Renegade Roundtable: Chris H, Shawna, Scarlett – Defiant Humanity (6-2-18)

Chris H hosted the roundtable starting with the subject of how the system is psychopathic. He spoke about not bowing to the system or being compromised to it and how money and law are a big part of this. Shawna and later Scarlett joined Chris to discuss how money and law are an unnatural replacement to the natural flow of life (money being artificial water). How the Jews are the architects of the psycho system and the weavers of the web of lies and deceit. Scarlett spoke about how she is personally having to deal with the legal system and how it is set up against humanity.

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Anthony Roberts
6 years ago

The jews either tie us down with a slave job and debt, or distract us with a myriad of their entertainments and poisons. They have us trapped in every way, and the few legitimate escape outlets, like Renegade, are quickly being closed. Having tried to wake our folk up on a daily basis, for the last 2 years, i agree with Shawna. Our folk are so indoctrinated into this system, it’s nigh on impossible at this present time. There are too few of us in a position to get active and present the true reality to our people. Creating our own White communities, in every country, seems the best use of our time. Energy and food/water independence should be a priority. You need alternatives to… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
6 years ago

Thank you Anthony, I will remember that.

6 years ago

I lost all faith in Thomas Goodrich during the election (selection). He was a huge Trump supporter. How could someone who wrote Hellstorm fall for Trump????? There was plenty of information that The Donald, is indeed, a jew. And also it was painfully obvious to anyone with one iota of awareness that T-rump was absolutely surrounded by and controlled by jews.

Reply to  Renny
6 years ago

If i’m not mistaken Renny, millions of people supported Trump before and during the election. How do we know Mr. Goodrich isn’t regretting his decision, as many obviously do now?

Reply to  Steve
6 years ago

Thomas Goodrich is not your average dumb-ass dupe on the street. He wrote HellStorm for fuck’s sake. Could he not see that Trump was surrounded by jews? I no longer waste my time going to his website, but for many months after the election (selection) he was still jizzing all over Trump. My guess is he’s still on the Trump train. You’re all into him, go to his website and find out for yourself.

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