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8 years ago

I’ve only started listening to this show, but just quickly: what convinced me of OJ’s innocence was a May 2012 KBarrett interview of this author,
“O.J. is Innocent and I Can Prove It” by William C. Dear (Hardcover – Apr 2, 2012)

That Barrett/Dear interview is gone now (was “American Freedom Radio”); but do a youtube search for author’s name + OJ Simpson, as author did many interviews.

It appears OJ’s oldest son Jason did it, and OJ went through the wringer covering for Jason. OJ’s now locked up for 33 years (minimum 9 years) on a setup regarding a sports memorabilia situation.

Reply to  antilibcon
8 years ago

antilibcon said: “It appears OJ’s oldest son Jason did it, and OJ went through the wringer covering for Jason. ”

Knock it off! What utter nonsense. Do you believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and fable of six-million Jews exterminated by the “evil Nazis” too?

Orenthal James Simpson committed these heinous killings in a JEALOUS RAGE. All evidence points to him. Period!

mrs doris dittman
Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

charlie,, cut the shit,,are you freakin kidding me ? ,,OJ walked because 9 jurors were black,,1 his panic with no brain, and 2 faggot whites,,
as for the jews,, they couldn’t care less about justice,,(just us jews) or finding the “real killers”,,just making a buck and dividing the people,,as usual,,another freak show,,the jew run legal system made sure he was found innocent,,(no money finding him guilty)

mrs doris dittman
Reply to  mrs doris dittman
8 years ago


8 years ago

Here is the documentary Charlie was refering to:

Reply to  Paula
8 years ago

^ wow ~2.4 M views in 4 years on youtube…. 70 mins if y’all want to check it out.

Why was my earlier comment, first and only at that time, deleted? It was perfectly polite, succinct & gave some good resource links re the case for OJ’s innocence?? Did a mod fat-finger it? I’ll give this 2nd try a shot, and if this goes, so too goes my ever promoting Renegade anywhere again… IE:

good OJ innocent book; BBC uses author’s work:

OJ now locked up, for…

Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

It’s there now; but it wasn’t around an hour ago when I reloaded a fresh version of this page. I’d posted it several hours ago; didn’t clear any cache/cookies in between, and the new comment form was still pre-filled in with my handle & pretend-email.

An ~hour ago, this page showed 5 comments, none of them mine… and presently, before I submit this, it’s showing 5 comments; which means 2 former comments from others were deleted, replaced by our 2 comments above. Weird!

Anyway, a 2nd req that you add a “xx Comments” function to the main page show listings, so that we can just eyeball the shows for comments, and only open the show page if we’re interested in (any/new) comments. Thx, 🙂

Joe Blogs Now & Then
Reply to  antilibcon
8 years ago

You sound… a little paranoid! Maybe you need to get out once in a while?

Reply to  Joe Blogs Now & Then
8 years ago

“…paranoid!…need to get out once in a while…”

^ oops you forgot the equally canned & worn out “…conspiracy theorist…mother’s basement dweller…” etc thought-stopper attacks.

Maybe you need to freshen up your reader manipulation lines once in awhile? Post something fresh, & thought provoking?

Reply to  antilibcon
8 years ago

Who do you people think you are? Like, fucking really! The website you are using is a one man job. So when a comment needs to be approved, it might take a while, given that Kyle has to deal with multiple other websites he is hosting. Some of which are not his own. I tell you what, Ambilicon, when you start fucking paying us a thousand a week, we will make sure your royal arse is treated better, how’s that? Some of you are unbelievable. We pay for all of this out of our own pockets. We take our own precious time, (time that could be making us cash elsewhere) for you to learn something you may not have known before and for ALL of… Read more »

Steven J Lewis
8 years ago

I’ll play devil’s advocate and pose one question that got some exposure from my recollection, but not as much as much as it should have. Aside from the fact that Ron Goldman was Jewish, he was also a drug dealer and people who burn their supplier are more often than not dealt with in a brutal manner. At first I sided with OJ was not guilty and awaited for some information that Goldman did burn a supplier. But now that no info has surfaced or none that I’ve read, my opinion has changed more towards OJ did it. I still think somewhere tucked in the corner of my mind that it’s quite possible Goldman was killed by his supplier who were either black or Hispanic.… Read more »

Reply to  Steven J Lewis
8 years ago

“it’s quite possible Goldman was killed by his supplier who were either black or Hispanic”

More misleading, phantasmagorical nonsense.

Orenthal James Simpson committed these heinous killings in a JEALOUS RAGE. All evidence points to him. No one else. Period!

