Kyle goes over some current events regarding anti-White policies and then gets into how the right wing is shilling for the Communist Party of China.
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Kyle goes over some current events regarding anti-White policies and then gets into how the right wing is shilling for the Communist Party of China.
Modern China could never have existed without the kikes wallet.
On to another subject, is it me who is Madela affected or the ”Hammer&Sickle” is now ”Hammer&Sickle AND 5-pointed Star”” ???
Modern China could never have existed without the kikes wallet. The same goes with their dystopian tech such as facial recognition technology. So when we see China deploy such tech and now see how other countries are also doing the same. Let’s remember where it came from. 2017; Israel and China sign $10 million technology deal Financed by Hangzhou Wahaha Group Chairman and CEO Zong Qinghou, the institutes will aimed to develop and industrialize cutting-edge application technologies from the University of Haifa and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including vision tracking through mobile devices, image processing and big data for medical applications, 3D image learning, chip technologies, biometric identification and much more. Tech companies such as AnyVision is paving the way; With this AnyVision technology… Read more »
Awesome info btw
Of course not. Nothing could exist without the subjugation of White man’s labour. The chnks have been funded by the Parasite long ago
Very good show Kyle I have noticed all this warm fuzzy china crap on rbn network .
Whats with the bouncy chair?
It’s a yoga ball.
😂 Sinead talked about it on the last show.
Along with committing to exercising more often, far to many people today spend a ton of time sitting, especially for their jobs. By using the yoga ball, it makes it impossible to slouch.
I find I’m guilty of this too.
Even when I make a conscious effort to keep my posture straight while sitting, eventually, I end up slouching.
So I think I’m going to try this myself.
The “Yellow Peril” as my grandparents called it, knew the deal way back then. The bottom line is that the only people Whites have is other Whites. As the chinks have other chinks. “WAYS THAT ARE DARK” The Truth About China By Ralph M. Townsend, 1899-1975 This book is one of the most insightful, accurate and apt descriptions of the Chinese people and the way they live, act, and think. There’s a saying that “ the China man can not outlive us, but they can under live us” And, I believe this is why they are marked to be the jews head house niggers, if they get what they want, once we are gone. They are smart enough to hit the buttons, will accept deplorable conditions we won’t, as well as thrive in a corrupt law-less society as they’re sneaky, dishonest and happily live in absolute filth. So anyone that says these people are not much different… Read more »
Below is the beginning of a substantial article about China & Jewry. It provides historical substance that serves to explain why the hyper-ethnocentric jewish supremacist-jewish financial elite in the USA etc. were so willing and Trustingly eager to remove the manufacturing capacity, factory machinery, in fact well over 600,000 U.S. factories including many high-tech production facilities to Communist China, and facilitating the creation of infrastructure that would support the massive transfer of manufacturing capacity, including transportation upgrades, highways, airports etc. and to a countries which, like the US is under the dominion of the psychopath race but without pretenses in the case of China’s ruling families, whose ruthless compulsion for total control of the captive host population has created the most successful Panopticon-goyim, Utopia ever… Read more »
The communist Chinese government, over the past 40 years, has proven itself to be the most competent government in human history. It has transformed a backwards agricultural basket case into the wealthiest nation on earth. Meanwhile over the past 40 years America has turned browner and is being overrun by the third world immigrants while it has a record debt and myriad social problems. I think Duke and the alt rights love of China is just out of practicality, political tactics, and as part of believing in Universal Nationalism. I think you seem to be channeling a cold war mentality that is outmoded, although well intended. Lastly, as for the political oppression in China, I as a white man make it a rule to not… Read more »
Okay, Saul. Yeah, communism is SO cool!
Ever hear of the saying, You can’t argue with success? The Chinese communist government has brought more people out of poverty in the shortest period of time in all history. Is that not true? The fact is Sinead, instead of taking umbrage against my comment, shouldn’t your ire be directed toward what has happened in America over the past 40 years?
Paul said – “The Chinese communist government has brought more people out of poverty in the shortest period of time in all history.”
I think you’ll find someone else actually holds that record (we should always keep in mind that the only important figure is the percentage of your population you bring out of poverty, not the total number as it’s all relative). Not only that, the actual record holder(s) didn’t run slave factories producing cheap & nasty garbage plastic products to feed materialistic consumerism or ruthlessly kill its own people to harvest human organs en masse to sell to the highest bidder 😉 You sound either a little ignorant/confused or you’re just a worthless (jewish) troll.
