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11 years ago

The system is too far gone to be an effective PART of.

11 years ago

“Renegade Broadcasting does not endorse Terrorism”.

11 years ago

we’re lyrical terrorists yo

11 years ago

Jeff from Idaho please contact me. I’d like you to call in on a podcast I will be doing. You can contact me here or there is a link there to my FB account/Twitter/Youtube.

11 years ago

In this podcast violence will be discussed from a Natural law rational perspective. Some people say that violence is NEVER the answer. That is NONSENCE! It depends on what the question is. All governments depend on violence &/or the credible threat of violence to maintain their power. Order requires violence. This country was created through the effective use of violence. A law that is NOT ultimately backed by the threat of violence is merely a suggestion. Violence is a universal language.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

“Order requires violence”. “Violence is a universal language”. How Bolshevic of you to think so. “RAHOWA”= JEHOVA!

Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

You repeated 2 of the irrefutable facts I listed. I didn’t give my opinions. Read my comment again & try to comprehend it & be objective. See if you can resist the programmed response to the word violence. Based on your other comments it is highly likely that these concepts are beyond your grasp.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago

LOL, you really like to hear yourself talk. So you think I am from the camp of the profane. Well, when we have global crime syndicates posing as ligitimate governments of course you yourself will justify your version of “vilence” on the youngsters who do not know any better.

Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago


Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

“Well, when we have global crime syndicates posing as legitimate governments” —————When???? As usual your comment is senseless. I suppose you were trying to communicate something but….

Reply to  Carmen
11 years ago

Bill, you have to do better than that. Give me a break LOL! All you say is that my comment is senseless. Did I say before that you are not that clever!

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
11 years ago
Governor of Moon
11 years ago

If “worse is better” then total annihiation of white race is the greatest thing ever. Be the perfect lone wolf – play computer games, comment on Stormfront and write swastikas on bathroom walls, because you dont have wit and commenctions to get inside of Goldman Sachs.

Worse is better.

Reply to  Governor of Moon
11 years ago

You do not understand the “worse is better” concept nor the “lone wolf” concept. If you desire to understand click the link below. Thursday at noon eastern time TT will talk about lone wolves, revolution, worse is better, Craig Cobb, running for political office, Might Is Right, Creativity, Putin & White guilt.

If you don’t want to understand & would rather pretend that you get it – go ahead & fire back with a nonsensical attack if that will make you feel good.

11 years ago

I agree worse is better can be used as an excuse to do nothing – however, i think the general idea of it is not to sit back and be docile, but to understand that organic conditions will not arise for a favorable racial awakening until we are physically threatened with extinction – and right now as bad as things are we are still relatively comfortable as a race, unfortunately, to actually wake up to the growing situation.

11 years ago

“Be the Hitler you wish to see!”… Lol!

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