The Solar Storm: Chris Fogarty (6-28-15)


Kyle speaks to Chris Fogarty, publisher of and author of Ireland 1845-1850: The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept it “Perfect”. Topics include: events that preceded the genocide (often mis-labeled as a “famine”), the general treatment of the Irish by the British Empire, Ireland’s vast agricultural resources, the massive food removal program, reactions to the horrors from people around the world, the cover-up that has persisted to this day, and how we can bring more light to this  tragedy.

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9 years ago

I am still reeling from this interview.

9 years ago

Kyle this was a superb interview. Chris Fogarty is the consummate gentleman. The quality of your interviews readily puts you on par with any journalist with years of experience under their belt. You demonstrate the capacity to see where callers are going and to reign in some of the more off topic or disconnected questions. This makes for a truely excellent experience. This topic of the Irish holocaust, which should hereafter, by all of the jew-wise and those who are still waking up, be labeled as such, is so clearly suppressed that it is obviously a major point that must have attention drawn to it. I believe that there may be sufficient pictures and commentary to make a video documentary on this topic and that… Read more »

9 years ago

That was good Kyle, thanks. I’ll be adding Fogarty’s book to my library. Being 3rd generation Irish (3/4 Irish, 1/4 German), I was pleased to hear someone like Chris Fogarty speaking freely about the truth of what really happened in Ireland circa 1845 – 1850. It drives home the unfortunate truth of just how perverted and distorted the historical record has been rendered by those who continue to spoon-feed us their self-serving version of history. The Irish are truly a remarkable people despite centuries of seemingly non-stop persecution. Their incredible contributions to white western civilization are legend. If you don’t mind, let me recommend a book that I’m sure you’ll find fascinating. The title is “An Illustrated History of Ireland: From the Earliest Period”. The… Read more »

9 years ago

Have only just found this., after recently discovering the Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University, also home to the Hunger Institute in the university library. I’m hoping more specifics are touched on, as with the renaissance of ‘Hunger’ awareness taking place in academia all over and Ireland, so far none have been highlighted. I even question the re-naming of the Famine by the literati of today; is ‘Hunger,’ as it’s being called, really accurate? The jews running academia and publishing have more power now to exploit the irish genocide than ever. Christine Kenneally runs the Hunger Institute. Just a few minutes in and it sounds like the truth I’ve yet to encounter amidst all the revisionist hype is finally being told.

8 years ago

Mr. Fogarty,
Thank you for the great work you have done. I got a queasy stomach listening to this! Obviously it was MURDER. This also means these type of things can be done to us at any time. PLEASE NOTE, THE GERMANS DID NOT COMMIT GENOCIDE. THERE WAS NO JEWISH HOLOCAUST as you mention on your page.

The people who were genocided were the Germans: 12 Million civilians and 3 Million German soldiers. Plus 3 Million soldiers died in combat.

Check it out at this website:

8 years ago

My understanding is that Mr. Fogarty’s book is called “Ireland 1845 – 1860 The Perfect Holocaust.” I cannot find it on Amazon. I found the other book, “The End of Hidden Ireland” by Robert James Scally that Mr. Fogarty recommends.

Can we get the exact title of Mr. Fogarty’s book? I want to post it on my website.
Thank you!

7 years ago

I can’t find this book on Amazon, Alibris or Abe books
Where can one purchase it?
Thank you

7 years ago

I found out how to buy it at the end.
What a wonderful, brave man.

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