Kyle hosts the show and talks to Northwoods, Henry, Janet, John, Peter, and Shield Maiden about how Trump is not the solution, the role of politics in perpetuating the prison society, the jewish virus, creating our reality, engaging in activism, living as a folk, and much more.
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Is your show set up to take Skype calls?
We tend not to take Skype calls, because of the fact that those that call in via Skype can see the phone numbers of those that call in via phone. And for all we know, that person that is trying to call in via Skype could be a kike, trying to harvest peoples numbers.
Great discussion and some very important points made. Thank you all – very inspiring. These talks are the ultimate pick-me-ups from the bombardment of jew lies. Janet will be waiting a long time if she thinks either of those two controlled puppets will save her. She has been dumbed-down by jewvision. When she finally wakes up, it will be too late for her; just as the jews want it. Shield Maiden is correct. It is all jewish threatre and bs designed to pacify and distract. Get out there, spread the white genocide message and take back control of YOUR own destiny. This will then create the snowball effect, where we are unstoppable. A giant white ball of truth and hope that squashes jews and their… Read more »
Janet isn’t dumbed down by jewvision. None of you have any solutions. It’s all send me money, go to my seminars, be a sustaining member and allow me to sit around and collect your money. You care more about complaining about the problems than actually doing anything about it.
Who the hell do you think you’re talking to Janet? This is not American Renaissance. With almost no funds, we have been behind: the White Man March, Hellstorm, countless propaganda videos, the education and activation of thousands of racially conscious Whites, real-life meetups, and much more that I don’t even mention on air.
The Electric Jew makes fools of us all. Turn it off!
Oh please. We run a broadcasting site, several blogs, musical productions and sketch comedy all for FREE. We both have put our people first, before anything and have risked ever gaining employment ever again. You are the one who has come here to complain instead of offering any solutions other than voting for a kosher puppet. What have you done other than call in to a show to shill for Trump and provide ZERO solutions other than voting?
Okay, so you’re either intentionally here to disrupt or you’re too thick to reach, as you refuse to process what people are saying to you. I’m inclined to say the former given your vociferous inclination to drive every thing back to Trump. Even the typical 2/3s followers from studies wouldn’t behave like that when they have other people, who engage in leadership type roles, offering other solutions outside of the jew controlled federal system.
Move on. Stop wasting our time. I even set you up to take lead in promoting the issue of land purchase but you refuse to see that opportunity and jump on it. What’s that say about you and your motives?
While I don’t have much confidence in Trump I believe he’s the lesser of the two evils. One of them is gonna be president. Hillary would be a nightmare.
Are you confident there is going to be a new President? Obama, just reauthorised a martial law provision on his birthday. He’s going nowhere.
My solution is to vote Hillary because everyone already hates her guts. Either way the president takes orders from the Jews so we’re much better off with a democrat that everyone already hates. As was mentioned on the show the SPLC hate map is at an all time high. And as soon as a republican gets elected that will drop back down to nothing. That would be a disaster. Look at all the great things that are happening under Obama. The Negros are chimping out and shooting cops. White people are shooting Negros and running them over with their cars. We need four more years of that. I want Iran to get nukes and wipe Israel off the map because America is too messed up… Read more »
I refuse to vote. It’s a scam…….the fucking jews own both fuck-tard Trump and fuck-tard Clinton. It is beneath my dignity to participate in such a farce.
Jan-nut is most certainly dumbed down by jewvision, and a host of other things, most likely. She says that young white women should watch old jewish tv shows to learn how to act like white people. She’s another dumb Amerikwan who thinks she’s smarter than she really is. She also claims that burying a statue upside down in your back yard will help you sell your house. She also thinks that the Tea Party tards were jew wise white people. And she has a lot of nerve accusing you of asking for money. Her creepy husband runs some sort of scam where you have to give him $5000 for a supposed DNA/Background check, and if you fail, you don’t get your money back, lol. Jan-nut… Read more »
Psychological research from the 60’s demonstrated that 2/3s of people are followers. When put into a position where options are presented for a leader to lead, these people are not going to be inclined to say I’d rather go it alone and seek my own solutions and promote these solutions while pointing out the dangers of the so called leaders. The notion of abstaining from selecting a leader is alien to these people. They will look for the things that are good or sound good and use them as anchoring points for supporting that leader. These things are all well known for decades, and possibly going back into antiquity. The best that can be done is to consistently redirect followers to behaviors that they can… Read more »
Does anybody know how to listen to renegade’s broadcasts live? The conversations and analysis are great , however I always listen the next day and would like to know how to listen live?
Just come by the site when the shows are live, click the player or one of the other listen links, and then enjoy. You can even open the chat.
Great show! Kyle I missed your practical politics op against Portland communist college. Do you have a link to a recording?
Trump Is the solution (Is as in Israel). All aboard, chugga-chuga jew-jew!
We are totally screwed as a nation of citizens no matter who gets the Presidency. As usual, it is the same agenda only with different clothing whether Trump or Hillary. The financial whore, war monger, liar Clinton will be devastating but so will Trump. He is for torture, increased police powers, and controlling the Internet. That is only a few dangerous issues in his list. We can hope he will be for the people, but his ultimate goals and agendas I fear are just the same as Hillary’s, just hidden a little deeper down the rabbit hole. In the big picture, those vipers who really run this country in no way would allow any part of their continued control to be taken from them, EVER.… Read more »
Just a mention about Trump and the wall. We already have the technology to spot and stop the influx of illegals thru satellite and ground cameras. Many years ago there was a website that allowed people to view the border area with live video and to report to border patrol any activity. 24/7 it was up. That lasted only a couple of months to my recollection and then it shut down. I don’t know the rest of the story but no doubt the government didn’t like this because their goal of course was to have more and more illegals enter our country. This “build the wall” agenda is a farce and if done would probably involve a theft of huge amounts of money within the… Read more »
YES!!! Hearing Sheildey fired up made my night! More of this please Shieldey!
Jews need a republican to do their dirty work. Obama was not able to target Iran because the left is morally opposed to war. It would split the democratic party and some liberals would become openly critical of Israel and Jewish power. Trump solves that problem because whatever bad things he does will be blamed on white racism. Trump’s not talking about immigration because he cares about white people. He’s doing it to protect the Jews. Concealing Jewish influence is essential to their power. When Trump invades wherever the next war is going to be the “liberal media” will say he is a white racist who hates Muslims and wants to “make America great again” at other peoples expense. This will keep the controlled opposition… Read more »
Amazing roundtable!
Where can I find all hosts break music playlists???
Many thanks.
For the caller who liked Sineads inversion of Spectre and wanted to hear one with Ignatief, I was inspired by Sineads and already made this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7eeYhmE8O4