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Bobby mcclelland 813
4 years ago

Good show Charlie . Good callers I called and by no means do I defend all black people because there are alot of them I call inhuman animals and niggers. They push alot of beat down videos on social media its enough to piss alot of people off it makes me sick. Violence seems to be driving the media and if alot of this shit wasn’t put on TV or social media It wouldn’t spread like it is. It’s being pushed to get us all fighting and it’s working

Bobby mcclelland 813
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Well I always hear a black guy or girl laughing behind the camera filming the shit only white folks I see in the videos are getting their God Damm head’s caved in. iignoring it doesn’t make it go away but the niggers really love the attention maybe if the jew controlled media didn’t show it 24 7 the animals will stop . That’s not going to happen I wish it would . It’s getting old

4 years ago

Anyone tried just putting your shirt over your nose and say ” THERE, I’ve got a mask, now fuck off. ” ? legit question

Reply to  morgus
4 years ago

Well yeah that would possibly work to get you into a store BUT that isn’t the point at all. The mask is a muzzle. Pulling your shirt over your face is still muzzling yourself. The creatures pushing this know the masks don’t work so the push is to get all the slaves muzzled. It is them pushing their power trip as far as they can simply because they know just how many obedient little slaves will comply with their every whim.

End of the day it’s your choice – pull the shirt over your face & be just another compliant slave (regardless of the expletives you use) OR simply say fuck your slave muzzle & fuck all this fake “Covid” BS! NO! NO! NO!

Reply to  morgus
4 years ago

grow some balls and refuse a mask all together, if they ask you to leave….LEAVE and remind them you will not be coming back.

Therese Westphal
4 years ago

What about thos people in stores that begin the harrassment
Campaign when your nose isn’t covered and then proceed
To order you to cover your nose or leave myself at that point it’s a no brainers
Goodbye and goodridance some are braindead others are straight up tyrants

4 years ago

At the very LEAST one of the callers on this show was a troll & I’m not talking about Brian this time! Clue… “I know people who caught Covid-19… rant rant rave (quickfire generic conspirotard 101 cliché crapola)…

Bobby mcclelland 813
Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

My brother has it and I’m not a fuckin troll it’s like a really bad flew . I don’t know what the fuck a troll is but I’m not one. I’m not a
mask wearing Trump tard I’m just telling what I know and some of my friends family have died . I did mention colloidal silver so I contributed some very good information to the show . What about you ? Seems like you maybe a fucking troll I bet you look like one

Bobby mcclelland 813
Reply to  Bobby mcclelland 813
4 years ago

Conspirotard ? Ok sure. Then who in the fuck do you think you are? some kind of critic or a paranoid fuck tard ?with stupid labels you put on people You need help you really do. There is no pandemic but there is some kind of crud and people are getting it I didn’t want to beleave it untill now. My brother is sick and my sister in law too so fuck you !!!!

Reply to  Bobby mcclelland 813
4 years ago

lol a “flew” did this caller have a foreign accent? Or just can’t spell.

Bobby mcclelland 813
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

I’m retarted ok . LoL a flu

Bobby mcclelland 813
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

Ok nomore comments from me lol I’m looking really retarted on here. But I am still a big fan I love you guys I really do . I’m not a troll I’m 57 years old I live in Florida . I’m a native here I use my phone I don’t have a computer it’s hard to type for me I’ve got fat fingers my Grammer is shitty forgive me. But I’m being honest there is people in my town getting sick now I talked to my brother on the phone he can’t even walk out to the mail box and he works at Walmart

Johnny Walker Read
Reply to  Bobby mcclelland 813
4 years ago

A really bad “flew”. That sound’s like a bad airplane ride. Get your grammar right so you don’t look/sound like an idiot.

4 years ago

No one has Covid 19. The alleged Covid 19 virus has never been visualized, verified, isolated or purified. Therefore, until proven otherwise, it does not exist. Believing in Covid is really no different than believing in Jeeeeeeesus.

Bobby mcclelland 813
4 years ago

Ok nomore comments from me lol I love you guys . Sorry about my typing and bad Grammer I’m working off my phone I’m 57 yrs old Im in Florida a native. And my brother really has come down with it he can’t even go out to get his mail he’s in bad shape and I have friends and nieghbors that know others that died. So it is creeping around this part of FL.

4 years ago

Charlie, check out this article, please discuss financial aspects of “pandemic” -

Reply to  Louise
4 years ago

Charlie has said on air before that he doesn’t check the comments here. Best to email him with discussion topics. He gives his email out on air every now & then.

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