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10 years ago

Great podcast Kyle, We don’t need any more hateful psychopaths, I know that a lot of people don’t agree with my views, but when someone threatens my life over something I have written on the Tribune, they have CROSSED THE LINE. No Jew has yet threatened my life, I don’t need that shit from someone who claims to be a White Nationalist.

10 years ago

Hi Kyle

I’m glad you’ve called out the recent BS.



10 years ago

Backpack through ISRAHELL, no hyphen, and you’ll watch kjs try to kill you and all of yours. The minor prophets are murderers that sell their wives into slavery. They kill without remorse due to their genetics. Let’s all agree, Jerusalem should be made glass, not the Persian heirs, the Iranians (means Aryan)!

10 years ago

Peacefully reaching out to the sheep is a very old tactic which has yielded little.
The image was tainted/ruined since Rockwell’s Hollywood Nazi uniforms in the 60s.

If what you have to offer the public is a bunch of smokers, drunks, drug users, fat
obese overweight, tattooed, stuck-in-the-past, confused degenerates then forget it!

Reply to  Damon
10 years ago

Damon, why must you always sounds so butt-hurt. Are you the Great Cornholio, do you need more TP for your bunghole?

Return of Tyr
Reply to  Damon
10 years ago

Hey Kyle, you forgot to censor Damon’s comment again, you can’t let his words get out, they’ll bring this entire operation down!

But on a more serious note, I somewhat understand the dwelling on the past thing. We should be learning from the past, not using it as a playbook. At the end of the day, Hitler did not win.

10 years ago


I’m here, warts and all, because I want to make this world a better place for my White kinsfolk.

What are you doing here? What do you have to offer?



Return of Tyr
10 years ago

Great show Kyle, one of the best I’ve ever heard you do. You went overboard, but you managed to be fair about the whole ordeal.

I understand the hatred for our “enemies,” but running around talking about who you’re going to “take out” on the “day of the rope” just seems a little delusional in my opinion.

Hopefully you will never have to do a show like this again, but in this case I think it was necessary.

10 years ago

Back to the retarded false choices between love and hate, and the simplistic one or the other nonsense. Before love and hate were connected, and now it is one or the other. The Network is NOT for the masses, and now it is Quality over quantity now quantity rules. Agree with me on a topic then attack that position later. Some consistency would be wise. I never asked to do shows here. I was asked by Kyle to fill in when needed. Usually with little notice. He knew what he was getting. I am consistently on message. I asked, received, and followed the direction given regarding certain topics. I was ASKED by Kyle to do “2 hours of hate” but decided to go another way.… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
10 years ago

Yes I voiced my concern to Rob on that clip suggesting he should have sought & still should get an OK from you since he was using your voice without approval mixed with that big V ending. I foolishly played it when I hosted the Roundtable “thinking” you likely caught it on his show and was OK with it. I take full blame for it being played when Sid hosted since I asked him to play it. He had no idea what it was. I figured since you said nothing the first time I played it you were OK with it. Of course I should have considered the possibility or even the likelihood that you did not hear it the other times.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

Hey Bill Rhyes, I seem to remember hearing you on the Jackals Den two or three episodes back saying you miscegenated when you were in Korea. I just wonder how you can criticize someone for taking a picture cheek to cheek, when you were balls deep in the Mongloid pink??? You criticize someone else for having a Mogloid friend but you have had a Mogloid give you “sucky, sucky and love you long time”. Don’t you feel like a little bit of a hypocrite holding people to standards you could not maintain in your own life??? This reminds me of time when I was driving with my daughter and I saw some boy with some gay ass Justin Bieber haircut. I was about to say… Read more »

10 years ago

Bill needs to get his own network with other hardcore like minded people, something i have said to him and others many times. what surprises me is that even bill told in chat he was into advertising he sure does everything he can to be soo exclusive hardly anyone can join, wants to join, yet he criticises horus. hence he needs to start his own special forces network for the elite special forces, with rob etc joining as well. There is a great amount of shows and division in the anti jew moment, thats why there is a need for people in groups to do their own thing and work together only where necessary. just one leader won’t work at this time, people are to… Read more »

Reply to  Blauweoceaan
10 years ago

ya’ll are a bunch of niggers to me

Reply to  Blauweoceaan
10 years ago

Here here Blau…

10 years ago


First we had ‘Terrible Tommy’, then we had ‘Ruthless Rob’ and now it appears we have ‘Bellicose Bill’…

Their network should be a hoot!

Might I suggest ‘Divisive Diatribes’ as a working title.



10 years ago

Anyone who has the audacity to criticize Kyle does not know what he is talking about. Kyle is the most intelligent, courageous and hard working member of the Renegade team. He is always more than fair with everybody. He is a True Aryan Warrior in the truest sense. A little wine never hurt anybody. He was NOT drunk. He was just mellowed out. FOR SHAME BILL.

Triumph of the Will
10 years ago

Hell of a show, Kyle. I guess sanity is too hardcore for some.