8 years ago

You think this show is a mind fu*k, have a look at this. Miles makes a lot of good points. this is a look at the REAL evidence…

Reply to  Glen
8 years ago

Miles Mathias is a clever shill — a guy who is so right most of the time that you never see the left hook coming. His job is to make us think that no crimes ever take place, no murders…all just play-acting. Regarding the OJ Trial, however, Mathias got it mostly right. The OJ Trial was Jewlywood-Masonic Theater. OJ got the Masonic “33” years of alleged prison time. OJ’s Trial was the 1990s version of the Trayvon Martin Trial. (Got to keep stirring the pot of racial hatreds, so no one notices that the Banking Oligarchy is stealing us blind.) All the OJ witnesses were crisis actors. OJ was already an Illuminati puppet in 1977, when he played an astronaut in the movie “Capricorn 1,”… Read more »

Reply to  Oona
8 years ago

Oona, the problem here is that the dumb f@cks don’t know how to parse information. Most of these fools think the Trayvon thing was “real”. Well guess what? The entire Trayvon thing was a very elaborate HOAX. Now for the “not totally retarded” – here is an example of how they work that kind of thing: The following link pertains to a FAKED court case in Philadelphia. The FAKED CASE involves a FICTITIOUS DEFENDANT. The FBI faked everything. They faked an arrest. Then, they ushered the case into a REAL court. Everyone there was fooled and treated it like any ofher “real” case. So – only those who “needed to know” it was fake know it was fake. This should help those of you who… Read more »

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Thanks for the info, Pat. What you said also ties into the way these Feds don’t fight “real crimes” but spend their time dreaming up “sting” operations, so they can lure and trap gullible people into committing crimes, causing an easy arrest and an air tight case in court.
The Feds helped turn Aileen Wuornos into a serial killer. She committed one crime in self-defense, and then they used her emotional instability to kill several more men. Then their pals in Hollywood made a movie (“Monster”) about the killings starring Charlize Theron. Aileen is interviewed before her execution by a real monster named Nick Broomfield who tries to provoke her into acting crazy (to protect her Federal “sting” accomplices).

8 years ago

“Charles discusses the murder of Nicole Simpson and why he thinks OJ actually did not do it.”

I’ve been listening to Charlie even since his Oracle Broadcasting days. I basically agree with 80% of what Charles says. This show falls into the 20% of the times I don’t in part or fully disagree with him.

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

Pardon my typo, I meant to say in my last sentence:

This show falls into the 20% of the times I, in part or fully, disagree with him.

8 years ago

I was told by a top NY investigator that OJ’s son also was a suspect.

8 years ago

An exploration of the “crisis actor” element in the OJ Simpson Trial. The Kardashians, the Simpsons, and Bruce Jenner in 1995…

8 years ago

The bull thing was interesting. I remember watching a user documentary on Atlantis, where the whole city was configured in a concentric circle. In the centre was some sort of island with a column where the alleged ‘gods’ lived, which were ascended people that the other normal people could not reach. There were two bulls on a grass area around the base of the column, which was called the bulls-eye: alluding to the circular configuration. I cant remember the specific name to link, but there was CGI in it and it was very informative. I don’t know why it was bulls specifically but that is the supposed origin of this line of information.

8 years ago

Arg, sorry post spam! One thing I just checked: Aleph, the most sacred hebrew letter has the meaning: OX, BULL! And also represents god! It has the number 1 and represents all the other letters from which they are derived.

Reply to  Skylgaryr
8 years ago

In your tongue-in-cheek comments, Skylgaryr, you may think it clever to mock the use of color, number and symbol, but the Ruling Oligarchy uses these symbols and believes in them as a means of maintaining power.
Watch Madonna’s Kabbalistic performance: ‘Madonna Superbowl Illuminati Ritual.”
Stanley Kubrick exposed the Banking Oligarchy’s black magic in his movie, “Eyes Wide Shut.”

8 years ago

i’m sorry if i caused any trouble by posting a link to the documentary mentioned in Charlie’s show. I was just trying to help out. please forgive me

Leila Abdelmeguid
8 years ago

Congrats on the big 50 to Charles! ! Thanks for all of your hard work and keeping us informed!! 🙂

8 years ago

Love Charles work — absolutely incredible information — but as for the OJ nonsense, I could give a flying fuck. Next topic, please!

5 years ago

Great show. I used to think he was guilty b/c I was brainwashed by the media. Now that I have gone back to look at the evidence and all that was hidden by the MSM, it’s easy for me to see that he is innocent and that the LAPD framed him. This goes over some of the info hidden by the MSM that proves his innocence: What I NEVER heard before was that the guy who actually did the autopsy said TWO different knives, which would mean TWO killers, so the dirty, corrupt prosecution didn’t call him and instead put his boss on the stand, who did NOT do the autopsy, but was obviously dirty enough to go along with the corrupt prosecution… Read more »

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