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Charlie covers current events, such as geopolitics, corona craziness, BLM and antifa chaos, child predators and more.

Kyle reads an expose of Dugin and his massive team of subversive who have been leading the Alt Right, New Right, and Identitarian movements in the West in order to create the (((Eurasian))) empire.

Charlie talks about the directions things are heading and continues talking about how the Christians are deluded into thinking they are the special people who will be saved in the end.

Charlie discusses some of the developing stories from the past week.

Kyle talks about Scott Wiener’s move to decriminalize pederasty in California, Faceberg banning any mention of jewish power, anti-White attacks and the jewdicial system, and heeb vaccine pushers.


Charlie talks about the unbearable stench of Christianity and how Christians are weighed down with the words and “will” of Yahweh.

Charlies goes over some recent headlines and takes lots of callers.

Kyle talks about his own experiences trying to stay sane in this crazy culture.

Charlie finishes up his presentation on the “loving” nature of God and Jesus, talks about the prideful boasting of Christians, monkey see monkey do, and more.

Charlie talks about the recent covid craziness in Dr. Fauci’s neighborhood, along with loads of manufactured racial strife. Put on your goggles and get aboard the trolley.

Kyle talks about the “globalist” CovidPass, intersectionality in battling “the virus”, how White racism is a public health crisis, and more.

Kyle reads through some articles that complain about how “far right extremists” are promoting organic living, veganism, and environmentalism.

Charlie gets back to some good old Bible bashing, showing how Yahweh is not a loving god in the least.

Charles talks about the sorry state of affairs we find ourselves in today.

Kyle talks about the issues of the day, mostly regarding the corona conspiracy and the anti-White hated, and then takes a call.

Kyle covers some stories from the past and present to show the malicious idiocy of anti-Whitism.

Charlie continues talking about how classic torture techniques are being employed to in order to “combat” the “virus.”

Charlie talks about how the pandemic BS contines to ramp up while racial tensions are pushed to a boiling point.

Kyle goes over a selection of anti-White stories from the week.

Charles talks about what our enemies are getting away with without anyone rising up against them.

Charlie talks about the continuing covid clampdown, mandatory vaccines, racial unrest, Ghislaine Maxwell, and takes a lot of calls.

Kyle goes through some of the current insanity of our world, including Trump wanting to legally commit White genocide

Kyle talks about the massive uptick in black violent crime in the United States and how it is being enabled.

Charles talks about the current events of this crazy world and takes some callers.

Kyle goes over some recent stories and talks about how we cannot allow this madness to continue.

Kyle does a show about how the Planet of the Apes movies are obviously about the genocide and enslavement of White people.

Charles finishes his talk about the early epidemic in the New World and how the Indians were converted after. Then he gets into how Christians have long been fooled by jews who embrace jesus in public, and other ridiculous solutions to the jewish problem.

Charlie talks about how so many people are falling for Communist front groups, which are all being propped up by jewish media, and advocating for getting rid of the police. He also talks about the re-lockdown and takes calls.

Kyle discusses the current Communist revolution in America and then gets into a bit of the history of Pol Pot’s Year Zero in Cambodia.

Charles talks about our current situation with the plandemic, then talks about how when the Old Testament Pilgrims came to the New World the villages were empty due to a previous plague, while also taking a number of callers.

Charlie talks about the ongoing subversion of our country by a fake public health emergency and anti-White racial warfare via Communist agents.

Kyle reads the report about himself from the jewish supremacist website Canary Mission.

Charlie finishes his presentation about how vaccines are being made increasingly mandatory, even though they are filled with known neurotoxins and other poisons.

Charlie talks about the chaos engulfing America and how it is all engineered for specific agendas.

Kyle discusses the most recent developments in the anti-White assault and the role being played by jews.

Charlie discusses our current situation and then reads through many old newspaper ads that show how jews were the main sellers of slaves.

Charlie takes a bunch of calls and discusses the pressing issues of the day.

Kyle talks about how jews are using Black people as a proxy army in their bolshevik takeover of the Western world.

Charlie continues talking about the profitable toxic soup that is being injected into almost everyone and doing untold damage.

Charlie talks about the hoax and the resulting controlled chaos that is furthering our enemy’s agendas.

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