Charles argues why his astronomical observations disprove the flat earth and geocentricism and then talks about how the Bible is wrong about the nature of the Earth.
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Charles argues why his astronomical observations disprove the flat earth and geocentricism and then talks about how the Bible is wrong about the nature of the Earth.
Oh God another show obsessing over the Bible. Let it go Charles, forgive yourself.
I respectfully disagree with you Daniel. The Judeo-Christian belief system has had a trememdous influence on ALL our past behaviors for the past 2600 years! And you assert that we should just let it all go and forgive? Oh hell no, we are just cranking up. Unlike most adherents to this evil belief system, Charles actually knows scripture and verse, and he also is knowledgeble of historical context. This belief system might not affect you personally, but for billions of others, it does have an effect. And those billions of others effect our socio-political realm. If you don’t like it, don’t listen, but show some respect for a man who courageously takes on some major bullshite, that has LONG needed to be called out for… Read more »
Disagree all you like. I had fundy Xian parents and got the whole “Ask Jesus into your heart or you’re going to hell – for eternity”. I was 6-7 years old and realised that this is impossible, that no matter how much I ask for Jesus, it wasn’t real, and that it made no sense that someone had to die for all people after him. It had no logic to me as a 7 year old and I thought my parents were deranged. I’m assuming that everyone that will ever listen to Renegade Broadcasting will be more clued up than I was at 7 years old, and if not, they’re pretty much basket cases. Charles tries to act like he’s above it all, but he… Read more »
Simply because you rejected the Jude-Christian belief system and have no need to engage in its outing, does not mean that many, many others are not waking up to this social engineering via religion, and have a definite need for this information. I don’t percieve Charles as being “above it all” whatsoever, in fact he often laments his own stupidity in accepting the nonsense and remaining for so long. This is the power of mind control programming. However his depth of level in dedication to the system, which is unusual as regards to adherents actually READING the bible, gave him a major advantage as he actually knows scripture and verse. Growing up in the deep south, and being surrounded by bible zombies, I can tell… Read more »
He does the same lies on religion that Jewish run flat earth did to science. It was Jewish propaganda to discredit Christian reason and thinking. They were the ones that beloved all the cult nonsense and were left in the dust by the western mind. Then like now they created lies about Galileo dark ages and Marxist thinking “illuminating” the world. The inquisition was to hunt crypto Jews who worked with Muslim invaders to destroy the west then Like now…. Do the math and you can measure the world by yourself starting with just a lightbulb “The divergence of a vector field which is the resultant of radial inverse-square law fields with respect to one or more sources is everywhere proportional to the strength of… Read more »
Cobra, while I appreciate your passion, you must at some point realize that Christianity is simply Jew Religion Part 2, and Islam is Part 3. And if it had not been for Christians, the Jews would have never gained such power. For they would have been seen for what they are, followers of an abhorrent religion, based on subjugation of all non-Jews. It is because Christians are also wrapped up in the Torah or Old Testament, and on some level identify with Jews, that the Zionists have gained such control. And if one accepts such utter nonsence as the bible, then one is prone to accept any BS as long as it is presented with enough mumbo-jumbo pseudo scientific sounding malarky. Thanks buddy, sorry, the… Read more »
Hopefully Sinny isn’t a flat-Earther anymore, I couldn’t believe it when I heard her talking that crap.
Yeah hopefully Sinead is watching the NASA ISS footage and thinking “I know it looks totally fake, greenscreened, they’re messing up their lines, they’re moving around like they’re on a G Force NASA 747 plane, BUT I know my eyes are tricking me and NASA and the ruling class would never dupe me. I know there is Google Earth images of the Mars Rover on Greenland, but NASA wouldn’t lie and be faking the Mars Rover mission. I trust what the scientific priesthood tell me is true, and I don’t need to test anything. I will ignore that the alleged Earths curvature doesn’t match what my own eyes can see, I must be mis-seeing. And of course, the moon landing was absolutely not filmed by… Read more »
No doubt we have been lied to- however the flat Earth theory is NOT a better option than what we’ve been taught. It’s just like the creation vs evolution argument. I say neither! Both were conceived by those who want to control us. One thing is for sure though- the Earth is round.
Everything we’ve been taught has came from the establishment and don’t you know who controls that? Please, that way of thinking is that of a slave. You say you are sure the Earth is round….can you prove it with independent thought/observations or proof NOT offered up by mainstream science, NASA or the government? No, you cannot. I’m not saying one way or the other, but saying you’re sure it’s a ball is a lie. Or you have made the choice to accept what “the authority” has told you and abandoned the thought that they may be lying.
