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8 years ago

Once again, a great talk show Charles ! Thank you. I would like to refer once again to my comment on “Like Charges Repel”. I mentioned a few shows back in “Electric Universe” that needs to be addressed. I think it is so important to do so, but cannot explain with such few words. Secondly, the “Van-Allen Belts”, how do we know that this isn’t just an excuse for not returning to the Moon and in part, a slur ? Those German Scientists who were forced under “Operation Paperclip” to be extradited to the United States if they wanted to live were not stupid, could be part of a Nuclear Scare Scam directed at Iran’s Nuclear Energy Program, hence why they want to invade that… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Davey
8 years ago

““Van-Allen Belts”, how do we know that this isn’t just an excuse for not returning to the Moon and in part, a slur ?”

Or more-over, to make all of think that *Space is just too Dangerous* ? hence “Earth Bound” by condition.

Reply to  Paul Davey
8 years ago

“Van-Allen Belts”, if no biological material can survive (alleged) Radiation and Heat, how can the Electrical Components of Satellites continue to operate after passing through them ? and Communicate ?

Reply to  Paul Davey
8 years ago

They don’t. All of the imagery that you see that are allegedly far away galaxies were described by Nikola Tesla as he worked with high frequency currents. He described these exact types of phenomena. It’s quite likely that certain parameters, such as frequency, voltage, vacuum level, different gasses in a glass bulb, etc will permit for repeated expressions of plasma patterns. And then pictures are taken of these patterns and passed off as far away nebula or galaxies. There is simply NO WAY any of our electrical circuitry goes through the Van Allen Belts uneffected. Until force fields are able to be created, and of tremendous magnitudes, nothing will be going through those belts unscathed. And once outside of them who knows what the environment… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Davey
8 years ago

Study electrostatics and electrical phenomena as discussed by Tesla, JJ Thompson, Sir Oliver Lodge, and others. Once you understand every thing going on at a spark gap with spherical tips you can then relate it to the planets.

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

Thanks for the replies. I am familiar with the topics and their names.
I have to say, that the subject matter of Van-Allen Belts where no Electric Circuit can pass, does not tally up with what the Author said in regard to receiving signals from a satellite near Saturn that he mentioned, ie; in using a Satellite Dish to receive them. How do we reconcile with this fact ?

Reply to  Paul Davey
8 years ago

Returning to the moon?………………. Nothing has gone to the moon, or there would be a McDonalds float-through restaurant on it by now.

Reply to  Paul Davey
8 years ago

Space is dangerous. In space, no-one can hear you scream.

8 years ago

Sound vibration has been proven to cure cancer. Look up Dr Royal Rife. He was curing cancer in the 1930’s using this method . This was repressed by the usual suspects and poor Dr Rife died a broken alcoholic.

Reply to  Ross
8 years ago

No one has his original circuit designs or the frequencies for specific infections. Any one selling a “rife” machine is selling a simple frequency generator and ripping people off. I don’t know if much of his original work is even around or what patents may exist (it seems like he should have patented some of this stuff but he was a researcher and who knows if he patented any thing. Some one else can dig through the patents.)

The piece of shit jew Morris Fishbein, founded the American Medical Association, to monopolize health care and to put people like Rife out of the picture. That kike wrecked Rife’s life. Rife should have shot him but he was too civilized to do it.

Ingrid B
8 years ago

How on earth do Barry and Michael explain all the dicks and balls to the children? Why are the children of “the elite” subjected to all sorts of criminality and deviance in their parents, whilst ordinary, decent parents have their children removed on a whim, or suspicion..

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