Mr. Beattie talks about news and current events, with a central theme being what happens when law and order breaks down, when police are murdered and intimidated, and when the law of the jungle becomes the rule of the streets. This, of course, means that we need strong legal underground units.
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Thanks to all for encouraging e.mails, from those who express inspiration from the shows.
Your shows have your own unique style. I love the Elder wisdom and rhythm (I rhymed!), something that is sorely needed. RB being colossal as it is has only become greater with your addition. As I said before, all bases are covered from all angles, and your base is invaluable. Absorb the hate energy from the scuttling trolls, as far as they are concerned, treat them as your interns and make them work, work those maggots, they are on your payroll! It is a win win situation: if they ignore you fine, if they perk up, then they work for you. Remember to allocate break times according to legislation!
Good talk. In my opinion it is not just enough to get together with like-minded white folks. Many white nationalists are not white patriots at the end of the day. They certainly are not sacrificing for their race. They know something is wrong and they want someone else to do something about it. There are sins of commission and sins of omission. Many white folks will not go out of kill a black man because they know that is wrong. But they will vote for a government who gives welfare to blacks. And not only will they do such a thing – they themselves will be on welfare. If you are a white patriot, you should be poor like John is. If you are rich,… Read more »
When you refer to brown skinned people as “muds”, and Shaun refers to black people as “apes, and chimps”, it robs you of the right to feel superior to anyone, even the jews, who refer to all non jews as goyim. It is disrespectful, and only creates suspicion, and distrust, between all those who are victims of the “elite”..
Attacks by so-called “refugees” is part of “the plan”, and is why “the elite” flooded western lands with saudi spawned wahabbis, and takfiris, as well as genuine refugees, who were forced to flee the saudi spawned wahabbis, and takfiris in their own lands. Labeling all offenders as Muslim, or Islamists, is insulting in the extreme, to those who are also victims..
To each his / her own.
It takes a sharp mind to understand the differences. Obviously, neither youi, nor Shaun, have the abi8lity..
Been listening to Renegade shows since they began and I can say with confidence that sharp minds abound here. Ingrid, unless you can call in and convince us that you might also possess such a mind or even do your own shows that will clearly illustrate this then your comments are simply taken for what they are – yet just another whiny anonymous commenter having a little, ineffectual whinge from the shadows. That is how YOU are perceived because there is absolutely NO real evidence to the contrary. Broadcasters here on the other hand prove their fine mettle on a weekly basis! PS. No apologies for the fact that my grammar is impeccable and my spelling of the words there/their/they’re is always correct. Vocabulary-challenged retards… Read more »
God, King, obviously you have delusions of grandeur. It seems that, showing a little respect for “the other” is an alien concept for some..
Hey Ingrid, click on my name. Go on, I dare you!
I clicked, lord god almighty smith, so what? I wasn`t tempted to listen to your racist shit..
Ingrid, why are you even here? Your pc bullshit is rather pathetic. Lord God King Smith is right, you so far have no purpose here. You’re probably a troll, possibly a shill.
CMG, how many bloody owners does this site have?
You think only someone who owns this site would call you on your shit? As trolls go, you’re quite weird.
Know what Rose, it
s no skin off my nose Rose. I can catch Charles over at Mami
s shit. Bet Shaun was in shock when that site was up again. I can also catch Kyles show over at Whooli
s, and will say this Rose, Whooli pissed Shaun off by merely deleting one of his comments, he didn`t, unlike Shaun, subject him to an endless barrage of foul remarks, because he disagreed with his points of view..You know what Ingrid, it’s no skin off my nose Ingrid. Then go catch people on other sites and stop being an annoying little bitch here. No one here is going to change the way they express themselves to make a pc fucktard like you happy.
Not really, it is just a label, as any other. Labels and tags weren’t a problem until the jew media shouted FIRE and everyone then had a cause to complain about some perceived slighting (by Whitey of course, who else!). We should just call each other whatever and then eventually the word will lose all power once people stop getting their knickers in a twist over mouth movements.
its called venting ingrid, and guess what, we dont hate them for being them, we hate them for being in our lands, but we can still treat them in a civilized manner even while calling them names, amazing hey 🙂
Ingrid is an Indian name. Are you a shit-skinned Indian Ingrid? I think I am going to call you inbred, because that’s how you come across. You’re either Indian or Inbred. Same result no matter what.
I have to ask though…. Seriously, why are you still here? Almost every host on this network, past and present have called people muds or shit-skins and you’re still here….
Why don’t you fuck right off and hang out on CNN or FUX News where all your PC types are? You creatures sicken me to no end.
DISCLAIMAH DISCLAIMAH – John Beattie does not necessarily agree with my view points or the way that I express them… So all of you law and authority officials can FUCK RIGHT OFF!
Kyle corrected me on the name. Ingrid is actually German / Norse. Cheers for correcting me on that, Kyle. Many Indians around here go by this name. Nonetheless, Inbred suits this professional offendee well.
What I am, or am not Shaun, should not concern you. At least I
m not descended from criminals, who stole Australia from it
s rightful inhabitants. Correct me if Im mistaken Shaun, I thought it was Kyle
s site. If Kyle wants me to “fuck right off”, let him tell me himself, and I will go. I never stay where I`m unwanted, or where my opinions are unwelcome..“I never stay where I`m unwanted, or where my opinions are unwelcome..”
Good, that’s the last comment we’ll get from you then as you are definitely unwanted and VERY unwelcome. Please close the door on your way out. Bye Bye!
As I said to Shaun, lord god almighty kingsmith, this is Kyle`s site, therefore it is up to him to decide, who goes, and who stays, or am I mistaken?
inbred, i dare you to spend 5 minutes in a all abbo camp……….it will be the last we ever here of you 🙂
hey ingrid………….from another aussie……………….fuck right off…………….oh and please let the fukin abbos kick you on the way out
Ingrid, it’s not technically possible to steal land from Stone Age level tribes, as they have no concept of nation states or property. Every piece of land the British went to, the local tribes were engaged in non-stop inter-tribal warfare against other tribes, which the original Christian British colonialists help to stop. In NZ some of the weaker Maori tribes begged the British to buy land to create buffer zones so they would be protected from other tribes. Some tribes begged the British for guns, and when given them, killed off thousands of rival tribes (Musket wars). Conquering Stone Age people is really doing them a big favour, as their cycle of violence, inbreeding and low IQs make it unlikely that they would ever rise… Read more »
You’re right about many things Daniel, except the abbos here have barely risen out of anything because they still act like docile and savage creatures on the most part…
Oh” and by the way, Shaun, unlike you, I have never felt the need to feel superior to anyone, unless I`m provoked..
Does feeling superior make one superior, or is is just the sense of it? I feel I can lift 500lbs some days.
No. Knowing one is superior makes one superior. At least that’s always been my experience.
I was once told on a show back on Oracle, “The problem with you Shaun, is you think you are better than everybody else…” And I simply answered, “Only those I am better than…”
Whether you like to think so or not Inbred, even somebody with your low IQ is superior to the abbos here.
Ingrid, there are no genuine refugees. All Syrians leaving Syria should, by International Law, claim refugee status in the first safe country they cross into – Turkey. The Open Society is bringing them into Europe, so they are not genuine refugees by any standard. So we are paying for people who are being used as a weapons by jewish elites, but does that mean we should accept them and pay for their living costs, as we are doing, because they are ‘victims’? It doesn’t matter who is running this, these Syrians are not us and not welcome. They are not ignorant of what they are doing. They knew that they were safe in Turkey, but wanted to parasitise off Europeans. Are you saying we should… Read more »