Renegade Roundtable: Dissecting Deceptive Politics and Perversion (7-6-19)

Kyle and Drew talk about a variety of issues, mainly centered around polarizing politics, controversial candidates, the business of planned obsolescence, and especially the promotion of perversion to children.

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5 years ago

Much like schools today indoctrinating the children’s minds (gender confusion, gay-supremacist undertones), the cross-dressing is meant (much like news stories about regular married men & women being closet homos) to further confuse adult men who may have been on the fence about this kike mind virus.

5 years ago

Yes! thank you Drew! I did warranty for parts for over 10 years. The parts made in America work and the ones that fail have components that were made in china and its that component that causes even OUR parts to fail in a chain reaction process…. totally ON PURPOSE! they engineer them to do that. And their parts are only made to look high quality enough to fool you because once the mechanical engineers get them they then have to put updates on them to make them function properly so they do not do these chain reaction failures. Sometimes china even will go so far as to find out what our updates are and then rework their part around our correction so it still… Read more »

5 years ago

I loved this interview! Few things are more informative than an interview of a regular man or woman who represents the VAST majority of Aryans in that we don’t accept jewish degeneracy in any form.

5 years ago

That German song during the break, sounds amazing. Can someone fill me in on the name?
Great show as well!

Reply to  Andre
5 years ago

Sleipnir – Der letzte seiner Art (Hinter den Kulissen der Macht)
Lyrics Comments on the video say that this song gets deleted over and over again. and

Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Thank you very much for that! The whole song is just as good as the intro. Will be listening to it quite a bit.

Reply to  Andre
5 years ago

The Last of His Kind is melancholic and beautiful. Do you know Der letzte Rabe (The last raven) also called Flieg mein Rabe by Sleipnir? Someone uploaded it (was also deleted recurringly over the years on jt) to commemorate his dog Odin, shot on the occasion of a raid by a thought control swat team in Dortmund. Lyrics in German and Slovakian

Christian Place
5 years ago

Dear Kyle, Drew et al, As crazy as this sounds I beginning to wonder if we are having thoughts somehow put into our heads. When Drew brought up a friend who mentioned moving to Argentina I really felt this strange chill because I had actually been thinking about moving there during the past six months. There are over 3 million Germans in Argentina who make up 8% of the country’s population. Some of my distant family members long ago went there instead of the Midwestern U.S. because they knew they could maintain their language and culture much better in Argentina which remains true for many communities in Argentina to this day where German is still a first language. But there are also German communities in… Read more »

5 years ago

Regarding the woundedness of many homosexual male psyches: my father was a very traditional real man. He was masculine and always in command of himself. He raised four daughters in a firm yet loving way, he protected us as best he could and was always willing to discuss most anything with us in a genuinely interested, never condescending manner. He valued us and our mother and set an example of respect for women. He was a big man, over 6’ tall and had a booming voice that was authoritative but never authoritarian. I never heard either of my parents raise their voices to each other and he never raised his voice towards his daughters. The respect he showed others inspired them to respect him in… Read more »

Reply to  Jmcaul
5 years ago

I wanted to add to this that what I was trying to express was my father never treated his secretary as the label he’d applied to himself “gay man,” he just treated him like a person. I think too many people buy into the programming that these people are some sort of special category and that enables them to continue and expand their bullshit. I’m sure lots of people over the years tried to bullshit my dad. They just never tried more than once. He just didn’t put up with it no matter what form it took.

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