Dinosaur News: Personality vs. Dogma (7-13-16)


John Beattie covers some of the news related to turmoil in America, politics in Britain, and how the success of our movement relies on the personalities of our proponents and personal relationships within the legal underground.

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8 years ago

As usual Beattie Boy brings the passion and the love Renegade deserves to the table. He not only refreshes some of us that feel like we just want to give up, but just lifts all of our spirits in general.

Stories untold are a waste of a good life lived and I for one absolutely revel in the stories John tells each and every week.

Can’t wait until next week, John.

Cheers mate.


Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

Thank y’all most sincerely.

8 years ago

it is a honor to hear you talk every week sir and a “white privilege” 🙂 to have you as part of our family.

8 years ago

“hook nose and a wheelbarrow full of money” haaaaaaaaaa, love it

Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

I like how all the Renegade hosts use their unique personalities to name the jew and call out degenerates.
Throw in great contributors, intelligent chatters, clued-up listeners and we are a winning team. A white, bright, beautiful family – my family.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

Renegade is one of those things that I can never say “the good old days” because it’s better than ever.
Renegade proves that evolution is real.

8 years ago

Very important talk around 17:50.
When researching a topic, do you study the personality(*ies) behind it or merely the topic itself, personless? Both but first the personality(*ies) which is not always easy due to prejudice and lack of information.

8 years ago

Good talk and John, you’ve been in the trenches.

I’m in a quandary. The other white guy at work who is married to a white woman and who is proud to be white is giving me a bad name. He is the laziest guy at work and very difficult to work with (always angry and mad and picking fights). Should not white guys be the hardest working and the most polite?

Here are two links that will forever dispel the notion that Germany started WWII but that it was actually Britain!


8 years ago

John, it sounds like you’ve been in the trenches. Why the talk about Britain and WWII, though? This link shows (http://revblog.codoh.com/2009/06/who-started-wwii/) who started WWII and it wasn’t Germany. Yes Britain was bombed but who started it and why were around ten times more German civilians killed than British?

8 years ago

John, you sound strong and confident. Good stuff.

8 years ago

To everyone – I know John personal. Support him. He’s sacrificing! Ask him when he last went on a vacation or – went shopping. He has sacrificed like no one else I know of. Support him and make his life a bit more comfortable though remember that he will take whatever you give him and give it to others first so be firm – lol. He’d give a poor neighbor his last bit of food. That’s the kind of guy he is.

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