Blitz: New Hoaxes for Old Agendas (4-3-19)
[Download] Kyle talks about the ongoing hoaxathon on TVs around the world, and how these events are being effectively used to push specific agendas. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about the ongoing hoaxathon on TVs around the world, and how these events are being effectively used to push specific agendas. Share this show!
[Download] Bill briefly talks about North Korea and Prince Harry and then gets into the recent nonsense from Q-Anon and the reaction it has gotten on Youtube. He then talks about the deliberate dumbing down of education through programs like the old No Child Left Behind and forced diversity, amongst other topics. This is Bill’s … Read more
[Download] Bill starts off by talking about living in San Jose, then jumps into the main topic, talking about his own disdain for booze and the scourge of alcoholism, and then how he was led to research the history of jews and the production and sale of spirits, particularly wine. Share this show!
[Download] Bill shares his thoughts on some recent events and theories about Trump’s super secret agenda to dethrone the globalists, then gets into the main topic of the motion picture industry, discussing the role of non-jews, how the old-time Hollywood films were regulated and why, the Third Reich in 3D, and more. Share this show!
[Download] Bill talks about his own relationship to “meat” and gets into the devastation of our natural world because of Western man’s love for eating animal products. Water usage, toxic waste, health issues and more indicate that a viable future is only possible if people reconsider what they purchase for food. Share this show!
[Download] Bill informs us of his love for the holiday, goes over some current topics and events, tells some of his own haunted house stories of spiritism, talks about vampires and their relationship to jews in fiction and reality, the long history of zombies, survivalism, and much more. Share this show!
[Download] Bill discusses a variety of topics, with a large emphasis on the insanity of JWs, his own experience with religion, how the Bible views women, and the role of heathen European women. He gets a call from Rollie and another from John Smith. Share this show!
[Download] Bill talks about the movie Conan the Barbarian, Gods of the forge, the history and importance of steel-making in Europe, creating a good blade, and some deep thoughts about real strength and power. Share this show!
[Download] Bill speaks with Rollie about a number of topics related to the recent Vegas event, the founding of sin city by the mob, the jewish gangsters and their ways, the signs and symbols surrounding the staged story, transgender fighting, and much more. Share this show!
[Download] Bill talks about some recent happenings, especially focusing on his views on the Mandalay Bay “massacre”, sharing his skepticism and considering a number of different angles. He then talks about how young people need to stay away from a new dating app. Share this show!
[Download] Bill talks about some important racial topics, a powerful dream, George Lincoln Rockwell and other charismatic inspirations, the mixed couplings that are all the fashion these days, how White people have been the pinnacle of civilization and beauty, how other races try to emulate Whiteness, and much more. Share this show!
[Download] Bill reflects on his show from last week then gets into something of a debate with Rollie Quaid over Judy Wood’s theories, then moves onto discuss the disgusting levels of sexual degeneracy being promoted today as identity, and then takes some callers. Share this show!
[Download] Bill takes another look at the events of 9/11, discussing the work of Dr. Judy Wood on directed energy weapons, the issue of planes vs. no planes, the importance of the attack on the Pentagon, and the role that this all plays in unfolding events. Share this show!
[Download] Bill talks about some current events, including the previous and coming hurricanes, his experiences in this weird world, demonizing the sun, Trump’s role in this all, indigenous Americans, and so much more. Share this show!
[Download] Bill talks about joining the network, why he likes people who consider conspiracies, how our enemies code our reality, some Trump symbolism, numerology, and astrology, as well as some other considerations. Share this show!
[Download] Bill first discusses the Charlottesville fallout and then gets into the subject of gematria and wild theories, focusing mainly on the many times Trump’s future was seemingly predicted in popular culture. He also talks about the supposed end of the world, Nibiru, and more. Share this show!
[Download] Bill presents and analyzes the data regarding the real racial differences in crime, imprisonment, economics, welfare, scholarships, cognition, and more. He considers not only America, but also Brazil and South Africa. Share this show!
[Download] Bill returns for the second night in a row, continuing his discussion of how racial tensions has sparked into large scale looting and rioting in America time and again. This is a hidden history because it goes against the narrative of diversity being “greatest strength”. Bill then talks about his own views on race … Read more
[Download] Bill talks about the racial reality of life in America, and how we are given almost no education growing up about the very serious history of massive racial rioting, including lots of arson, and the serious consequences it has had on the fabric of our society. Share this show!
[Download] Bill talks about the history of the comic book industry and how jews have been inserting their subversive narratives from the very beginning, with the agenda only escalating in recent years. Share this show!