Kyle speaks to Nick, Shea, and Greg McCarron about a lot of issues related to people remaining stuck in a battle between the less of two evils, refusing to see the truth when it should be so obvious. Topics include: controversial and divisive issues, polarization, Trump and his team, Berkeley riots, Operation Gotham Shield and the energy grid, controlled opposition abounds, and much more.
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That (((infowars))) clip encapsulates how jews use deception and confusion to continually “adjust” the lie.
That lady calmly said the simple logical truth about ZOG, and the hosts were forced to return to weaponized phrases and words to quickly shut her down.
Until our fluoridated young left, centre and right people turn off this jewish “dope” opera, they will continue being extras in their own filmed genocide.
PS We have the 2 out of 9 French selection today. Both kosher puppets: left banker Macron & israeli right Le Pen, are favourites to go forward to the WWE tag event on May 7th. Viva la France and le coq – or should that be le COG?
*vive – i was thinking of their gambling region lol. Je ne parle pas Francais, nor English for that matter!
I suppose you can read some little French. More importantly, do you know anything about SURNAMES? I am asking because here is a list of of the pals this Macron is reported to have invited for his celebratory restaurant outing yesterday night in Paris: ‘Depuis une heure, le couple Macron poursuit sa soirée en dînant au restaurant la Rotonde, à Montparnasse. Jacques Attali, Erik Orsenna, Pierre Arditi et Stéphane Bern font notamment partie des convives, selon les informations d’Europe 1’. As recently pointed out by RenegadeTribune (http://www.renegadetribune.com/marine-le-pen-exposed-another-kosher-candidate/) and Nick Spero (from 53min35sec into CircusMaximus-2017-03-03 , Louis Aliot his Marine’s companion and Marion seems to be the illegitimate daugther of Roger Auque), France’s National Front is controlled opposition.
Just like Obama, this Micron came from nowhere:
Le pari réussi d’Emmanuel Macron, qualifié pour le second tour 40
L’ancien ministre de l’économie, inconnu du grand public il y a deux ans, arrive en tête au premier tour de la présidentielle.
Le Monde.fr avec AFP | 23.04.2017 à 20h00 • Mis à jour le 23.04.2017 à 23h11 | Par Service politique
What? Long live Cameron (((Levita))), May (hhmm what kind of surname could that be, I wonder) and Johnson (read http://www.jpost.com […] At-Western-Wall-London-mayor-affirms-his-Jewish-ancestry-432666), to name only these three. Vivent (plural in French) these three: is it really any better than Macron and Le Pen? It is the same everywhere, not many countries are ZOG-free, I am afraid. This is why the slogan should be something in this line: ‘Anti-zoggers of the world, unite or perish!’ OR ‘What divides us makes us weaker and thereby facilitates the coming of the JWO.’ I no longer look at nationalities, rather at whether the individual is J-aware or not and, more so, whether he or she is prepared to take a stand. Nationality, colour of skin, etc do not matter… Read more »
Article about Johnson also available on servers in Iceland, at
Good point M, but any person or party that has made it onto the top political tier ( 2 or 3 parties ) regardless, will be jew compromised & controlled. Why don’t our people just make that simple connection? Yet they will trudge to a polling station, like today and put their christard X against muh: Le Pen, Trump, May, Putin, Merkel, and carry on with the theatre and their own genocide. How much evidence and time do White people need? Apart from Renegade, there are no other groups, even in alt media circles, who are jew free imo. If there are, why haven’t they joined forces with us? If any group support Trump, Jewsus or degenerates they are not proWhite. How much simpler can… Read more »
Unfortunately, I regret to have to say that you are 100% spot on. An awakening is unlikely to be seen as long as people do not keep the mind re-engineering the enemy is working on us through TV, Hollywood, other media, books, Facebook/Google, etc FULLY AT BAY by pulling out totally from them. Once these demonic mind-control powers no longer hold sawy over the masses, the rest will all fall in place almost naturally.
I meant ‘sway’, sorry.
That Brittany Pettibone has struck me as some form of controlled op from the moment she appeared ‘on the scene.’ She succors people with her following of Henry Makow, but he’s mostly full of crap and makes the perfect mini litmus test for fakes. Some people think because she follows him she’s somehow ‘jew-wise’ and is just playing it strategic.
She could just be someone seeking opportunity and notoriety but when shepherded, that’s a form of controlled op anyway.
I think she’s mind controlled and her handlers are hinting at her “sex kitten” programming by having her wear cheetah and leopard print, along w cat eye makeup all the time. She also blinks more than most people do. It always creeped me out.
Lana looks quite manly in that image you just posted Sinead. In fact I’ve seen a few images her now that are starting to make me think we might need to get Jon Humanity on the case! Here’s one example although there’s better out there –
May just be that she has more of a manly look to her facial structure than most females but in many photos I see the brow ridge & square jaw together with a squarish chin & that neck from certain angles… I suggest people do an image search & you’ll start to see it more & more.
