The Solar Storm: Scott Roberts (12-13-15)


Kyle speaks to Scott Roberts, who has been a long-time advocate for the White race and critic of jewish supremacy. Topics include: the motives for White genocide, the role of Shabbos goy and cryptos, the need for real eugenics, ideas for activism, Trump, Putin, and much more.

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Claude Lemurrey
8 years ago

you can learn a lot by looking into the cast of the new star wars. And directed by Abrams. it’s obviously some signalling to white europeans that we don’t need you. we bought everything already. harrison ford, carrie fisher, probably the new young woman jewish. and all the marketing money that must have gone in to the originial. just the fact of george lucas and spielberg being friends gives me chills,.. all those pictures of them together. i think a lot of thought went into the original star wars, combing through some joseph campbell maybe,,,watching wagner’s ring…stealing things, stealing the music of wagner shostakovich debussy ravel…consolidating everything and then just selling it to dumb americans who don’t even read books. how much better and more… Read more »

Claude Lemurrey
8 years ago

there’s this delightful shit. They want to take over other countries parasitically then bitch about the pre-existing culture…..

Lawrence Forthright
8 years ago

All foreign DNA must be removed from a healthy breeding population. There cannot be any exceptions to this simple rule, as blood and soil begins at the genetic level. Genetic testing in the hands of Europeans can be used to achieve these goals and those individuals found wanting will be removed from the breeding population. I do not care about feelings, hurts and tears, as anyone who understands genetics and the dire situation we find ourselves in would willingly embrace this genetic standard. If a strong role model exists with a polluted bloodline, they can adopt and raise another fitter Aryan’s children. At the basic level, we are made of competing genes, and the allowance of foreign genes to be passed on (no matter how… Read more »

Will D.
8 years ago

Kyle, I think you and your guests are on the right track about the Jews. I’m troubled about the big question mark raised about Yahweh. I don’t know about knastics view point and earth is mother god. No, there is a true God, and He is not Jewish, nor a man and He is long suffering and patient. He has been correcting the mess that His wayward angels have made. People are not understanding why God has taken action against certain tribes in the “Promised” land way back then. Jesus is Yahweh’s son and he is BOTH God and man. He is of God and of Hebrew stock and IS not Jewish. The very word jewelry is a relatively new word. Jews are Edomites. No… Read more »

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