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free your mind
8 years ago

Just wanted to let you know, that I look forward to all your podcasts. The only problem is I can’t absorb the knowledge fast enough! Your diligence, ability to think logically, and impeccable research is astounding. Obviously you are motivated by sheer desire to lift humans from the immense layers of lies and falsehoods in which we have all been subjected. In truth, it takes love and manly courage to come forth with these truths. I honor and salute you Mr. Giulliani, and for Renegade to have the foresight and wisdom to post your knowledge, so that we might all liberate ourselves, and build a new community based on the love for truth. Well-done my friend, if I might be so bold as to call… Read more »

simply said
8 years ago

Walsh is 100% correct in stating that a male should not be considered as a babysitter. Boys/men are hugely sexual creatures and unless they are watching their own offspring, the chance of molestation is huge. The news is filled with cases of ignorant women letting boyfriends or male friends watch her children. Don’t do it ladies.

Reply to  simply said
8 years ago

are you saying women arent capable of molesting children…. Or Worse???

Reply to  simply said
8 years ago

It is true that single mothers children are the most likely to be abused. That is often because single mothers, in general, have poor judgement and are often slightly desperate. But in those cases the issue is that the woman is attracting predatory men that know she is desperate. That isn’t the same issue as a teenage boy baby sitting for a friend of the family. It is often the only chance, once the child is asleep, for teenage boys to get some teenage girls over (+cider) without any embarrassing parents walking in on them.

Reply to  simply said
8 years ago

simply said, sounds like your speaking for yourself. maybe u got some pedophile tendencies?

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

Bob, are a negro? Why are you so thick? Obviously that comment is written retrospectively. Retrospectively means from a previous time perspective, that is, when I was a teenager.
Honestly you make me laugh, you write like such a halfwit.

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

wasn’t a reply to you, bright one. I even put his nick name in the reply. What was that IQ score again?

Frau Streicher
Reply to  bob
8 years ago

Someone has to say it…

“simply said, sounds like YOUR speaking for yourself…”

Whenever I see this (and it’s so fucking common these days!) I don’t correct the grammar like others might rightly feel the need to – I just correctly file the person typing it under “untermensch” from then on.

Reply to  simply said
5 years ago

This was never a problem throughout our history…only now that “men” are artificial drone creatures seeking to satisfy their every impulse.

Tom Cahill
8 years ago

This model’s the one we have in the UK, as they’ve got in Australia, and no doubt elsewhere. I’m not saying that it was invented in any of those places, but the total censorship of any genuine crime’s been going on for ages, and not just now that any serious one’s always fake. It’s almost like an actual crime’s an expression of honesty and shows possibility; i.e. anyone can do this . . . In the crazy world we live in this is in an lot of ways good as it gets peoples’ heads going. It demonstrates a lack of control any time one of the drones ignores them all. On the murders, obviously we know who that’s covering up for; however the UK’s top… Read more »

Ingrid B
8 years ago

After listening I wondered if the boys godfsther was, in fact, his real father.. Which would explain why his godfather was fonder of him than his supposed “real” father.. poor kid..

Juan Betancourt
5 years ago

Years Ago I Noticed That There Was Something Quite Sordid About This Walsh Character. He Has Reeked Of Phony Horse Crap Artistry Since The 1980s Observing Him Here Locally As We Were Saturated With John Walsh Here In South Florida. Broward County Law Enforcement Has Been Scandalous Down Here For Decades. It’s A Mafia Of Inept Corrupt Meathead Miscreants. I Have A Friend Who is A Good Guy All Around Who Was Kicked Around By These Goons After They Stormed His Residence Just For Practice. They Charged Him With Assault After His Beatinh From Broward Porkers

Juan Betancourt
4 years ago

Fantastic & Incisive. I Have Been On This Walsh Motherfucker Going Back To The 80s. I Am A Native & Mostly Lifelong Miamian Who Pretty Much From The Start Knew Something Was Very Amiss Walsh. Anyone With Discernment Could Sense That Something Stinks With Walsh. Even A Teen Ager Back In The 80s Like I Was Could. When He Went “National” In The Media This Became Clearly Obvious. Salutations From Miami To Boston Charlie. At Some Point Send You A Few $$

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