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6 years ago

Is it just me, or all the calls killing the show, how about max 2 per show and not 20 min long

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

If there isn’t a concerted effort to get Charlie off track then that means his topics and rants are off track. You won’t be left alone if you are putting out effective propaganda and getting an audience.

Ghost Man O; War
Reply to  WhiteWolf
6 years ago

Charles is a good soul. He shows others we are concerned for our youth and elderly and brings a smile to our faces in crazy time in this epoch. We are about to enter a time in history that will rattle the outer rim of this realm. Great show Charlie Bob. You’re one in a million and I’m glad you’re on our team. Wouldn’t trade you for 100 of our opponents. Trust is an almost forgotten virtue and you’re jam packed with this illusive quality. Renegade people are the best. Tell everyone you know about Renegade. Lead them to Sinny’s great songs or Kyles incredible shows. I have a friend who comes over and we check out things on the web and cannot believe the… Read more »

Reply to  Ghost Man O; War
6 years ago

The net has changed attitudes quite a lot since it became popular. I’ve been using it since before you could browse it on Windows platforms. Everything was just text based and there wasn’t many html sites around when I started. Once you could just click on links with your mouse it just exploded in popularity. I also remember a time before google, youtube, faceberg, twitter, snapchat and other big name sites. The net worked just fine without them and will work just fine without them again should everyone boycott them out of business for censoring free speech. As for the net being toxic I would disagree. It was the net that allowed widespread dissemination of pro-White propaganda. It’s the net that has allowed people to… Read more »

Reply to  Werner
6 years ago

Most of his callers are interesting. There are a couple boring douchebags, but Charlie usually does a good job of moving them along.

Alexander from Flanders
Reply to  Werner
6 years ago

I totally agree.

Most callers just annoy the hell out of me. They absolutely destroy the flow of the show.

Maximum 2 callers sounds like heaven (read: Walhalla) to me (zero would be better). Or… calls are only allowed into the shows that are setup just for taking calls, and let the hosts do their freaking jobs.

Reply to  Werner
6 years ago

Agreed. Tho the callers are interesting, this show was completely taken off topic for about an hour and 10 minutes, which was supposed to be about Tesla which Charlie only spent 20 minutes on. I like listening to Charles, but this wasn’t a good show. I think one caller even called more than once

6 years ago

Amazing Cassidy Stay bitch. Shot in the back of the head, lost a finger, six family members dead and this amazing little bitch can party it down just two days later. UnbeLIEvable resillience.

Reply to  Renny
6 years ago

We need a ban on crisis actors or world wide TV bonfires.

Reply to  Renny
6 years ago

I still prefer Peekay when it comes to exposing these hoaxes. Here’s an older video of his put out by the same person.

Peekay destroys the hoax narrative using just the material the msm is peddling. No hoax codes or anything esoteric is needed once Peekay gets on the case. I’ve used his videos to wake up a few people. They’re usually pretty short and his style works really well.

6 years ago

More TV hoaxery by the jew butt-pluggers. These bitches just never stop.

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