING to do with your problems.
Double FLUSH !! Where is my plunger?

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

I think the plunger is up your ass myself. Which also serves as your mouth.

Reply to  patrick
11 years ago

Hmmm interesting that your mind focuses on faggism. Plungers do have other uses. FLUSH!

11 years ago

Actually it is the exact opposite as some said above thinking we need to give credit and worship or honor abstract God(s), any other make believe characters, that are not really there when Europe needed them. Where was Odin/Thor/etc? And/or more importantly where are they now? Just like the mythical Jew-sus (Jesus) the mythical Odin/Thor/etc. are too busy!

Not relying on spooks in the sky leaves you with dealing with your problems yourself.

People that want you to focus on imaginary friends in heaven/valhalla are misleaders.

Show PROOF of God(s) doing anything for Europe in history but presently preferred.

Jews played into the Odinist fantasy and merged it with their Jew Christ-Insanity.

Reply to  Damon
11 years ago

Yes Damon we MUST solve our problems & deal with life ourselves rather than waiting for help from fictional characters. However,I do think there are many things we do not fully understand in regards to the brain & the mind. There are aspects of Nature that we do NOT understand that are commonly referred to as supernatural. In actuality EVERYTHING is part of the Natural world. I think there could be life forms that exist that have capabilities beyond ours & some could refer to them as gods or spirits etc. I need some evidence thought & until then I will count on what I know is real.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

“I need some evidence thought (THOUGH)& until then I will count on what I know is real.”

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

Hey Bill, you should go to this event on Wednesday,
October 9th at 5:30 in Terre Haute, Indiana at ISU.

You too James in Wisconsin, and all Midwest whites!
It is a leaderless protest, but groups will attend!

Spread the word so we can get your required 100! 🙂
It will be nice to crash their meeting for a change!


Reply to  Damon
10 years ago

Damon thanks for the info & links. When you have important info like this to get to me please message me & I will give you an email you can use to contact me. I might be able to be there with a friend.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

Message you how? You need a public email for your talk shows.

Anyone can show up to this event. Unknown people can get into
the crowd to stand and shout every five or ten minutes during
the speech to disrupt it, like the Occupiers did to meetings!

Bring signs to hold saying: “Jews brought the black slaves!”,
“Jews Did 9/11”, “END JEW FED”, “Jews are the ‘1%'”, etc.

And bring your propaganda to hand out to the college students.

For More Info

Reply to  Damon
10 years ago

Click on my pic in the chat & you go to my profile where I can chat with you & give you an email or it lists my Youtube channel where you can also message me. I can also be messaged at my BTR page – just click message. My BTR page (Might Is Right Power Hour) has my facebook link for messages & my Twitter page.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

I do not use any social networking sites like [f] & [t]

You can message me at –

All be sure to visit –
and EvilBible.Com 🙂

11 years ago

Frank I just looked at photos of Yeltsin & some other Slavic types. You are probably correct at least in regards to some of them.

Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

Yeltsin is rumored to be a jew, not sure how credible that is though. he definitely was a tool for them in privatization though, regardless. Frank is right, i generally consider any slavs to have asiatic admixture, if you just look at the wide/block shape of their head/skulls and eyes (and like Frank I find a lot of them to be very attractive), which is why it boggles my mind to even consider being anal over ethnic type when trying to unite the diverse factions of our greater racial family.

Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

Creativity is not the best because it lacks the spiritual – but its still better than Christianity.

Reply to  Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

The spiritual aspect that Creativity lacks & that is present in Christ Insanity, Judaism, Islam, Odinism & other ancient Aryan religions is a fictional (FAKE) spiritualism. Perhaps the masses require man made gods & other fictional characters. I don’t. A more expansive definition of spiritualism would include expanding our mental capabilities to perhaps different realms of existence. The mind is more than the physical brain & that essence could be considered spiritual – as in the essence of who we are is our spirit or soul. Creativity supports scientific research in all of these areas & would support any type of positive advancements that could tale us to higher plains. The REAL world is fascinating enough & offers almost unlimited possibilities. I see no need… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

Higher PLANES.
For those that are more concerned with spelling/punctuation/grammar than content – catch my next podcast. I will explain that the message trumps the delivery. A rational message can be delivered poorly, and irrational arguments can be delivered with impressive attention to vocabulary, grammar, spelling & punctuation. I will explain the difference between intelligence & knowledge learned via rote memorization.

I will cover the red herring appeal of a pedants, ad hominem attacks, bifurcation, tautology, straw man arguments, non-sequiturs etc. Rational debate concentrates on the central issues while those that are irrational avoid them & shift the focus to irrelevant matters.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

That link is no longer good – use
Intelligence/Logical Fallicies
What is intelligence? Errors in reasoning/logical fallacies. Part 1 of a 4 part series. Listen to the podcast “hate & Love Are Flip Sides of The Same Coin” first.
The Might Is Right Power Half hour

11 years ago

Grease monkey radio.

11 years ago

When I heard Rice state that he asked the priest is communion the same as cannibalism I shut the show down. Imagine, at 7 yr. old putting that chain of thought together. I think not.

Reply to  troubles
11 years ago

How old were you before you could comprehend cannibalism & put together a 2 step chain of thought? The range from retarded reasoning to advanced is huge.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

So let me get this straight, You’re retarded, can tell by your voice, and your main focus at 7 was eating people, like the african cannibals and you wanted to know if eating the host would make you like them. You were thrilled by the idea of it all. Okay, now I understand.

Reply to  troubles
11 years ago

The priest says “this is the body of Christ” as he puts the wafer in the mouth. He says this is the “blood of Christ” as he has us sip Kool Aid (wine for adults). Not very complicated. I had already read about cannibals & seen them in National Geographic, & watched movies on that topic. I was already a big reader also. Hard for folks that are put off be “book learning” to comprehend that others do read & did even as a young kid.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

Wow, you’re a real ‘wonder boy’, a son of god.

11 years ago


Governor of Moon
11 years ago

So Bill enjoys to hit people without reason? This is good to know.

Reply to  Governor of Moon
11 years ago

I NEVER stated that I hit people without reason. Sounds like the mainstream propaganda on hate & anti-semitism (Jews hated for NO reason). I did state the brother I mentioned was evil to the core & I explained the meaning of EVIL. He started every fight we had. He started fights with many people including my friends. He is now married to a non-White (Mongoloid) & hangs out with Mestizos. After listening to the podcasts I did that mentioned my evil brother I was concerned that some people might get the wrong idea & I do plan to clarify the situation on future podcasts.

Reply to  Governor of Moon
11 years ago

Where is the ‘Like” button? for the Governor?

10 years ago

Bill should fill one of the two open host days, put it to a vote Kyle?

10 years ago

Frank I forgot to thank you here for staying on the line with me. I know you wanted to hang up long before you did. Thanks.

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