The Solar Storm: Harijs – Examining the Magic of Music (5-20-18)

Kyle speaks to Harijs about: his previous wildcard concerning the history of jews using music to manipulate and exploit, the connections to the mob, his own personal musical journey, connections to the otherworldly, the mathematics of harmony, and much more. Multiple callers participate.

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6 years ago

It’s so frustrating how much of the main stream music business/scene and a lot of the underground too is controlled. It’s bad enough that many of the musicians/singers are Jews/cryptos/Shabbas. And not only are Jews managing the bands/performers and writing the songs. But nearly every major studio, every prominent recording and mixing engineer and producer are Jews. And the major labels are owned/run by Jews. The prominent online platforms to sell/stream music are Jewish. Add to that most all the music software companies that make plugins/DAWs, are Jewish. It’s total control and like ye said it’s been turned into a devastating weapon.

Reply to  Nuada
6 years ago

It is controlled by them because they created it from the ground up. Well “created” it, we built all the shit they kike around in.

6 years ago

I’m proud to be an amerikan, where at least I know I’m free.

6 years ago

The only peter Peter Frampton has is in “his” name. Notice how feminine his face is when they’re doing close-ups starting around the 5:50 mark in this mid-70’s clip from Midnight Special. Frampton also has a distinct Q angle in the legs. Also note the Frampton logo in the background. The “T” is set off from the other letters. The “T” is for testosterone.

John from NC
Reply to  Renny
6 years ago

I’m not sure about him or Perry, but check out some early videos of Wayne Newton, and you’ll see there is no doubt, and that’s going back a long way.

Reply to  John from NC
6 years ago

Yes, Wayne Newton is such an obvious tranny. It’s all so sick. Karen Carpenter was obviously a dude. I’m done with all mainstream music. I’ll make my own from here on in and listen to local musicians playing bluegrass and classical.

6 years ago

Another ridiculously obvious tranny is Steve Perry from Journey. A truly odd looking creature. What a fucked up, pathetic world we’re in. (Barf bag warning: unfortunate unHoly Bi-bull verses at beginning of video.)

6 years ago
6 years ago

Listen and BE INSPIRED!

“He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog — a Christian dog.”
– Ragnar Redbeard

6 years ago

Here is another.
Listen and Be Inspired!

“He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog — a Christian dog.”
– Ragnar Redbeard

Darés Dutch
6 years ago

I am since forever into electronic/indie music, a very Aryan thing, and wanna give a few suggestions for you to discover, a few new soothing/experimental /laidback tunes that in my opinion only whites could have made:-) (have an open mind, close your eyes, and travel, think of great and better times for our peoples:-))

Four Tet – Pause

Boards of Canada – Geogaddi

Four Tet – Parks

Arovane – Tides

Kettel – Kirsten

Tarwater – Noon

Royksopp – Melody AM

Funki Porcini

Isan – The race to be first home

Best regards, Darés,

PS,feel free to ask me for more tracks, just ask for my email adres. Could send you an with tracks:-)

Chris H
6 years ago

I made an article with some of the music I mentioned in this show. Metko Vizigot Slavic Folk Music Enjoy.

6 years ago

Kyle, I truly appreciate 99% of your views, but for the scorecard, how many blacks are on your phone and how many times have you invited blacks into your home or been invited into theirs? Your overstated POV concerning blacks makes me wonder how much diversified interaction you’ve ever encountered.

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

just watching your racism is telling/interesting, My problem/intrigue with your POV is where it comes from, what it’s based on. So why do you hate them, did you encounter some trauma as a child? Did you ever have one black friend, or like or respect a single black? I am curious to hear your experiences to see where your hatred was spawned and if, with all your said experiences, you never once met a black you could tolerate? That fascinates me. Your previous reply/perspective was unevolved, arrested. But it is what I expected from listening to your past paranoia. I am sure many side with your warped mindset on this issue and others are appalled like myself. But it is the freedom of thought your… Read more »

Heathen vegan
Reply to  karma
6 years ago

“his racism” “where your hatred came from”…………. The words you use and the “matter of fact” manner you use them is very telling of your character too. I have grown up around “blacks” as you call them, and had many a “black” friend. It has nothing to do with hate, it is simply this, We do not wish to be minorities in our countries. I believe all people have a right to self determination, this includes having leaders of our own kind. I was a pro Palestine activist for many years. A country where immigrants came in and took over, and now treat the original inhabitants as second rate citizens. I do not wish this for my country. What is hateful about this, what is… Read more »

Reply to  Heathen vegan
6 years ago

lied? lmao, you don’t make any sense there, pal … as for your “black” friends, do you share your POV with them? do you ask them to leave the usa or stop pro-creating? another closet, confused racist here seems to me. glad to see you need to speak for Kyle, since you weren’t asked. My motivation for bringing this up is his hatred (you can tap any euphemism you like) and negative comments that he peppers his dialogue with is ignorant and shows he has obviously not had much interaction or has an irrational fear of non-whites, especially blacks … or do you deny his tendency to do the above? HV, so it sounds like you hang out with blacks, when’s the last time you… Read more »

Reply to  karma
6 years ago

There is a contact number and email available to contact Renegade if you don’t want people commenting on an open forum.

We don’t need to be asked to join the conversation.