Middle aged women lose that layer of subcutaneous fat that younger women have, especially if they’re thin. Stress sometimes causes the small muscles in their foreheads to develop and without the ‘baby fat’ to soften them it can make them look angry or ‘masculine.’
Besides being sorta skinny, Lana Lokteff looks pretty good overall. She’s just a vacuous shill.
Sinead I picked up on her being a beta kitten mind control victim as well. There is something off with the way she speaks and behaves, she is very robotic and when you look into her eyes and facial expressions they are empty.
Holy cow, I of all people didn’t connect the ‘PTSD-suffering pro-white radicalized Marine goes violent womanbeater’ aspect. What was the name Nathan Damigo used on this radio station in the beginning?
I was originally sensing the incident as staged in the larger context of clear orchestration, but then I started fence sitting. But after the dust settles and the two dimensions are integrated, it’s hard to see this as spontaneous.
I should add that I’ve found the ‘pretty blonde girl’ turned antifa moldy locks aspect consistent with the White Sharia narrative but also suggestive of jew v. aryan one as well.
Blonde, she supposedly looks ‘aryan’ or particularly ‘WASP.’ Moldy she suddenly looks obviously jewish. I think the ‘before’ photographs were taken to try to collapse this dichotomy, so that it’s only somehow ‘blonde hair’ which separates semite from anglo/germanic. It’s like a jew can be aryan just by dyeing her hair. Jews and blacks target anglos sometimes regardless of blonde, red or brown hair, and they do it based on our facial features, and sometimes names as well.
Very good analysis Gueinvere. I think you are spot on!
Wow. If things are this far gone, I don’t even know what to do.
Kyle and Nick are ignoring that Jade Helm and what’s happening now is a distraction as much as a corralling and maintaining of ‘the center’ Matt Parrott claimed ‘will not hold.’ It’s even more the Stasi State that the Mossad saw Trump as a vehicle for installing last summer when the NYPD fake newsed the Pizzagate revelations on Clinton, whose health care plan had just been unveiled and which would have obstructed its installation in a number of ways https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr1253 – Tim Murphy, who met with Trump and Fred Upton in the White House in February or March, just introduced a bill into Congress which will further fund the building of the Stasi State’s infrastructure. Michaal Welner is Tim Murphy’s recommendation to Trump for the… Read more »
My comment got lost or was banned.
More than 1 link = moderation bin.
I just watched part of the ‘Nathan Damigo’ segment in the documentary Wartorn about PTSD in our veterans.
It’s pure Tim Murphy/Stasi State propaganda. I didn’t know Damigo had been featured in a documentary promoting lies about our ex-military.
There is ZERO doubt about the degree of fakery going on here. ZERO. This clears it all up. Anyone still wondering needs to pay closer attention. Damigo and his family start their shilling around 35 to 40 minutes.
Good to know 😉
You mentioned audio issues etc being ironed out.
If it matters, the only thing I can hear which may need attending is varying audio levels. I believe there is software available that automatically adjusts callers, youtube videos etc and the host to the exact same level.
Another podcast elsewhere mentioned acquiring this software because the host and callers were always at different levels, forcing the listener to constantly adjust their volume.
Otherwise, your show quality is excellent as always.
One of the biggest supporters of Donald J. Trump was Thomas Goodrich, author of Hellstorm. Unbelievable!
Goodrich is completely mislead as to who Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders are really working for (or is he a shill?): 46min into Deanna Spingola’s show,
https://spingolaspeaks.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/2016-09-24-1-spingola.mp3, he can be heard saying ‘Vive Le Pen […] and this guy in Holland [Geert Wilders]’
I have lost all respect for Thomas Goodrich. Yes, he’s written some good books, especially Hellstorm and Scalp Dance, but he’s an absolute dumb-fuck otherwise.
Listening now 🙂
Wow, great exchange, thank-you all. The idea of inviting Cynthia McKenney into the nationalist movement is quite logical. If white and black US citizens knew how both groups have been deliberately manipulated, we could have a much better chance of ‘”winning”. According to research, it only takes 10% of a populace to have an “unskakeable belief” before the majority of people in the populace, jump on board. That is why free speech is under attack. One thing about attempting to control the world is: the larger the system, the more dependent the top becomes on the smallest links. Cancer of the body begins with one cell. And yes I think many people are in shock over Trump. The past election was key to observing human… Read more »
No, we need our spokespeople to be pro-White Whites! I don’t object to having people on Renegade (even some that I disagree with) who will talk about the issues, but I DO object to the idea of having ANY non-Whites representing our people, especially ones who have a history of being hostile to our race. NO. I cannot get behind that. If Renegade ever downgrades to that red pill populism crap that’s in today, I’m leaving. I’m not going for that whole using [person X] as our political pawn. That stuff never works. I don’t care if all my fellow renegades turn against me for saying that, I put White Survival specifically, before any ‘big tent’ – no matter what.
In Devon, UK west country are already using drones to “fight crime”
That song was “Sacred War”, a USSR religious chant.
Very strong start to the show, great work Kyle! I didn’t get to finish the show, but it’s hard to imagine that it was as good as the first half.