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Anton rîter von Zyttidell
3 years ago

Have a good break Charlie. Thanks for your time and effort with fighting the good fight, for sharing much needed truth out there in unsere weltkampf!

Be in touch via email

Robert Heimdal
3 years ago

I suppose a good-bye show without these belching CI hoodlums wouldn’t have been the same. This drunk untermensch once again showing that him and his ilk have absolutely nothing to say other than emitting gross sounds like some lower animal (“beast of the field” perhaps?). I bet their “yahweh god” must be very proud of them. Good optics pal! keep the good work dragging your psychotic religion through the mud with such subhuman behaviour, and please… don’t forget to get your shot.
Anyway, bye by now Charlie.

3 years ago

Keep up the great work Charlie, I wish you the best!

3 years ago

Best wishes for a well earned rest and speedy recovery for Charlie.

Thought it was hilarious and so apt when the Ci guy belched through don’t you forget about me by Simple minds. Couldn’t have chosen a better song and more appropriate band name.

3 years ago

Hey Charlie, sorry to see you go, but wishing you well on your break! Maybe reconsider the name for the new channel since there are several called ‘ truth bytes’ on yt. Even one of them on bible tips : )
Annette, Amsterdam

billy george
3 years ago

charlie arguing with that loon is box office enough lol

3 years ago

Bless your cotton socks, Charlie, thanks for all the inspiring and informative work you’ve done, it’s been a main part of my bed time media for ages. I hope you find what you need during your break, and I also hope that you will be back sometime in future! mwah!

2 years ago

Is Charlie doing his shows somewhere else?

2 years ago

New Charles’ channel on Youtube –

Last edited 2 years ago by ZUGZWANG
Reply to  ZUGZWANG
2 years ago

Thanks! I’ve been looking for this.

2 years ago

hey! hows the break?

1 year ago

Just considering the enormity of the hole we the people are in without any real methods to save our selves just enough to eliminate ourselves by doing nothing, but alex jones and his controlled opposition ever w.e.f. propaganda video Jones shows in full without comment! THATS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

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