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7 years ago

All the best Charlie.
Enjoy your time but please come back!

7 years ago

I will miss you, CG. You’ve been my morning show everyday for quite sometime. Thanks for helping me get the day started with an informative and at times incredibly funny show. You’re great, and I wish you all the best.

7 years ago

Thanks for everything Charlie! At least there is a ton of stuff to listen to in your archives. Best!

7 years ago

I am finally moved to post my first comment ever on renegade. I’ve downloaded and listened to every single renegade broadcast since 9/20/16.

Even though we still have the archived shows, CG’s daily lessons/illustrations/rants will be greatly missed by me.

May his return be furious after he has reconciled his personal affairs.

7 years ago

Charlie, you will be missed. Rest up and come back.

7 years ago

Charles, Even though I have not listened to that many of your shows (probably 6 in all, as I am new to Renegade), I appreciate the fact that it was the opportunity to be exposed to, shall I say, ‘unusual’ or ‘extra ordinary’ ideas, even if I am a little wary of the ‘WAR on Christ meme’, which I believe to be serving the overall big Z plans (you know, the ‘is it good for the…?’). I know this runs counter to overall ‘approach’ endorsed at Renegade. However, the only diversity worth pursuing is that which allows diversity of opinions to be voiced. Talking about ‘voice’, Charles I love the way you speak. It is quasi preacher-like (as I imagine it to be)… Good luck… Read more »

happy shicksa
Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

Michling you are spot on! I just listened to it as I am getting caught up on Guilliani. I think he is writing a book now. How are things where you are?

7 years ago

I love hearing Charles rage, especially on bible dupes lol. Looking forward to his book. This is one show I will definitely miss.

Christine Flockhart
7 years ago

Thanks for all the great shows Charlie and all the great laughs. I hope you don’t stay away too long!

7 years ago

We sure could use a good religion for white people only. I study odinism, krishnaism, and lightworker.

7 years ago

Take care dude.

7 years ago

You are the best radio host I’ve ever listened to. Take care and thank you for everything.
You came a long way in ten years. You were good then, but became even better. (Truth Hertz 2007)

7 years ago

Never tired of listening to your enlightening shows, Charles, ever since I found you a year or so back… A daily companion you’ve been and will continue to be through your archive material. Your research is such a great support for people all over the world, breaking free from old delusions and programming. A blessing for us all, your many talents combined to present us this truly awesome treasure house of information. Your return will be heartfully welcomed by many and me for sure. Thank you for your brave commitment to truth!

7 years ago

Where is the CG archive from older than renegade archive?

Reply to  3301
7 years ago


iirc most of the CG shows 2009-2014, see also links in that page, and do a search there by clicking on the Charles Giuliani link on that page also.

Possible there are some others on the torrent sites (seeders permitting….)

7 years ago

Charles, be sure to save and protect your audio archives as it is an important body of work whose value is likely to grow with time. This is especially true were the orgnized jewish entity to succeed in making their new ‘anti-semitism’ definition law punishable by prison term for those criticize jewish power and Israel. they specified some specific things to shut up about but as well include the vague expansive area which logically will mean that anyone not wanting to be severely punished could chooses only never to talk about jewry at all in any respect and therefore never to think about them/it neither. In the Multicultural Society to be fully implemented when White people are a poor small harried and scorned minority among… Read more »

6 years ago

Charlies great

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