Kyle plays a clip from Thule Productions, a speech by George Lincoln Rockwell, and audio from a short video about the heroic man who died 50 years ago.
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Kyle plays a clip from Thule Productions, a speech by George Lincoln Rockwell, and audio from a short video about the heroic man who died 50 years ago.
Rockwell’s speech is as relevant today as it was back then.
What a speech!
Awesome wildcard – thank you! I am deeply inspired by Rockwell, he was a great man.
thankyou so much for a great show & uploading thules rant here (they have censored his video & no one can comment)
seig heil & odin bless
Richard B Spencer has written a forward to the 1933 book: “Conquest of a Continent”. Is this the same galoot we often hear about associated with the Alt-Right ?
Great show Kyle thank you. Listening to Rockwell always uplifts me. He was a great speaker using articulate language and humor to get the point across.