Kyle talks about the coronavirus outbreak, how it mirrors Hollywood, and the many conspiracy theories surrounding the story.
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Kyle talks about the coronavirus outbreak, how it mirrors Hollywood, and the many conspiracy theories surrounding the story.
Pyrotechnics, pestilence and now their plague! These moloch-molesters love religious reenactments. So in the week Mcgrifter said Trump was the g.o.a.t king, we have the Chinese “Crownvirus”, and one more masonic “cc” is 33. Hmm
If this “pans” out to be one more hollywood horror hoax, it still pushes our people into trusting their White coats and a “vaccination is cure” mindset. The cattle will queue in the MARTial LAW car parks much calmer, this way.
PS Like the German people in the 1930’s, we have the only antidote here at Renegade. It’s called the truth and our own natural senses. Please donate what you can to this righteous and legitimate Aryan foundation. Thanks for your perspective, Kyle.
There’s plenty of empty cities in China to film hoaxes in. They just have to hurry before they fall over into rubble.
The mainstream TV reporting is positively movie-esq
About a month ago I had seen some very poorly written fear-mongering “article” talking about two documented cases of the Black Plague confirmed in China. By the end of the article they included the sentiment “Oh don’t worry, a vaccine can take care of this…” I didn’t hear anything about it or give it a second thought until now…. Is it a coincidence that on Chinese New Year (Year of the Rat), a new “pandemic” just randomly hits? Rat — bubonic plague…! Also the fact that Chinese New Year is basically the equivalent to Thanksgiving where everyone is traveling all over to see family, and by the time the quarantine was called most people had already arrived to their travel destination. It just seems like… Read more »
Also interesting that the Black Plague’s menace is being used slyly as justification for interning the masses of homeless in California. I believe it was contracted mainly from fleas launched from rats, as it were, although I suspect bed bugs could also become vectors of the disease.
Just the last few days saw reports of bed bugs being discovered on the subways of NYC.
And the coronavirus is supposedly air borne, so it’s the most easily passed around.
Lots going on here for sure.