Have a look on Youtube at Enterthe5t4rz ‘s channel. He has an theory that all these ancient texts, and the Bible, if viewed as metaphors, describe the entire process of vision, the pineal gland and how reality is generated through our brain, which people like Da Vinci knew about. All of the Disney and Hollywood films are embedding it (as they all know, and are rubbing it in our faces). We can agree that NASA is pure heatre and lies. You know Eric Blair, aka George Orwell, who was a BBC worker/ Fabian Society member, and fought nationalist Franco,- read the chapter in 1984 where Winston is caught and being interogated, and his captor tells him modern science theories were created to trick the masses,… Read more »
Charles believes Jackie shot JFK. I think you’ve lost your noodles there, Charlie. The sun is 3000 MILES away. Charles hung up on me before I had a chance to correct myself. It was early for me. Jewliani has disappointed me.
Thing is with these old boys is they get attached to a certain story embedded way before the internet broke the mental shackles. The only video of JFKs “death” is a composite/ sliced video, i.e probably fake. Why would they need to kill a fellow elite brother…when they can fake it and have the same effect. They could bring him out for another role as a new actor, maybe name his new acting character Jimmy Carter.
Composite video exists.
Therefore, JFK = Carter.
(We’re dooooomed.)
JFK = Carter? No, JFK might be Carter. They look identical. JFK probably wasn’t killed, they never needed to, other than in your mind. They hoaxed the moon landing, so it’s not that they don’t pull off massive lies and get away with it.
Charles hasn’t taken the time to study flat earth arguments at all. He rambles about geocentricity of the same globular system just in reverse centricity. When it was scientifically proven that the earth is indeed the center though, Einstein came up with Relativity, thereby cancelling out both geo- and heliocentricity at the same time. Charles projects and pretends flat earthers are dumb and don’t do research at all. It’s the SJW “bucktooth Nazi White Supremacist” equivalent. Charles goes on and on about the stars but doesn’t mention anything flat earth actually. Except the old ship disappearing example. Guess what, use your telescope, Charly. Zoom in that ship that disappeared beyond the horizon. It’s not below the curvature but only beyond the vanishing point of perspective.… Read more »
Einstein has been thoroughly discredited. He was to Jewish science what movie stars have been to Jewlywood films. Ditto for Jewlywood’s tv science poster children-shills Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Michiu Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson. The Jew-controlled nobel prize (like the Pulitzer, etc) are given to lend credibility to the Judeomasonic Matrix.
We live in a socially enginnnered version of “The Truman Show” (Jim Carrey) and must question every “truth” we’ve been told.
Read: Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist by Christopher jon Bjerknes.
Jewliani is absolutely lazy in his refutation. Most of what he has said so far is not even germane to the topic. I think he has lost some of his marbles. Getting excited about someone being 27 when they expired as if it’s some kind of smoking gun evidence of something. It’s the type of shit a Jew would do to make researchers look goofy. He lost me when he intransigently insisted JFK was shot by Jackie.
Great show Charles ! One thing I will say in NASA’s defense, is that when it began using the imported German Scientists who if they wanted to live, were made an offer that they could not refuse, is the question of Stars not being visible in most footage. Remember in the early days this was done via old tube technology and picture stills had to be “developed” in a chemical solution and was in Black and White. In order to film images of the Earth or Moon, take photos, today using capacitor-coupled-discharge cameras (CCD), the brightness has to be reduced due to extreme contrast because there is no Atmosphere out there to filter, otherwise brightness saturation occurs (blinding over-exposure) and subsequently the Stars fade from… Read more »
The Ecstasy of the Aryan:
if helium3 comes from the solar wind why would you need to go all the way to the moon to mine it? would it not be more efficient to mine it from the earths orbit? assuming they ever got there.
Yes, Helium3 comes as a result of the process of Fusion between Hydrogen and Oxygen in the Sun. This also tells me that NASA hasn’t been honest with its description of the properties of Space itself, and that is an interesting point to bear in mind with any controversy or allegation, for or against, especially when it comes to Propulsion Technology and what has been hidden from us. “why would you need to go all the way to the moon to mine it?” According to what Rodney Wyatt was saying in response to my questions that were borne out of curiosity from things and photos etc I saw in his very large office (top floor), and he was no ordinary USAF fly-boy and had, shall… Read more »
The flat earth theory is nothing more than an invented distraction by the cabal to take away from the huge issues facing this world today. Whenever America is given a narrative to discuss, know that it is generally done to subvert a cause whereby people are closing in on the real cause of all our problems, the Jew!