10 years ago

Great show Mike! I grew up in a very nationalistic Serbia during the war in the past war of Yugoslavia! We had all type of nationalists!We had types that were realy concerned about our people and that were doing whats best for our people,even those that sleep and do not understand what nationalism is at all! Then we had idiots who wanted to slaughter everyone that dissagrees with them!Those types of nationalists were slaughtering inocent women and children just because they were not Serbs,and wich when they had to prove them selfs in a real batle were runing like bitches!! I see that Nationalism is very new for people in this so called movement,they have no idea what happends when war starts and shit hits… Read more »

Reply to  Serb
10 years ago

Sory guys,i ment to post this comment at Mikes last show!feel free to delete it from here.

10 years ago

Great show Kyle. Only have listened to it now because i don’t have time to listen to everything everyday, namely live. I think it’s the best you have done so far, i mean, that i have listened to. This issue had to be adressed. All callers were great with the exception of Michael in the end. I bet he keeps his mother’s skeleton in the closet and puts on a wig once in a while! You asked for our comments and suggestions, well, it’s important that there are people in this struggle that have the intelligence and balls to say what you’ve said, and people of different opinions that are able to have a conversation like you guys had -cheers! Rated 5 stars – downloaded… Read more »

10 years ago

Open Letter to a Dead Race ~ David Lane Today, in the year 2005, approximately two percent of earth’s population is White female of child bearing age or younger. The White race is dead!!! Murdered by a coalition of Jews, Christian universalists, anti- nature dupes, opportunistic political whores, media moguls, over educated intellectuals, dogmatic nationalists, feminist fools, assorted misfits and cowards. The remaining whites are hopelessly integrated, terrorized, brain washed, miscegenated and are rapidly being overrun by six billion coloreds. As a viable entity with a means to survive, the white race is extinct. The few of us who resisted genocide are analogous to a few living cells within a corpse. No longer able to deceive their followers about the extent of our racial peril,… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

What is the plan? You write this long diatribe on how hopeless the situation is unless we become Beserkers and start attacking mud people with an ax in our local Piggly Wiggly. If I go off and kill 20 groids with an ax; how is this going to help the cause? Have you ever seen any Jews out on corners killing people? No, yet they rule the world and their numbers are only a fraction of what ours are. You speak as if we are already dead, but if we are already dead then the Jews must be on their last breath. Jewish women only make up about .01% of the worlds population. So do you think the Jews are close to extinction? The guy… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
10 years ago

Great thing Hitler kept these wealthy banker Jews from Germany alive on Schlinder’s List and allowed/helped them to escape/travel to further set up shop and in safety.

Then Hitler had the ‘night of the long knives’ to go after nobodies that actually were probably better minded than him.

The Jews backed Hitler and Stalin and Churchill and Roosevelt/Truman all along!

Reply to  renegade
10 years ago

Damon has come across as a whiny bitch ever since I started listening to this network. He complains that he is not allowed to get a word in edge-wise even though it’s almost always a Roundtable that he calls in to, which as everyone knows is pretty much an open forum. He says we should not identify with the term nationalist (call yourself a race-nationalist, then), effectively retarding the historical learning process of potential participants, nor should we (most amazingly) take inspiration from the ongoing and shared racial struggle of our fellow white European blooded brothers around the globe, we also are not allowed to say anything positive about Germany, and according to dumb damon, WW2 was not racial in character (I guess it wasn’t… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
10 years ago

That comment was for the few here that are not Renegade retards. Sober people. Not for you. I did NOT write it. It has nothing to do with groids. lol I am NOT at all concerned with White birth rates. The David Lane article is relevant to this podcast. People here have been misrepresenting his views on certain subjects.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

youre mindset is part of an obsolete paradigm, militant extremist hatred…it didnt work before and it wont work now, and its the definition of insanity to repeat the same formulas and expect different results. white extremism is a jewish manchurian candidate

Reply to  Deucalion
10 years ago

Heres evidence that this outdated white militant hatred is jewish manchurian candidate, check damons comment:
“Peacefully reaching out to the sheep is a very old tactic which has yielded little.”
…One end of the extreme call people GOYIM the other call them SHEEPLE..both elitist militant beast of burden cuss!! CORRELATE

Reply to  Deucalion
10 years ago

Well said Deucalion, This extreme white nationalism is a Jewish manchurian candidate. Yes and meanwhile the TRANSHUMANIST Jews will poison ALL OF US. Attacking our health is the primary weapon the Jews have been ruthlessly and effectively using against us for sometime now. They want to get us to point that we are so helplessly weak, and unbearably sick, that out of pain and desperation they will forced us to employing the medical help of NANO BOTS into our bodies. (Antibiotics are already obsolete because of “bug tolerance” creating “super bugs”). These robots, the size of three or four atom, will have access to our brains. When they decide to active these programmed bots, we will ALL come under their absolute and final control via… Read more »

10 years ago

I meant to say nanobots being receivers as well as tramitters obviously.

Reply to  em247
10 years ago

Yes, and this tech you speak of so eruditely may well be connected to HAARP arrays and chemtrails [ i know HAARP has become such a ‘staple’ fodder for truthers, you hear haarp and you say, jumping jehovah avoid it, but ti totally fits,super ionisation of the upper atmosphere and combined with the aerosol delivery of metal aluminium particulates throughout the atmosphere also we may well have some kind of mass delivery system for the tech you speak of, i always knew that CT project wasnt geo engineering as they state , heavily funded, has to be military application, right?] also ive seen this silver orb objects around CT’s in broad daylight., and shit, we know they aint ET’s [more preemptive propaganda, going back to… Read more »

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