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5 years ago

Charlie. Love Rohl and always joined up his tribe dots, so obvious. But he and others have been shut down since 911. See Collins work on GobTek in the 90s. I love your digging into the complete bollox we’ve been served like a great big bukkake party. One thing that never gets looked at thoroughly is the logistics of these clowns. Where is their HoChiMin trail into Europe back then? Where was the R&R base? Any ideas?

Keep up the good work Charlie boy.

5 years ago

Charlie should have an audio version of his book. I think it would be best if the reader is female. No doubt, the best candidate for the task would be Sinead or UJG.

Allison MacPherson
5 years ago

This was another good synopsis on the foundation of the abject aggressive evil from the god of the Torah. I figured it out when I was 6 years old. Why were my people worshiping such a foreign god from the very ancient past? Why was I being told that Santa Claus was make believe but these bible stories were true? All 3 Abraham religions have kept humanity on a retarded level of mind. It is a true testament to the power of mind control & how easily humans are programmed, that so many do not even question such literature as being viable. I can’t wait for C.G’s book to arrive, I plan on ordering several copies.

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