Kyle talks to Drew for over an hour about the engineered black plague, which recently showed its ugly head in Milwaukee, and other important topics such as Russian agents, then is joined by Scott Roberts to discuss some of the problems with Christianity in the White struggle as well as the idea of ZOG-manufactured false flags and hoaxes.
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Another reason for not stopping the chimp-outs could be for training purposes. They can film from above and learn how the black insects swarm and react. Just like the science of crowd control and safety, they can train their future military police zombies in tactics when we all inevitably rise up and revolt. Also, this stand-down position causes frustration and stress in the older white cops. This will eventually lead to the good and fair white men and women retiring young or even quitting. As James Lancia always says, a few good hard cops could nullify these thugs in an instant. The police chiefs know this but obviously take their orders from jews. PS Great to hear Drew and Scott. All three of you have… Read more »
“This will eventually lead to the good and fair white men and women retiring young or even quitting.” I don’t see this as a good thing, I mean, who’s going to replace them ? The change in Police tactic will change once Trumpet gets in, imo, because Whitey at the helm, meaning that there will be an even bigger chimporama with faggot liberal whites joining them, and then ? “Give us your guns.”. The Militia could have done something about this brewing situation years ago, but they never did. I was in a Michigan Militia Social group for a couple of days, lol, till I found out there were Jews in there. You could not bring up USS Liberty or 9/11 as a talking point,… Read more »
Was lovely to hear Drew on the show again! Great show guys.
ChristInsanity destroyed the white race. Christ-tards might as well be fucking jews. Seriously, have you ever tried to talk to a Christ-tard about the fucking jews? You can lay out a hundred of their evil deeds, and all they want to do is bless Israel. Oh, fuck these Christ-tards to hell!
Speaking of Christians, I reckon the CI crowd are the most dangerous to our cause. See that Heimbach character reckons we need to take Israel in the name of Christianity on Youtube. Get stuffed wanker, we didn’t come from there ! 🙂
Here’s INXS take on “Original Sin” (He’s dead now):
I believe it was Kyle who mentioned on one of his shows that he has seen a picture floating around of a group of people together and they are posing for the picture. I can’t remember if he said some were giving the Romand salute or not, but he did say Heimbach was throwing up the communist fist.
Heimbach has been fishy from the word go, and after his organizing of the Sacramento fiasco and not leading the groups personally I’d absolutely never trust the guy.
Yep, that about sums it.
I’ll just add here that Christianity was never subverted – as in what it represents by the Book. We have one of the earliest version of it alive today, the Septuagint – and you’ll find the same nonsense in it as in modern day versions. Most Christians DID NOT READ the Bible all the way up to the late 1800’s – they all blindly believed in it – this should let us know how retarded they were. In modern times the Jews allowed its redistribution to brainwash the masses completely. So, if we want to talk about “subversion”, the only thing that was “subverted” was the Catholic Church by ALLOWING PEOPLE to READ the BIBLE – they lost their initial “dominance” at this point –… Read more »
The only thing that actually was subverted is race-realism and nationalism. Christianity, a Jewish power hungry institution, abandoned the White Race it was using and therefore is destroying its believers. But, one most notice – that the Pope, Priests, Churches – are just and only following – to the letter – what the “good book” says.
This is the biggest “wake up call” that Christians have to face – that their Jewish Religion – used them. It used them. They were tools for it. Nothing more. Slaves. Because, as Kyle and many others before us have said – it is the basis for Communism and Bolshevism.
It pretended to be “good” as long as it needed. Just as any Jewish virus does.
I agree. I usually say that it was “subverted”, because even the most devote (otherwise “Jew-wise”) Christian cannot argue with that point. What it was or wasn’t hundreds or even thousands of years ago isn’t my focus or concern. It is what it is today, and it’s really getting in our way in its current form. If they have some form of Christianity in their head that would work well to oust the Jews, then that’s the ONLY place it exists, because the average Christian is anything BUT a Jew-fighter.
Great to have Drew back. What’s the fearmongering about Russia? Let’s look at it in dry boring facts. How many Russian troops did when exactly take part in excercises in the USA? Jews trolling for Russia? Can’t see the jews being too happy with Russia, or working for them volutarily. Pretty much every media outlet writes crap on a daily base about them. And the good old jews are selling Anti Putin T-Shirt in every corner in Tel Aviv. Try to avoid the “kyke troll” and other childish talk if possible. No point loving any other leader, or actually any leader as such, but presenting facts certainly help. I know Russia pretty well, speak Russian to a basic level and could slag them off for… Read more »
Putin is an ass-fuck jew. That’s all I need to know about that piece of filth. The non-jewish Russians are fine. Jews anywhere are non-human, demonic entities……..including that cunt Gilad Atzmon that Graham Hart adores.
I read somewhere that Mr Hart had a Chinese wife but now a Filipino ?
heres a dry boring fact for ya, if you deny the holocaust in russia you got to jail. hers another, russia has a central bank still controlled by (((you should know by now))), or how about the eurasian agenda? and yet some folks still think poo tins gonna save the day for the whites just like trumpy dumpty.