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10 years ago

To Which Nation Do You Really Owe Loyalty? Addressing this to the White Racialist Movement only, I pose the above question in all seriousness, “To which Nation do you really owe loyalty?” It is not an idle question. It strikes to the root of the reason for the White Right’s many failures and few successes. The contradictions of the White Right lie in their own inability to address themselves to the question and to answer in honesty. What is your nation? What does the word nation itself mean? Is it a land mass which has either natural or man-made boundaries? Is it one specific part of a continent? Is it the earth and the waters and the air on which people dwell? Is it the… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

Are you serious about the 14 words bill?

Reply to  CoolBRguy.
10 years ago

On this show alone you called 9 out of 10 people in the White Nationalist movement Drunks or drug abusers. You were also ranting on how bad it is that people are drinking everyday and how they are not supposed to be doing that, it kills brain cells. Its poison. Yet 2 of the hosts on this network and one of them who left the network drink pretty much all the time. Does that discredit their work? Mike did a show a while ago talking in reply to you making the EXACT same points you did on this roundtable. Looks like Jim Goldstein was also in reply to you. Thats just My opinion. Keep in mind that it was the BEERhall Putsch. Not the Cranberryjuicehall… Read more »

Reply to  CoolBRguy.
10 years ago

Hey CoolBRGuy,

I agree with you’re main point about the 14 Words. Even though I helped create two beautiful, intelligent, white children, I feel I can do more. So I decided to connect with an attractive, Scottish woman that also believes in the 14 Words and wants to do her part. She was a frequent listener and someone who participated in the chat room until she was banished/ostracized.

Now for some reason, I can no longer post in the chat room…

Reply to  CoolBRguy.
10 years ago

Bread i cannot answer your comment. But thank you very much for your positive feedback.
I feel sorry for you and your misses being banished off the chat.

Do your part and save our race. 14 words.

10 years ago

Great roundtable, Sid did a great job hosting and the callers were great too. I was glad to hear the conversation about alcoholism. I used to be addicted to many different things and coincidentally alcohol is my only vice left. I needed to hear that at this point. You never know what topic will come up and what impact it can have. Great broadcast all the way around!!!

10 years ago

For Tom and other new people that think Obama runs everything,
this site has the names and photos of the Jews in all control:

10 years ago

What the fuck is up with this guy Nick being such a dick to a little kid? Bill, or Sid, or someone should have told him to shut the fuck up. That seems really suspicious to me.

10 years ago

Hey, you got a great meme slogan right there, regarding Teh Jews being kicked out of 109 countries to date? as you said…. “110..and never again”. Pretty catchy and cryptic enough to warrant further research [if the subjectee is not up to speed]

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