Eddy discusses some of the history of the Holocaust and how it is used, goes over some of the drama regarding the Trump administration, relations with Russia, a real history of government-instigated humanitarian crises, and much more.
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If I were Japanese back in the day Wardo, I would ban Christianity myself. The devastation that mind virus has caused is self evident and should horrify anyone with even a modicum of discernment.
“The originator of the name, christ, was executed as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius; and though repressed, this DESTRUCTIVE SUPERSTITION erupted again, not only through Judea, WHICH WAS THE ORIGIN OF THIS EVIL, but also through the city of Rome, to which all that is horrible and shameful floods together and is celebrated.” Tacitus.
I seriously doubt Wardo that many Germans would agree with your assessment that the only true holocaust by definition (according to your opinion) was committed on Japan! Sorry friend but that blows my mind. Wow. Perhaps you need to watch Hellstorm.
The firebombing they did to Japan was perfected in Germany. And Eddy has watched Hellstorm…
I sure have and anything that I said in this report was in no way to diminish the atrocities committed on Germany .. The Germans are not the ones that coopted the term Holocaust .. the Jews are. .. One point that I would like to make .. The Jews hate everyone that isn’t a jew .. but of all of the people that I see that they hate more than anyone is “WHITE CHRISTIANS”
What is it exactly that they, according to your research, target “White Christians” foremost rather than “Whites” just generally ? Is it because, perhaps, that with some elements of Christianity, pre-date the major religions, ie; it is BCE & including Judaism is before then (eg: Cygnus the Swan).
Another curious observation is that this Mock_Nation they call “Israel”, a criminal thiefdom it is indeed, the language promoted is the rather modern “Hebrew” they concocted and not Yiddish. Any thoughts ?
ok Paul, let me rephrase this for you .. they hate Christians more than any other
I hate Christians, too, because they are. in essence, nothing more than filthy jews.
thats profoundly ignorant .. most Christians on the planet are Aryans
The majority of Christians are non-White.
Au contraire, Wardo, anyone who worships a dead jew on a stick is ignorant. Fuck Jewsus.
Wardo, if someone is Aryan, what the hell are they doing following a sick, twisted, perverted semitic religion? Christ-tards are most definitely suffering from the jew mind-fuckery virus. Christ-tards are every bit as destructive to the white race as are the filthy jew. I abhor and despise them with a passion.
First off you might get an understanding of who a Jew is as apposed to the Hebrew Israelites of the time of Christ. This is 2 completely different people and they worship 2 different things. The jews of today are not semitic people .. they do not come from the blood line of the Abrahamic linage .. they come from Japheth not Shem. For your information the Ashkenazi are spoke about in their alleged writings .. the bible .. which they did not pen. But it appears that you assume that they did. It is there that it proves that they (Ashkenazim) are liars. It also gives their linage and shows them as being Caucasian just like you pal.
Whatever! Jewsus was a fucking jew rabbi with a mutilated wanker. I’m not worshipping that nonsense. Nor do I respect anyone who does.
your call .. Remain hateful and IGNORANT
They hate Christians not because of jesus or New Testament dogma rather because many Christians are not following the script, many have family values and follow a moral code of ethics (or try to), Self reliance, etc. Remember what Christ said in Luke 14:26
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters–yes, even their own life–such a person cannot be my disciple.” But don’t forgetto turn your other arse cheek goyim. Yes jew master may I have another? Please. Barf
Not to mention Christianity & Judaism is Communism.
Thanks Wardo.
Have you read “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin” – Dietrich Eckart ? You should read it if you have not. At the end there’s a section called the “Tragedy of Lucifer”.
EDITOR’S FOREWORD: The following material has been translated from a pamphlet
found in the NSDAP Hauptarchiv. Its German title was Der Bolschewismus von Moses
bis Lenin: Zwiegesprach zwischen Adolf Hitler und mir, and it was originally published in
Munich in March 1924 from unfinished notes on which Dietrich Eckart had been working
in the autumn of 1923.
thanks Paul .. I’ll check it out
As for the comparison of Russia vs America regarding intervention and atrocity, I get it. However, this makes the the Russian government seem somewhat blameless, when today’s government IS an extension of the USSR. If you tally up the amount of suffering that emanated from the Soviets, including Mao’s cultural revolution (mass murder), we’re dealing with an astronomical amount of atrocity. Russia is currently the #2 weapons exporter behind the USA, so they might not be AS troublesome at the moment, but they’re working hard at it.
Why do we do this work .. well me for one is that I cannot stand for assholes that profit off of the detriment of others. I do not gamble, can’t stand (while useful I suppose) Bail bondmen .. mainly because I overheard one boasting about they just took a biker’s custom bike .. and then there is attorneys .. especially family law attorneys .. and the list goes on ..
About the burning of ammunition: My granfather told me a story before he died. He served in Vietnam and told me that a bunch of idiots decided to run around in the jungle and shoot off their guns. One of them had the bright idea of firing off a flare gun, which landed right in the ammuntion stock pile; blowing everything up. My granfather also survived a grenade that landed in his tent while he slept, which caused him to be almost completely deaf since that time. He also got diabetes from Agent Orange.