Truth Hertz: Cosby Conclusion & The Depravity of Dan Schneider (5-31-18)

Charlie responds to some comments, finishes up the discussion on Cosby’s criminal case and those involved in it, then discusses what Dan Schneider and some of his fellow tribe members have been getting away with in Hollywood.

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truth hurts
6 years ago

That 5 mins with goose story and afterward wrap-up was the best stuff I ever heard you do. Thank the cosmos there is one righteous mind on this site. The targets wont agree because they are diseased.

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Well said. Even Mike Rivero of RBN said the Somali man that recently climbed to save the French baby was “ the exception that proves the rule “. He also said that we can’t rule out the possibility that this was staged to promote immigration. For those who don’t know, Mike’s not white.

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Hey, turn the other beak – “honky!!” Lol! Although i no longer follow Charles’ work, i had to listen to that first part of the show, out of curiosity. Charles is a wonderful researcher and broadcaster, but still has the christard virus within him. Like a lot, he will “get it” when it’s too late.

“Judge thou not if 19 black geese attack, for the 20th will lead NASA, and enlighten you.” Saul 9:11

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

pretty childish reply. same would be when encountering a gang of whites.situation depended.absolutism is the mother of blind fanaticism.

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Dada101
6 years ago

Silly childish humour yes, blind no. I’m absolutely certain you jews have engineered our present situation to render all the races degenerate and therefore dangerous. Or are you a self-hating White Dada101? Damn it, i was so certain a minute ago…..

Allison MacPherson
Reply to  Dada101
6 years ago

Hey Dada101: Please provide video footage of a gang of white people attacking any race of people in a park. I will wait patiently for your response. Put up or shut up. Now let us see you provide some proof.

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

The problem with “good” jews is that 9 out of 10 will side with their tribe at crunch time. They’ve been taught since birth to identify with the tribe and that they’re hated and oppressed simply for what they are. Even if their not pulling the strings and are unaware of the agenda they still cannot be trusted. Blood truly is thicker than water (this is not a disagreement with Renegades comment, merely it is an expansion of it.

6 years ago

Great job Charles, Although 99.9% of these high profile mainstream media soap narratives are distractions usually while Israel mass genocides Palestinians or some other jew crime against the goyim.
All the chit chat is pub talk and makes for stimulating entertainment (enter & hold the mind) Individually Don’t play in the jew sandbox there is a tipping point and unfortunately we are no where near it.

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago


Reply to  Scarlett
6 years ago

It looks like I’ve pissed someone off enough to go around and downvote every one of my comments. I must be doing something right

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Egad, Kyle. Are you including me in “an operation”? Can’t find comments by goyette so am not sure what was posted. Perhaps like others I was dismayed by amount of air time in Defense of Black MultiMillionaire *even* after I posted my personal experiences. So I stopped listening to RB while getting over my disappointment. As I understand it, goyette posted something questioning the focus on DoBMM. How is that “abuse” of Charlie? I am in correspondence with her on, etc.. So far she seems authentic to me. You can check her posts yourself.

Reply to  Elena Haskins
6 years ago

I don’t think anyone feels you abused Charlie. Not for me to say, but I’d bet Kyle’s comment was not pertaining to you.

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

i think you have zero understanding of what is really going on on your own website.

Reply to  Dada101
6 years ago

Another one we’ve literally never heard of before. Yeah, ok.

Foster XL
Reply to  Dada101
6 years ago

As I said before these holier-than-thou pseudo-everythings are the most predictable douchebags around & always have been. Nowhere near as smart as they think they are. “Dada101” – ooooooo such a deep & edgy “name”! Not…

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Do you mean “bot” comments generated from an AI program? Or “real” trolls? Or authentic participants?

Schnieder Nick perv link
6 years ago
Foster XL
Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Sprung! LOL!

The Bull
6 years ago

If one listened to the whole of Charlie’s show he clearly states his take on the Cosby destruction. I could care less about one of the most unfunny black comedians ever to come out Jewywood. I can’t see getting so worked up about the whole subject, I think Kyle is right about some rats with big hook noses sneaking their way into the Renegade house and trying to divide it.

Reply to  The Bull
6 years ago

Cosby was set up by the jew media. He was a hapless. Black star who got jewed.
I believe the allegations against Crosby are manipulated and not true. Great work Charlie on defending him against thos constance bitch. Gloria Allred a jewess who smells money and fame tells you this is all BS!

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