Renegade Roundtable: Shaun Hosts (4-9-16)


Shaun speaks about Luke McKee and Garry Burns and the razors edge.  Norman, Kyle & Andrew join Shaun to talk about red heads, blondes and blue eyed beauties. They then speak in brief about guns in Australia, land and neighbourhoods for Whites, Gage’s fraud, homos, eugenics, and more.

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8 years ago

I just heard the first segment. I think I’ll do a copy and paste now of the beginning only email I sent to Shawn about this. Yeah I’m hardcore anti-fag and I’m setting up my own show victimsofgaybullying dot com (launching soon). I’m greatful for the airtime. You have done a great service to those fighting the pedophiles. If I have to loose my own rep to make the place safer for children so be it. I have to be a publicity whore like Garry, not for my own self-interest but for the children. I am an activist and activists do what activists do. I am an anti-pedophile activist. I make anti-pedophile activists look justified by exposing the corruption that enables pedophilia in our society…… Read more »

Reply to  Luke McKee
8 years ago

Luke, when I cut ties, I cut ties. I’m not about to hold a grudge, we just need to go our own way.

We did what we needed to do, to fight against perverts, homosexuality and paedophilia.

Take care.

Reply to  surplus
8 years ago

Cheers mate. I need to make a more “inclusive” group to fight the pedophile gangs. Get people from on your show if they’ll have you. They are the American version of the anti-gay-child-sex-mafia research activists and my yankie counterparts in spirit. They know their stuff and I’ll try and emulate them with the VGB. No grude with you too. It was a good show. I’ll still write up the sources properly, and I need to ask your consent to turn it into a youtube video or self-hosted with pop up animations with sources as it plays. Please approve an on topic comment I put here, as a parting gesture. Not about Garry Burns only about cultural genocide of the white race in Australia. It’s… Read more »

Reply to  surplus
8 years ago

P.S. I suggested at 70 buck spend to destory the queers at NSW Parliament House 11 May 2016 6:30 – 8:30 pm counter protest vs the glorias dot com dot au. I’ve there are any rich $350 spare money to spend WN people. I highly suggest going here and handing out the pamplets. I’m trying to put my dad up to crashing the party… for the cause… Wednesday look like the best day to crash this party based on the schedule! And there it’s a great place to bad mouth the hosts, especially the NSW Police visitors. They cleared Mark Newton and Peter Truong due to the ABC when they could have got them in Australia for overseas exploitive gay commercial surrogacy. If they were… Read more »

8 years ago

Redheads, particularly anglo-featured ones, are hunted down mercilessly and obsessively by blacks and other non-whites. It’s unimaginably nightmarish. Black on redhead porn is the most popular black on white fetish. Blonde jokes are absolutely a product of jewish hatred of ‘aryans;’ specifically in America, of WASP’s. I wish the Norman caller had elaborated on nefarious forces behind these supposed pro-‘ginger’ festivals. I should mention that ‘ginger’ is a pejorative term in the UK for redheads and shouldn’t be adopted. My personal theory as to why redheads are sort of being allowed to gather is that the jews like to work the anglo versus celt angle and not be perceived as the celts’ main antagonists. One of several reasons I harbor no resentment towards anglo s… Read more »

Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

Also, redheads are disappearing at a faster rate than blondes are proportionally. Pro-whites should be highlighting this planetary crisis more. I rejoice when I see little redhead kids as they’re so endangered. The jews’ red hair is usually different in its character than whites,’ with more dark brown in it and even a seemingly different shade of red..

Circus Maximus
Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

FYI: There is a % of AshkeNAZIs that are red haired too, be careful with which redheads you’re looking out for.

Reply to  Circus Maximus
8 years ago

Those red-haired Jews acquired their “red” genes via intermarrying with gentiles. No other way these sand dwellers (as the ancient Egyptians called Jews) could have inherited them.

Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

” Black on redhead porn is the most popular black on white fetish.”

I wouldn’t know so I’ll take your word. Speaking of this abomination (that should be a crime), someone once said that interracial sex is a form of bestiality. They’re right.

8 years ago

Kyle, dumb blonde females came about in the 1950’s courtesy of eastern european jewish film industry. Think Marilyn Monroe. It morphed over a couple decades into Three’s Company ‘Chrissy’ whose blonde hair and blue eyes were lampooned regularly as visual expressions of stupidity and vapidity. Light redheads with blue eyes also suffer from dumb blondes (‘on fire’) stereotypes. It’s only been recent, I noticed it in the 1990’s, that ‘anglo’ looking often blond men were included in the attacks on blondes, although they’re portrayed as calculatingly morally inferior more than ‘dumb.’ Both fabricated caricatures are conceived as parasitic, however – ‘privileged’ and unworthy. It’s no coincidence that dumb bimbo Marilyn and her many reflections appeared just as the jews were machinating integration in the 1950’s,… Read more »

Circus Maximus
Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

Also prior to that, All in the Family made an impact too. Angry White bigoted male who’s character was intended to be an overbearing husband (increase support for feminism) while making fun of his dumb blonde daughter who married a Marxist Jew.

Reply to  Circus Maximus
8 years ago

Oh yeah I forgot about Gloria in All in the Family. You’re totally right! She predated Chrissy by more than half a decade. At least Meathead was also portrayed as incompetent, although Archie’s white male bullying was depicted as the source for the other characters’ neuroses. In Three’s Company Chrissy’s stupidity was completely correlated with her feminine blondeness. And remember she was curvy which was a throwback to Marilyn. While the jews were pushing feminism they were simultaneously portraying aryan femininity as weak, pathetic and loathsome, creating a future generation of self-loathing white feminists who were taught to associate their own femininity as vile and worthy of ridicule.

Circus Maximus
Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

Yeah but Meathead also pushed the equality/Anti-White narrative by using Critical Theory terminology; desensitizing/conditioning the masses. It was also important for the show producers to include a set of neighbors that were middle class blacks (Jeffersons) therefore creating a separate show for them.

Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

” At least Meathead was also portrayed as incompetent, although Archie’s white male ”

Yeah, “Meathead”, the alleged Pollack, in reality a Jew (Rob Reiner). At least the show’s producers got the part of the Leftwing hippie character right.

Reply to  Circus Maximus
8 years ago

I used to watch All in the Family when I was a kid back in the early 1970s and I never perceived Archie Bunker that way (although that’s the message the Jew who created this program was trying to get across to the viewing audience). Archie was funny and that’s how I perceived it. I bet many others in the audience too. Archie Bunker’s “prejudice” was based on EXPERIENCE same as all others who are Jew-wise, nigger-wise, etc.

8 years ago

Enjoy the shows. Just have one comment that you may want to consider: the association between Jews and red hair is very old. This suggests that it is not always a trait acquired through lately assimilating Aryan genetics in Europe. Red hair is actually quite uncommon among Germanic peoples though more so among certain Celtic (or perhaps older indigenous European) peoples. Hebrew origins are murky, but almost certainly they are the Habiru/Apiru of some of the most ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, etc. chronicles which have them as motley bands of exiles and outcasts of the various settled peoples of the region who lived parasitically at their margins much like Jews do to this day. As such, they are a mongrel amalgam of sociopaths from their beginnings.… Read more »

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