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8 years ago

Thanks for regurgitating the “Official Story” of the Port Arthur Staged Atrocity/Civilian Disarmament Movie. No reason to be at Renegade Broadcasting anymore since the jewish media is telling the truth about these things. BTW, nice “job” on the Audio Feedback destruction of the last Tom Goodrich interview. What method did you use? This one?

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Pat, Kyle asked me if I wanted your comment deleted, because of it’s sheer stupidity and I asked him to leave it here, so that I could leave you this one response.

You have way too much fucking time on your hands!

Reply to  surplus
8 years ago

He Shaun, i noticed the same thing LOL good idea to leave his comment here so that everyone knows how dumb Pat’s posts are and people will stop listening to him

mrs doris dittman
Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

well said renegade,,good night pat

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

“…since the jewish media is telling the truth about these things”.

Yes and I, can not only, lick the tips of my elbows I can swallow them all the way up to my shoulder.

Ingrid B
8 years ago

Shaun, Hi, firstrly, I liked MAMI\s shit. I also like Whooli. We all have different tastes, since we are all individual. Has it not occured to you that Whooli might be Muslim? I am trying to get my head around Renegade, but this is made difficult with regard to intolerance. I would like to point out that most refugees would rather have stayed where they fled from. Those who WANT to invade “white” countries, are probably saudi funded, Turkey/Jordanian trained, and israeli supported takfiri scum, who have little, or nothing to do with Islam, and everything to do with zionist/wahabbi barbaric ideaolgy, so, Shaun, before you lump all “muds” under one banner, give some thought to what I have said, and try not to condemn… Read more »

Reply to  Ingrid B
8 years ago

How lame is your comment Ingrid? Because you don’t like my “intolerance” you can’t get your head around Renegade? How about just not listening to my fucking show? How’s that for intolerance for ya? I’ve said it before and I will say it again… Nobody is tying you down and I even have disclaimers in place stating that there may be material that you don’t like. And that if you sit through it and then write me to complain, you can blow it out your arse! So blow it out your arse you stupid illogical bitch! As for Whooli, if he’s a Muslim, he’s no friend of mine! Oh wait, he’s no friend of mine anyway, because I smelled a rat. Ingrid, you can stick… Read more »

Reply to  surplus
8 years ago

LOLOLOL well said Shaun. personally, i think Ingrid and Pat (or Tom or whatever) are here for dis info and diversion

Reply to  surplus
8 years ago
Ingrid B
Reply to  surplus
8 years ago

So much for tolerance Shaun.. You have no right to be critical of others. bye! bye!

Reply to  Ingrid B
8 years ago

Yeah I have EVERY right to be critical of others when they are robbing my White Western Peoples of their countries and cultures. Your statement STINKS to the high heavens of a PC SJW…. Which begs the question: “What the fuck are you even doing here?”

Ingrid B
8 years ago

Let`s face it, Bryant,, Breivik, and Adam Lanza, are all patsies for MOSSAD..

8 years ago

P Manning is pro IZ!!!!! I facepalm. I thought too that he had something, really had something. But yet again, blue balls. THis tone represents that feeling of ones disappointio

8 years ago

Mamis was a great resource for podcasts. It introduced me to your show, for example. Looking back there are some glaring omissions like Tanstaafl (Carolyn Yeager used to be regularly featured however). It was a mistake for them to bring on board the extra admins after the site had been running for a while. Foon1e is just a regular listener who got to know the founding admins through Skype. I don’t think he even rejects multiculturalism or recognises that theres a Jewish problem. Another admin left because he still bought into multiculturalism. The site wasn’t well run to be honest but did well under the circumstances. How Zapoper managed to not alienate everyone Ill never know. Mami did not pass the torch onto competent people… Read more »

Reply to  Futurist
8 years ago

That’s a fair enough statement. Thanks for your feedback Futurist.

8 years ago

“Embrace Diversity”

Fuck Diversity. Wigger clowns too.

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