Oh & more importantly, they didn’t have all the West’s industrial & commercial production just handed over to them by traitors either. Kind of makes it too easy when everything’s already been done by the real creators & all you have to do is scale up production numbers with all your slaves while scaling down the overall quality.
WHAT WHAAAAAT 😂 😂 😂 Sure, you can say that,if you discount the fact they killed 65–100 MILLION OF THEIR PEASANTS! Along with not having to invest any money in R and D, wages, and other overhead that comes with creating, and fair employment contracts, as they literally, LITERALLY, stole everything from us, had their economy artificially propped up by our sellout politicians, shipping all of our manufacturing there, and set up suicide nets around their factories so their workers can’t kill themselves. Would you like to see the state sponsored organ trade where they have literal body farms, and these soulless termites digging through infants bodies like a Cracker Jack box, then THROW IT IN THE MEAT SUPPPLY they ship to the west? Omg… Read more »
The most competent gov’t in human history? Communist Chinese are far better than the ancients, or than the National Socialists? Just because “China” as a whole has gained wealth does not make the government good or its people prosperous. Much of its wealth has been ill-gotten, which includes jewish American “traitors” selling secrets or selling out in general to the Chinese. Does enslaving the masses in sweat shops sound like something you want here? It would make our ZOG very wealthy if workers had no rights. You say you do not care about the oppressed in China, but what makes you think the Chinese give one damn about you or any of the other right wingers who love China? They would be just as willing… Read more »
You make many good points. That’s why I listen to your shows and contributed to your network. You think outside the box. You also provided me with info on the alt right, and their fetishizing China, which as you point out, is wrong. That being said, as I posted above; You can’t argue with success and China is on a roll, while America is in decline. As for allying with Communist China (did I write that above?) it makes no sense turning a powerful nation like China into an enemy when the smart thing to do at this point is to be friendly and polite towards them since the powers that be (and the Chinese governments wise leadership) have turned China into the worlds #1… Read more »
Paul said – “I’m a white guy”
LOL! Don’t you think the “fellow white goy” thing is wearing a bit thin now? C’mon, just be proud to admit what you really are. This IS 2022, and you guys are coming out all over the place now that you believe you’re achieving your goal! Shalom!
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them a Jew. If Sinead and Kyle follow through and trace my email account, they’ll find out my name and realize I’m a customer and have donated to this network, and by my surname, I’m obviously not a Jew. I understand you (and they) are having trouble swallowing the bitter pill I’m providing, but I stand behind my comment about the competency of the Chinese government for lifting out hundreds of millions of people out of poverty over the past 40 years. So don’t lash out at friends just because they point out an obvious historical fact.
You are promoting CCP talking points. After being introduced by Klaus Schwab, Xi said, “We need to discard Cold War mentality and seek peaceful co-existence and win-win outcomes. Our world today is far from being tranquil. Rhetorics that stoke hatred and prejudice abound.” So you find yourself on the side of Klaus Schwab and the WEF now? Do you really think China would be able to have financial success if the NWO (jew world order) opposed it? Germany did a FAR better job enriching the lives of its folk than China ever did, in a much shorter time, except all the empires of the world teamed up against it and destroyed this amazing experiment in creating wealth without jews. China’s entire modern existence, on… Read more »
You’re doing a good job outing the pundits that are on the payroll. And we don’t want foreign influence among the so called nationalists. I have never supported any of the pundits you mentioned and I don’t follow them. Just because I think being on friendly terms with China, and giving them due respect to avoid conflict, doesn’t mean I am allied with them. It means I’m following the foreign policy principles laid down in George Washingtons farewell address. As is, many MAGA types and Neocon conservatives have been bashing China for some time now, and I’m always perplexed by these people that are mad at the Chinese for outdoing us in the very Capitalism they espouse. These types should be happy that China is… Read more »
How many Chinese were mass murdered by Mao in order to supposedly improve the lives of the Chinese? 40-80 million?
Why do you keep citing stats about how much better off the Chinese are when you keep saying you don’t give a damn what the Chinese do to people in their own country? You know, like slavery, organ harvesting, repression, etc. It seems you actually do care a great deal how China is perceived, and you only care to highlight the supposed good things the CCP does.
