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6 years ago

So good to hear Charlie put that douchebag commenter — I think the screen name was LongTimeListener — in his place for carrying on about the Hogg year book nonsense. Fucking pathetic. I got $20 says that ‘tard is a cock-chopper.

Reply to  Renny
6 years ago

The yearbook claim was made by an antifa operative. It looks like a strawman thrown out there to discredit people pointing out it was a hoax. The interesting thing is that the term “crisis actor” has been mentioned by big brother media outlets. People really should start paying attention to the nonsense put out on TV. The narratives are getting truly retarded. Some “traumatized” high schoolers are now being asked to decide on federal laws for firearms. They aren’t even old enough to vote yet their “near death” experience somehow qualifies them to decide whether Americans should be illegally disarmed or not. This is something even the zog emporer thinks is a good idea too even though he claims he’s for the second amendment. Then… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

OK I got trolled on the antifa thing. I still think the yearbook thing is a risky claim to make without an actual copy in your hands especially when the narrative is this amateurish and you don’t need it. The “official” footage and story is enough.

This video of David Zogg is total bs. It’s all anyone with commonsense needs to see to know it’s just a media production.

This one is interesting. In all the excitement I forgot about the tweet by Sheriff Clarke that got him fired.

Zogg threatens FedEx in this one.

At 3.00 in this one a good question is asked.

6 years ago

Charles, you’ve been on fire! Always a joy to listen.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Is it just me or does this David Zogg character look like he could be related to Barbara Spectre? If he starts saying it’s time for Americans to go into “disarmed mode” we’ll know for sure there’s a connection.

6 years ago

Charles, too bad your skin isn’t as thick as your head. Get a grip, Nancy. I offered you constructive criticism, which got your panties all in a bunch, and you embarrassed yourself again by going on some ridiculous rant that would make a truck full of truckdrivers blush. Instead of admitting that you made a mistake and move on from it, you didn’t. You chose unwisely to attack the messenger, and then made silly excuses for your folly such as “I don’t have time to research this stuff” and then followed up with “Why didnt you send me a private message? Waaaa, waaaa, waaaa”. You’re such a hypocrite, Sally. You call people out publicly all the time on your show. I’m so sorry to step… Read more »

Reply to  LongtimeListener
6 years ago

Longtime time waster.

6 years ago

Charles’ e-mail, please? bounced back.

6 years ago
6 years ago

To the caller who was enraged about the RBN host who defended his Jap brothers, don’t expect Injun Charlie to have your back in a racial incident either. He’s a troofer, not a White Nationalist or National Socialist, and he has said time and time again, “Guys, guys, I’m not a racist, OK?” But here he is on an alleged NS site, one he admits he doesn’t bother to read or listen to because he is too busy. A real team player.

Reply to  gkruz
6 years ago

Obviously his diehard little fans will downvote you for saying this even though it’s quite obviously true. It’s a pity there are people listening to Renegade (or probably just followed Charlie here) who can’t be objective. Charlie has also defended “good” sodomites numerous times & said he has sodomite friends even though he says he generally doesn’t agree with the lifestyle. Bit like those nationalist alt-righters who say “I’m not racist but…”. You are right to call him a truther – he’s definitely from that old-school of exposing all the lies but ultimately just being huge pessimists saying how “fucked up” the world is but who won’t actually DO anything to change it. I treat Charlie’s shows here as mainly filler as Renegade has a… Read more »

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