White Wellness: Blondes’ Eternal Frenemy (7-11-19)

Tabitha has Callwen back on talk about the anti blonde agenda that exists within the White genocide agenda.  Topics include: the (((hollywood))) version of the blonde, non Whites who dye their hair blonde, blonde actresses, personal hair stories and some natural hair care tips.

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5 years ago

The ‘Blonde Bimbo’ image promoted by Pamela Anderson was one I always resented, as well as the ‘Clueless’ and ‘Legally Blonde’ ditzy airhead blondes portrayed by Alicia Silverstone and Resse Witherspoon. Growing up young and blonde, I always had a sense of being preyed on. I took the bus to school for first grade. For several weeks when I got home, a grown man would call my house and ask to speak to me. He knew my name, and told my mother that he watched me get off the bus every day. I remember the police coming over one afternoon, but nothing happened, and to my knowledge, the calls stopped. We moved quite a distance away and I went to a new school the next… Read more »

Reply to  Amber
5 years ago

Great insights Amber – I’ve been reflecting on whether the sense of danger of being a blonde led to me coloring my hair. I traveled with three girlfriends across Europe (we were two blonds, one brunette), and we were groped (especially in Italy), where we were literally molested and some guy took all his clothes off when we were in this kinda remote place in Capri. Then another time some arab tried to abduct my friend in Amsterdam. I pulled her away – you just wonder what might’ve happened because he was pulling her really hard in the other direction. I mean it was a real attempt. That was the 80s, mostly we felt safe, especially in Germany – I shudder to think what it’s… Read more »

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

I back packed Germany by myself a little over a decade ago. I stayed in a hostel in Hidelberg for two nights, both nights making sure to be inside well before dark. I had no clue about anything then, but I just knew that there were a lot of brown men who spoke in a language I couldn’t understand, who felt threatening, and no women my age. Both nights I watched the sunset from a third story window, watching mainly young men roam around until well after dark. I wanted to stay and see the sights, but I remember I just didn’t feel safe there by myself at all, and wanted to be somewhere else. Twenty years ago now my family took a trip to… Read more »

Reply to  Amber
5 years ago

Amber its interesting that we have all sorts of clubs for women of various ethnicities to talk about their unique issues and experiences, and collaborate with each other on understanding their common experience and ways of coping with things, but there are no clubs I am aware of for blond women or red haired women, or blue eyed women, green eyes, etc.

Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

The film “Single White Female” is another good anology of how the jewish supremacists have studied the empathetic Aryan nature, and in it they are explaining how they intend to trick the world into blaming Whites for all their crimes. Like you both, the jewish White genocide agenda of this film would never have registered at that time.

PS Bridget Fonda was my ideal star crush in my youth. she was so beautiful, but i now assume she’s jewish, so there’s the classic dupe again. Thank you ladies. Great conversation and connections.

5 years ago

Ikea’s ‘softcore cuckold porn’ – featured on Renegade Tribune:

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

I just watched all four of those videos – and of course the comment section is disabled.

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

Ikea is just a giant store with a bunch of cheap, soulless junk. Their whole sales pitch is just riding on the clean, simple, neatness, and ingenuity of the Swedish, but isn’t all of their shit made in China? (I’m not sure, but why wouldn’t it be?)
What disgusting, low level ”advertising”.
I shop at Estate sales for tools and house ware things of quality, or garage/yard sales. I only go to church for the rummage sales because everything is cheap (since it is donated), and if you show up at the end, they will usually just give away whatever is left. I got a beautiful oak kitchen table and chairs, a dresser and all kinds of other stuff from the christards for free.

5 years ago

Here’s the link to The Racial Elements of European History – try the chapter on jews.

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

There is a connection to the farmer social class that nordics have, and so the racial elements of european history book is interesting, many good insights, but I do think it overstates the presence of the nordics within the aristocracy. You will find far more nordics among the peasant classes and small farmers, etc. Just see the South African boer people. Mainly a farming people. Nordic culture is predominately a peasant culture with some who became part of the aristocracy.