How your heart bleeds for Orientals. Personally, I don’t care whether they murder themselves off or not. I use the comparison of the success of the Communist Chinese verses the failure of the West over the past forty years to point out the failure of the current western order, which is what we need to focus on. It is interesting that people on this board who claim to be nationalists, sound very much like Neo Conservatives.
Soooo many things we could tear to shreds here that Saul is saying & mostly he’s just wasting time but let’s just quickly deal with the very first one – George Washington was the BIGGEST conman traitor of them all. While being promoted & perceived as the biggest founding hero this guy was indeed an agent of the aristocracy all along. Most Americans believe the Constitution is what makes them free BUT it was actually a tool by which the aristocracy leveraged back power. The Constitution is worthless as it was not ratified by the people who fought & initially won their freedom. The BILL OF RIGHTS however is the ONLY document fully ratified by the people & therefore is the ONLY governing document that… Read more »
I find it funny how you try to Judify the name Paul to Saul, yet Paul is a Roman name. As is I am descended from Romans and I have an Italian last name. And yet a quick search for the name Mary is derived from the Hebrew Mariam a real Jew name. As for not liking Washington, he wasn’t perfect, but his Farewell Address is just about perfect. I urge you to read it. Oh, and Mary, why don’t you take the issue up with your parents why they gave you a Jew name?
At the very least you simply come off as some weakling who will just join whoever’s “winning”. Or are you just attempting to project that psychology onto any potentially impressionable visitors here? :/
It’s not weak to avoid unnecessary conflict. It’s smart. And it’s also smart to not stir up a cold war with Russia or China just to gin up spending on the military industrial complex. As is China is now the #1 economy on earth, and if we provoke them, they could easily crank out military weapons at a faster pace than we could. And since their population is about 4 times that of Americas, do you really think it’s a good idea to gin up a war, a war (which I should remind you) women will likely not be fighting in? The fact is the economic traitors have transferred technology to China over the past 40 years. I suggest we focus our ire on the… Read more »
I am not sure I even understand your point here. You are acting as if “we” are the United States. White people do not have a country or even a political party, so why are you talking about practical geopolitics? If I was in charge of America, then yes, maybe you should be telling me not to antagonize the Chinese. All I did, however, was point out how some prominent right wingers in America are on the CCP payroll and then point to many “White nationalists” around the world are too, given how much they glorify the Chinese communists. “I suggest we focus our ire on the domestic traitors, and not at the Chinese.” That is what I am doing by calling out these faggots… Read more »
Consider it patriot impetus. In other words, still tied to the thought of America as something salvageable.As for pointing out the nationalists on the Chinese payroll, I lauded you above. Points well taken, and you are doing a great job. George Washington would agree with you as he said…”Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.”
I am not a citizen & no free sovereign individual would ever call themselves one either. Your choice of words throughout is obviously intentional given that you separate yourself somewhat from the “misguided young” commentators & it reveals much about you & your personal agenda 😉
It’s not weak to avoid unnecessary conflict.
There is another name for that
A Coward
You’re in the wrong place bro
YouTube is that way 🦶🏻🚪
Brutality, lack of compassion, ZERO empathy, slave labor, literally eating dozens of animals into extinction, being the number 1 polluter of the oceans and land, using substandard, even poisonous ingredients because they’re cheaper, having 10 percent of cooking oil sold from China contain raw sewage, buying brutalized and disabled child sex salves from Arabs and Jews along, who can’t walk anymore, along with an entire race of people, so they can have their organs carved out in body farms ect…..all lead to major financial gains… surely This is also what soulless jews do! This is NOT the Aryan way! The Furor was able to make the same gains and roll over these kikes in 6 years flat, all while doing the complete opposite! He was… Read more »
All of these “men “ in the movement want the privilege and respect that comes with being a man, but none of them want the actual responsibility of being a man! By supporting communist like this, these men get to pretend that White woman get what they deserve, so when a nigger punches their wives or daughter, like the one on the train that day, these raging pussies can look at their shoes and rationalize that they deserved it. Now they can continue you stay the wet pussys they are It’s easier to blame woman as were low hanging fruit! Otherwise they’d have to ACTUALLY do something. so they delude themselves into thinking the rest of us can’t smell puss when it’s right in front… Read more »
Putin will treat an african speaking russia…as well as he treats his own russian people…no doubt bout it…