It basically is an empowering movement for dumb people no other way to describe it. Black lives matter is the same technique and when they done making fools of you the goy will kill off the best and brightest as “witch doctors promoting myths like reason and thought kill kill kill for the Jew being the only holder of truth”
I gave you a math formula to reach for the stars. Instead its ridiculed as “white mans voodoo “
The flat earth theory is nothing new, so a more rounded view is needed.
FET is a plausible working hypothesis for people who just can’t help thinking the world looks flat to them, lack convincing contrary information or have reason to doubt official sources (which is actually most people on the planet, potentially).
It’s also eminently testable, making for a great excuse to exercise personal control over the information we use to decide on these issues. The controversy, therefore is to be welcomed.
You’re not spinning on a ball, Einstein. You can’t prove it and the model is untenable. Jewliani’s PATHETIC pleas are HILARIOUS.
This is a well done look at the flat earth beginnings in 2008 after the financial collapse they just started up the propaganda again as the did for the last few rip offs pre war. Again the Jew only fears Christanity uniting against them as they have over and over again. Like it or not there is no other unified people who can and have resisted there evil. Just the way it is and why they leave anyone alone that does there work undermining Western cultureThe idea that Christians once commonly believed in a flat earth for theological reasons is a myth. The story was invented to promote the claim that Christians have widely resisted scientific advancement due to doctrinal constraints. A major motivating factor… Read more »
Flat Earth, in its essence, uses the same method as Abrahamic religions. They give you a book (idea) which is filled with idiotic ideologies, commandments, statements and they try to create a web of lies which to the gullible mind then seem real enough because it tries to prove itself through itself. The Flat Earth uses Circular logic, just as the Bible : http://rationalwiki.org/w/images/thumb/7/78/Bible_cycle.jpg/400px-Bible_cycle.jpg For the wise, it is enough to say that the Bible is bullshit. To the gullible, you have to prove them that the Bible is bullshit and since they won’t accept anything outside of the Bible as reference or fact, you have to walk them through their own Bible to prove to them from the inside out that the Bible is… Read more »
Walk me through. Start with why you can zoom in ships that allegedly disappear behind the curvature or why moonlight is colder than moonshade.
This is about as simple a summary as can be found https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VNqNnUJVcVs
The same Talmudic kaballistc cult that brought flat earth is the exact church of Zion that corrupted Christan doctrine reasoned by the greatest thinkers of the west. They brought in the idea of ” no good no evil no right no wrong no truth no understanding unisex anti family death cult”
Again “is the earth flat”. No lol
Oh. So your camp is allowed to refer to “youtubers”. I see.
Why do tunnel, railway and bridge engineers never account for the alleged curvature either? At 25.000 mile circumferace, the curvature is give and take 8 inch per mile squared. Where can I find an example of applied globe science?
You do realize that Nasa and evolutionary materialism in general come with relative morality, what you mentioned.
All these globe earth scientists like Keppler and Nasa in general are Freemasonic or as for Einstein, a Jew himself. He proposed Relativity to explain away experiments that proved the is stationary. In other words, both geocentricity and heliocentricy are both equal in his model, relative.
Why are you hung up on believing the Globe Earth, AOP? You are intelligent and articulate in your articles but totally wrong on this one. $10,000.00 to anyone who can prove using real science and reasoned logic that the Earth is a globe of any sort. Your contention of stars looking differently North vs South can be easily explained by the vastness of sky above us, you can only see so much of it where you are. But here is evidence that irrefutably show Ball Earth is simply false. Just please let the facts reveal the truth for themselves. 1) Large masses of water like, the oceans and seas, would curve over many km on a globe instead of being straight flat in nature as… Read more »
NO NO NO NO ! The problem here simply is the dumb assumtion, that because you figured out one big lie….you automatically qualify for understanding everything else. Great and important research re bible Charles. But I do not believe for 1 second that you have researched this subject with an open mind……sorry, total utter waste of time
Kekkle my shekels. Let’s read the comments. 🙂
The first caller is a perfect example of how idiotic the people are that follow this dogma. After he spouted his nonsense and Charlie contradicted him, his only recourse was to get angry and name-call.