Reply to  karma
6 years ago

Karma, so you go on black channels and spit blood and lung matter about their “racism” towards whites? I bet you don’t. Or perhaps how almost eerything the negroid enjoys is from the white man on account of the jew infestation of our leadership? Id like a national “Thank The White Man” day from all the needy feedys. That would be most appropo don’t you think?

Reply to  karma
6 years ago

LOL – ”when’s the last time you had a black over for deep conversation, dinner, etc.” yourself Mr./Miss. ‘Karma’?
Please tell us all how well it went, and how you and your black dinner guests talked about preserving not only your own races, but also your homelands.. You must have had such a lively, deep conversation talking about how to overthrow the jewish parasites, how to save the rainforests, to actually preserve TRUE diversity, how to encourage healthy families among the youth, how to support, respect, and care for our elderly …
What conclusions did you guys come to round your table?
Gosh, I am just so curious on your deep, thoughtful conversations with your ”black” friends…
Seriously.. please share!

Reply to  Amber
6 years ago

What do your black friends think about usury? Porn? Hollywood? Sex ”education” for children? The Bantu and the Pygmies? Ritual child murder? The continued enslavemnt of Africans in Africa by black Africans? Jay-Z & Beyonce? Or how about Michelle Obama probably being a man named Michael prior to ‘her’ white house fame? Last time I brought that up to my ”black friend” she just about slit my throat.. apparently it didn’t matter to her if the President of our country is lying to the world about his sexual identity. Ya know what else I’d love to know.. If OJ didn’t do it, who did? I wonder what your black friends think about that whole show trial and the message it sent, and still sends to… Read more »

Heathen vegan
Reply to  karma
6 years ago

Closet? I am open with my views, to anyone who cares to inquire. “stop procreating”?, Again I dont care what they do in their countries. In Africa than can pro create as much as they like. They can compete in their own job markets, where everyone is allowed to apply (unlike here in the UK where “whites need not apply” is quite common). I dont subscribe to a multicultural (racial) state. I from experience know, when the chips are down most people side with their own. This isn’t a source of hate, as I am realist, and understand this is the nature of man. You appear to be under the impression that “race” doesn’t exist. When was the last time you walked alone at night… Read more »

Reply to  Heathen vegan
6 years ago

It is only framed as “hate” if it is from whites. All the multikultis have free reign to jew-diciously claim waaacizzum against he eeeebil white man. The evil white man that they want to need and feed from. This is not about m’kompensayshun, but WAR. This is a situation of war, but a disguised one. This is about psychologically imprisoning the white man to shell out continuously for the nigredos who would die out in months if it wasnt for the jew using us to scatter our energy at the 3rd world pets, gaping mouths like landed fish. You never see an aritcle against whites that is so voraciously scanned for RAAAYSIZZUM.

Reply to  Skalgarir
6 years ago

Absolutely right, Skalgarir. White men would do well to abandon this angelic innocence and lifelong egalitarian dogma that I see everywhere in the West – residual Christianity, imo – as we are obviously badly losing this ongoing, deceitfully camouflaged race war of biological survival. Our side of the battle. of course, has simply opted out of the fighting altogether and seems to be resigned to eternal cowardly concessions till the ignoble grave. Witness Rhodesia and South Africa for our future, I guess. Revilo Oliver was always right.

Reply to  Goyette
6 years ago

Only a kike pretending to be white would call itself “Goyette”. True story…

Foster XL
Reply to  Heathen vegan
6 years ago

The pseudo-everything of kikery is strong with this one! Just look how predictable & obvious all these kikes are today with everything they say & do. They’re still playing the over-the-top “I am so much smarter than you” card but don’t even have a clue that this very pseudo-intellectual facade is in fact their emperor’s new clothes & a huge, rapidly increasing number are now seeing their foul & withered naked forms exposed. And what we all know is that once this disgusting but all-revealing exposé has been witnessed the reality & truth of it can never be washed from the eyes or mind. This is not an ebb & flow tidal movement of opinion going back & forth – this is an ever-building swell… Read more »

Reply to  karma
6 years ago

If you agree with Kyle on 99% of what he says so why is ok for you to be an antisemite, not all Jews right! but he can not be a racist? According to you that is!

Reply to  Nuada
6 years ago

NOT AAAAALL JEWS. Kyle isn’t an antisemite, I don’t think he really is that bothered with Arabs per se. In fact I think he is quite pro Palestinian, if memory serves.

Reply to  Skalgarir
6 years ago

I’m just speaking the libtard lingo. I don’t recognize the Jews right to monopolies the word Semite either. And that’s what they always say, not all blacks or Jews etc etc etc.
As I said at the end “according to you” i.e. Karma.
I was just making a sarcastic reply to show Karmas thinly veiled hypocrisy. If Karma says Kyle is a racist then it’s obvious Karma would think he is an antisemite too.

Reply to  Nuada
6 years ago

Ah. Apologiae. Textual konfuzion.

Reply to  karma
6 years ago

What you fail to grasp is that Renegade is a pro White platform. About celebrating and strengthening White identity. The fact that black influences have been forced into our social spaces is something to be addressed in this context. If you don’t like this POV you can always tune in over at World Star hip hop. Frankly you’d probably be much happier over there.

Reply to  karma
6 years ago

I generally try to avoid insults, but karma’s a bitch!

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