Charles continues the discussion of Kristallnacht and failed negotiations with Poland and then gets into the horrors of war, unleashed upon the world, specifically intended to decimate the German folk.
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Charles continues the discussion of Kristallnacht and failed negotiations with Poland and then gets into the horrors of war, unleashed upon the world, specifically intended to decimate the German folk.
I think you should not worry about all the cussing and cursing you find yourself unable to control. Much like the homeless guys in cardboard boxes with turrets syndrome it can only attract an audience of spectators who can be assured that “this is a man in control of his mental facility’s”. No need to seek sympathy from us about “the problem” of people talking about you or misunderstanding what you aperently have to say between outbursts. It is sad though that after performing on the radio you instantly are able to control outbursts to make liberal coffee shop patrons attracted to the deep thinker “taken out of context”. Might I suggest doing the cussing and cursing act in public spaces as we’ll. you might… Read more »
Thanks Charlie for all you do. Your work has made a huge contribution to the preservation of knowledge and history.
Charles wil be off this network soon because of clashes with the other hosts. An egalitarian host is just never going to fly at a White Nationalist network in the long term. Bummer. I really like Charles shows even though he’s not a WN.
that would be terrible. I think it’s safe to say that everybody loves Charly’s shows, even if they are hardcore Christian or devoted Hitler fangoys.
Charles’ shows are the best thing to get your blood boiling and laugh hard in the morning while driving to work. ?
Well I think that’s the heart of the matter if that is his role. I take the other hosts seriously as the content holds its own under scrutiny even if there are differences in ideology the weight of the arguments give pause and considered debate. With this one I am hearing a guy reading stuff I read two or three decades ago and anyone can find today with a few clicks. Not only that half the book on tapes moment is taken up in “all is lost” hopelessness. It seems a one way struggle in the mind of one lost and given up long ago. I prefer swimming against the tide with the predators of this world and seeing how other such make there way… Read more »
You can always not listen to shows you don’t like or do a Wild Card and do it better than the ones you criticize.
Interesting as I have only made comments about his shows content and where he might have stumbled a bit.
If in bold letters it says in short “be polite and respectful or face the ban hammer” as a sign to visitors and long term guests. What is one to think when in one room all you here is cussing and cursing to no willingness to listen to reason logic facts misconceptions and flat out lies?
As was said before if it’s supposed to be an amusing skit or scare away the “missus” it lacks verity after one show. I hope that helps
Group think is a phenomenon that occurs when group’s need for consensus supercedes the judgment of individual group members.
Last two shows from Charles have been pretty much on the ball, a far cry from what was being said before. Interesting. Some points of contention remain: Just how much did the NSDAP contribute to Jewish migration to Palestine ? Bugger all. Most chose to stay, many new Jewish businesses where established during the time the German Economy grew, much to the annoyance of the NSDAP. How many Jews were living in Germany at the time ? From my research anywhere between 300 – 500K. I posted about this and related things a couples of shows back refuting the claim that Germany contributed a significant part of this process. The NSDAP were apposed to the idea of resettlement to Palestine because they were aware of… Read more »
There was also a special Jewish only division in the US Army that went on a rampage while wearing German Uniforms (including Police ones) taken from the dead.
I repeat my last comment: Yes, I continue to listen to Potty Mouth CG only because I had already downloaded his shows while I was under the misguided assumption that his “notes” were of value to us…. Not once during this show did he bother to recommend his boss’s great film HELLSTORM which describes the tragedy inflicted upon the German Nation by the “tribe”….in a hell of a lot more accurate detail than his poorly researched and undocumented “notes”. AS IF he is the ultimate source for this part of history. NOT Listening to his parroting of the “tribe’s” denegration of the Great German Leader, I can only conclude that his “notes” are NOT the greatest source for us to refer to when trying to… Read more »