“Retrograde motion”. Very rich, breaking out those 6 dollar terms. GTFO. I cannot believe all the HOGWASH coming from Jewliani. I wish i had time to go thru all of your pathetic “proofs” one by one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0oBtcqIg4w Your condescending arrogance is only preceded by your unmitigated ignorance.
EARTH is the ONLY body of it’s kind that WE KNOW OF!!! So to assume that it isn’t UNIQUE in ANY OTHER WAY is the HEIGHT of ASSHOLE
Only in the (burgeoning) “north pole” can you see the sun for months. Try to observe that in the (barren) south. I dare you. Hearing Jewliani regurgitate this religious heliocentric dogma is quite amusing.
Intellectual COWARDICE on your part in this respect, CG.
Explain this then. This is a visualization of the flat earth model which doesn’t happen in reality.
That video is retarded. No flat earther can believe in that model anyway as retrograde of Mars would happen in less than a day as the sun has to revolve a full 360 degrees around the earth everyday in that geocentric model presented. Mars would also be moving in a unexplained motion toward then away from the earth daily which is not observed. Then you have the probem of where does the moon fit into this model and the other planets. Notice also the model doesn’t show a complete rotation of the earth by the Sun. It’s complete bollocks.
People, please take a look at these two videos:
Visualization of The Flat Earth:
Boat Disappearing Behind The Curve:
And explain it in logical and convincing way.
My intuition and observations tell me it’s round.
Spinning ball dupes: Are you fucking SERIOUS? https://youtu.be/NruZ5vzRhQ4?t=15m41s
Watch these videos to understand why the Earth is Flat and Stationary.
If you still don’t get it, you are too brain-polluted and dumbed-down by the JWO to be helped to this Truth.
I find David Mathisen’s view on the Bible interesting, he comments the Flat Earth.
Podcast with him
Wow that guy DAVID Mathisen has got a YUGE nose
Obsesses about Samson
and Revelation …hmmmm
Why is Charles now directing us to fighting the Flat Earth TRUTH instead of the JWO? Tsk, tsk, this is very un-Aryan. All of you who dislike and cannot handle the TRUTH, please take a moment to reflect why you persist in believing in the LIES of Globe Earth. If the JWO really wanted Flat Earth revealed, we would not have those NASA fake photos of Earth in our faces and in the mass-media all the time.
Did it ever occur to you that NASA put out those fake photos, in order to have people dismiss the idea of a globe Earth? This FE business is huge right now. When you see how many people are pushing it, it becomes obvious that there is a lot of time and effort and probably shekels being put into the FET. There’s something fishy about it and it lines up with the Bible and Yahweh perfectly. Why not have a flat stationary Earth ruled by the chosen, to which there is no escape? Pretty soon they’ll be trying to convince the public that there is a firmament over our heads.
N. and S. hemisphere pole region star constellations star trail, still frame progression photography proves Round earth. Case closed. Can’t see north star region from S. Chile and can’t see south star region from Alaska. From just below equator you see s. star pole constellations at FAR south sky horizon and from just above the equator you see the FAR n. pole star sky on FAR north sky horizon. CASE CLOSED. FULL STOP. If you understand what I just typed, and still utter flat earth, you ARE an A. slow thinker or stubborn. B. SHILL bastard poisoning us on purpose. Take your pick. I’m waiting……. Next point, If they say earth sidereal motion around the sun is at 68,000 mph and at the same time… Read more »
Ghost Man O; War There is one simple question that people who are interested in perusing this Deliberately Created “Argument” called FE v Ball Earth, is to get them to answer why it is that: When traveling in a motor vehicle at a constant speed while holding your drink, not accelerating nor decelerating, that you do not spill your drink. It has something to do with your “Frame of Reference” or Vantage Point. Simple ! If they cannot answer this then they are unqualified to answer. For those of you who argue that there are no Satellites in Orbit, all you have to do is go outside after sunset and look up for the first hour and a half and you will see the odd… Read more »
The Earth is definitely not a ball. Flat it is more, but I think this is another concession the jew has to make. The thing is with this whole show is that they MUST make concessions or people will smell a jew rat (no offence to rats, I am truly sorry to the rats for this). It doesnt matter that the Babble has FE, because that may be the truth in the lie which can’t be avoided and because of the turd magick that they count on people not noticing. The Earth has no curvature, that is a given. Well, no one has gone beyond 100K kilometres so as far as firmament is concerned the jury is out. Until we can abolish the jew forever,… Read more »
Bad choice of title.
Impossible to get any “Flat Earther” to even consider listening to it.
I’ve tried!!!