5 years ago

Excellent show ladies.
Try this copy of that book, as it contains the mysterious disappearing jew chapter…

Reply to  ThorsDisciple
5 years ago

Thanks – just read this prophetic gem: “The influence of the Jewish spirit, and influence won through economic predominance, brings with it the very greatest danger for the life of the European peoples and of the North American people alike. ‘For what is here at stake is the unhindered development of the bearers of the highest culture of mankind, who, if the process of amalgamation with these emissaries of the East goes further, run the risk in mind and body of wandering off those paths which their own genius has marked out for them.”

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

Amazing. OF COURSE European Man made a Science out of analyzing RACE which is exactly why the kikes had to neutralize it by taking over education and peddling their UNSCIENTIFIC b.s…

5 years ago

Also, I like these handmade hairbrushes from Russia, although they are on (((Etsy))). They also make really beautiful barrettes.


Reply to  Amber
5 years ago

Those are beautiful – I’m surprised they’re so cheap being homemade and all.

5 years ago

This was a very thought provoking show with many new angles I had not considered before. Thank you both…..

5 years ago

Thank you for an interesting show.

Before the programming polluted us with its interpretation of what a blonde is, I myself, growing up, always perceived NATURAL blondes as somewhat anointed, given a spark, a shine, a shimmer, a glow. And every single one I met was sweet and kind. Maybe they were just so happy with their hair. Ha!! I would be, too!

Hair, I was taught, is our crowning glory. I will add that
when it’s blonde, it sparkles and radiates, and is even known to make people smile – it’s one of nature’s best offerings.

5 years ago

“Blonds have more fun” meme is designed to incite envy, inciting envy is genocidal, see: marxism.

Reply to  Matt
5 years ago

The suggestion ”Blondes have more fun” was always about sexual demoralization, from my perspective. Every time I heard that phrase in my teens and twenties, it was always with that suggestive (read slimy) wink and a smile. The Playboy models, the Swedish Swim Team, I am sure in the porn industry, and it is very obvious in hollywood, as well as advertising over the past 75+ years that the idea was to get girls to ‘lighten up’, go ‘wild’, and ‘just go with it’, in the bedroom because everybody knows, ”blondes have more fun”. It’s always about portraying the blonde in the most demoralizing, denigrating, and destructive way possible, or that of a cruel bitch, which like Elizabeth implies in her comment, I have never… Read more »

5 years ago

Another possibility for Jean Harlow’s death at 26 could be the super toxic concoction (used weekly!) to bleach her hair: peroxide, ammonia, Clorox and Lux soap flakes.
The official cause of death was kidney failure (nephritis), which leads to a buildup of toxins over time because the body can’t eliminate.

5 years ago

The villian’s name in Single White female, Hedra means “joy” in hebrew. Sounds a lot like the mythical Greek creature, the hydra who grew two heads after being slewn by Hercules. Or a hydra can also be a multifarious evil not to be overcome by a single effort. And lastly: a southern constellation of great length that lies south of Cancer, Sextans, Corvus, and Virgo and is represented on old maps by a serpent. The hidden serpent symbolism in this movie is an example of the peversion of Kundalini energy by jews.

5 years ago

And here we see what appears to be a blonde princess of sorts, ”joining minds” with…? The other title for the ”art” piece is ”step forward” – so is she signing herself into bondage?


(from the fat slob Steve Outrim’s burning man promo twit feed)

Reply to  Amber
5 years ago

Elsa from Frozen with a wolf blitzer neanderthal – creepy. I went there once late 90s, pics remind me of degenerate ultra-cool, soulless. I always felt at odds, now I know why. I didn’t feel cool enough, but glad I didn’t go too far into it. I think Jan cited a video of Steve Outrim talking about how he had a contract with the cia, and I saw that video.

Reply to  Callwen
5 years ago

Here’s Steve Outrim debunking Jan, with the said video included. Maybe, as a friend of mine said, it’s all one big controlled op. Likely not worth looking into, but since I brought it up…
part one; https://burners.me/2019/02/26/debunking-jan-irvin/
part two: https://burners.me/2019/02/28/debunking-jan-irvin-part-2/

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